My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 451

Chapter 451: Semi-Finals (One)

After Ming Xiu left, Lou Mu Yan curbed her emotions and took out the Seven-Coloured Glazed Cauldron.

She dripped a drop of blood essence in the centre of the cauldron and a layer of colourful light suddenly enveloped her entire body.

Lou Mu Yan closed her eyes within the colourful halo and her mind and heart slowly communicated with the Seven-Coloured Glazed Cauldron little by little.

Two hours later, the layer of seven-coloured light turned into a stone, sparkling with dreamy brilliance and flew into the centre of Lou Mu Yan’s forehead.

She slowly opened her eyes and with a gesture of her hand, the Seven-Coloured Glazed Cauldron on the table immediately shrank and flew into her palm.

“This Seven-Coloured Glazed Cauldron isn’t a Peak-Quality Saint Treasure at all.” Lou Mu Yan had a joyous smile on her face.

Mo Yan flipped over lazily and looked at her, asking: “The appraiser at Tian’yuan City isn’t some amateur right? Is there some hidden secret?”

“With their methods of appraising the Seven-Coloured Glazed Cauldron, at best it’ll just be a Peak-Quality Saint Treasure.”

Lou Mu Yan paused, then said: “Of course, even if the Seven-Coloured Glazed Cauldron recognised someone else as Owner, they still may not be able to discover its secret.”

“Stop keeping me guessing.” Mo Yan rolled his eyes at her.

“This Seven-Coloured Glazed Cauldron actually has seven layers of seals. Each layer represents a kind of Elemental Energy attribute, and only those who possesses all these seven kinds of Elemental Energy attributes, and have reached Great Achievement Realm or above in all of them, would be able to open all the seals.”

Lou Mu Yan rubbed the small cauldron fondly, “After the seven layers of seals is torn off, this cauldron will be upgraded to a Divine Tool.”

“So that’s how it is. It’s just that there are few people in this world who have seven Elemental Energy attributes at the same time, and there’s practically no one who can comprehend them all to Great Achievement Realm and above. You sure made a profit this time.” Mo Yan’s dull eyes overflowed with smiles, “Divine Tools are even heavily competed for in Guang’ling World.”

“Mm. I really made a profit this time.” She believed that one day, the seven Elemental Energy attributes she possessed would all reach Great Achievement and above.

When Ming Xiu was leaving, he reminded her in a whisper that the Seven-Coloured Glazed Cauldron wasn’t so simple and told her to communicate to the Magic Tool with her heart. She didn’t expect it to be such a pleasant surprise.

She rubbed her chin and looked at Mo Yan, asking: “Ming Xiu should know the secret of this Seven-Coloured Glazed Cauldron. Do you think he’s from Guang’ling World?”

She thought about the things regarding Ming Xiu from when they met to now and she only had the feeling that this man was too powerful, too mysterious, was knowledgeable and had a lot of means—not at all like someone from this small interface.

“Don’t know. I can’t see through him.” Mo Yan revealed a bit of solemnity. He could even see through Jun Luo Chen, but for Ming Xiu, aside from him being mysterious and dangerous, he simply couldn’t secure any information about him.

“But I can be sure that he’s not a projected avatar from the upper interface.” After thinking about it, Mo Yan added, “If you want to know, can’t you just ask him?”

He could feel that the man loved and cherished Lou Mu Yan from the bottom of his heart, otherwise how could he allow Ming Xiu to approach her.

“It’s boring to explain everything.” Lou Mu Yan’s eyes were filled with interest, “Wouldn’t it be more interesting to slowly uncover it yourself?”

“Boring.” Mo Yan was too lazy to pay attention to her and closed his eyes to rest.

Lou Mu Yan smiled and studied the Seven-Coloured Glazed Cauldron again, then used it to refine several Grade 5 pills.

When the pills came out, she discovered that refining the pills with the Seven-Coloured Glazed Cauldron not only reduced the consumption of Mental Energy by half, but the pill’s quality and quantity also increased.

“Sure enough, it’s something good.” She loved it so much she couldn’t put it down, and played with the small cauldron, her mood soaring.

Early the next morning, Lou Mu Yan went to the competition arena to participate in the semi-finals.josei

The entire competition field was crowded with people and the viewing seats were filled to the brim, a lot more than the preliminaries.

Next to the referee’s seat and the seats of the superiors of the Sects, there was a row of viewing seats for the top forces of the continent.

Not long after entering the venue, the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Secret Palace said another passionate round of encouraging words.

The names of all the participating pupils had been changed on the spar using arrays in the competition area.

Lou Mu Yan saw that her first match was still the semi-finals of the Alchemy Competition.

When the time arrived, she walked over to the Alchemy Competition’s arena and waited to enter.

After reading their names, the referee read out the rules, “The semi-finals of the Alchemy Competition is divided into three rounds. The first two rounds require the participating pupils to use the given materials and the name of the pill to refine the corresponding pill, and those who fail one match will be eliminated directly.

“For the Alchemy Competition’s third round, we will give you a pill formula and a bunch of Spiritual Herbs. You need to find the Spiritual Herbs on the pill formula and use the correct method to refine. There are three chances in total, and those who fail will be eliminated immediately.

“Alright, the competition starts now.”

After the referee announced the match, Lou Mu Yan picked up the pill that needed to be refined and looked at it—Grade 4 Energy Nourishing Pill.

The same pill as in the preliminaries, but the required grade has risen by a level.

In fact, many kinds of pills have room for upgrading, as long as one added some other Spiritual Herbs into it to improve the level and increase the age of the Spiritual Herbs added.

However, the pills that can be upgraded from a low level to a high level are even harder to refine. It not only required previous refining experience, but one also needed to carefully search for refining inspiration again and again.

It’s just that this may be difficult for other Alchemies, but it’s a small appetiser for her1.

Not to mention that there were ready-prepared Spiritual Herbs and refining methods here—just with an upgrade segment—but even if it was missing the pill formula, with her abilities, she could still recover it.

Without hesitation, she picked up the first tray on the table and tossed everything on it into the pill cauldron.

Then she divided her Mental Energy into more than twenty wisps to wrap around each individual Spiritual Herb in the caldron and started to control the flames to refine.

In the viewing seats of the superiors, the several Headmasters of the Sects were stunned when they saw that Lou Mu Yan was still using this method to refine pills.

“That girl threw all the Spiritual Herbs into the pill cauldron again. Isn’t she too careless.” The Headmaster of the Vast Mountain Sect kept wanting to find fault.

One of the Headmasters of the Medicine Sect sighed and said: “There is a world of difference between Grade 4 pills and Grade 3 pills. It’s not wise for her to continue to refine pills like this just to conserve time.”

“What do you old things know? The best is what suits you. Since Lou girl dares to refine it like this, then she must have her own plans and confidence, does she need you all to judge her?” Huo Ling Long snorted coldly.

The Headmaster of the Vast Mountain Sect was holding back anger, “Then let’s wait and see.”

“Ling Long, your hot temper is too easy to offend people.” Before Huo Ling Long could speak, a sigh sounded in her Sea of Consciousness. The pupils in her almond-shaped eyes constricted.

As soon as she looked up, she saw the handsome face with a look of worry. She took a deep breath and turned her head to the side, replying telepathically, “You and I aren’t familiar with each other. If you keep babbling on lao’niang will beat you up as well.”

It wasn’t difficult to hear the estrangement and anger in her voice. The Sect Leader of the Heavenly Secret Palace sighed inwardly again and stopped talking.

Around an incense stick of time later, Lou Mu Yan slapped the cauldron and five lustrous pills flew into the air. After they fell, she placed them in a bottle.

“Referee, I’ve finished refining.”

After she succeeded in refining, the other pupils beside her were still refining Spiritual Herbs one by one. When they heard her voice, they almost couldn’t help but swear.

Did she have to be so fast? Many people maintained the refining of Spiritual Herbs while glancing around, and only when they saw that the other people were still refining did they sigh with relief.

Sure enough, only this woman was an abnormal person…

1I could translate this straight to ‘a piece of cake’ (i.e. easy) but Chinese has their own version ‘a small appetiser’ (小菜一碟). Isn’t it weird how both of them have to do with a small portion of food and both mean ‘this is easy to do’? And yet it’s a phrase where new learners of each language will be going ‘what does food have to do with easy???’ HAHA totally random thought I had…

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