My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 518

Chapter 518: Watch a Good Show

Note: Due to my poor organisation skills, this chapter is not only late, it is unedited *sob*. Anyways, will edit it very soon! Excuse any errors. For now, enjoy this~

The Blood-Devouring Ants of tier 8 continued to attack fiercely, and a new wave would come after the old were burnt by the fire.

Jin Se and the others on the flying Magic Tool in the distance felt chills as they watched the dense Blood-Devouring Ants. Fortunately, Lou Mu Yan appeared in time, otherwise they really would’ve become food to the ant colony.

Lou Mu Yan was very welcoming of the arrival of the Tier 8 Blood-Devouring Ants, as that meant that Chi Huang’s snacks would increase—the more the better.

Lou Mu Yan was very fond of Miao Miao and Chi Huang whom she raised since childhood.

The Spirit Flames in the array seemed to erupt from the groups in clusters unceasingly, and almost all the Tier 8 Blood-Devouring Ants became nourishment for Xue Xue.

“Mo Yan, let’s go take a look.”

Lou Mu Yan formed a few talist seals to stabilsie the array, then in the blink of an eye, with a flash, a few aftermimages appeared and she disappeared into the fire array without anyone noticing.

Inside the Blood-Devouring Ants nest.

After Lou Mu Yan lured the majority of the Blood-Devouring Ants, there were only a few dozen Blood-Devouring Ants left to guard the Empress. Gǔ Ning Meng and her party cleaned them up and rushed into the main nest easily.

After all, there weren’t many chances to easily get close to the Tier 9 Blood-Devouring Ant Empress. In the past, there were always tens of thousands of Blood-Devouring Ants in the periphery, which they didn’t dare to provoke.

“They’ve entered the main lair.” Mo Yan said.

Lou Mu Yan’s lips curled into a smile of ridicule: “Do they think the Tier 9 Blood-Devouring Ant empress is really that easy to deal with?”

Then she chuckled: “Let’s go watch a good show first, then wait for them to pave the way for us.”

“Naturally. They used us to clean the Blood-Devouring Ant Colony, so we should let them pace the way first.” Mo Yan also had a smile in his eyes, “It’s better for them to die together.”

“Mo Yan, I’ve found that you’ve turned bad.” Lou Mu Yan said in amusement.

In the past, Mo Yan liked to use direct violence, but he also learnt how to be indirect.

Mo Yan glanced at her with a smile in his eyes, “I learnt this from you.”

“…” Lou Mu Yan rolled her eyes—was she really that evil?

The one person one beast hid their auras and slowly entered the main lair.

The corpses of the Tier 8 Blood-Devouring Ants were everywhere outside, butt he crystal core and the key parts that could be used for smithing had already been taken away by the group.

Lou Mu Yan was in a good mood. She had already instructed Xue Xue to put away the corpses of the Tier 7 and 8 Blood-Devouring Ants, then use them all to refine weapons for the Lou Clan’s private army.josei

The Empress’s main lair was very deep within, and there were dozens of passages. With Mo Yan’s ability, Lou Mu Yan walked in front the one on the right.

[JI JI!!]

The closer they got to the depths, the sharper the Blood-Devouring Ant Empress’s cry became. She was filled with energy and was obviously in a state of rage, but she wasn’t inured.

After walking for about an incense stick of time, Lou Mu Yan put an Invisibility Talisman on her and walked right in openly and confidently.

Inside was an open area and the walls of the cave were covered with insect eggs.

Gǔ Ning Meng and the others were holding their Magic Tools dealing with the more than a dozen Blood-Devouring Ants who was already half-step to Tier 9.

From time to time, the Blood-Devouring Ant Queen would sprew firelights from her mouth, causing the several people to be in a very sorry state.

There were three corpses that had already been bitten in half on the ground, and they seemed to be Gǔ Ning Men’s people.

“Young Miss Gǔ, what should we do now?” The several people joined together to kill the two Blood-Devouring Ants and quickly met up as the yellow-clothed woman asked anxiously.

Gǔ Ning Men’s face sank.She didn’t expect such high-level Blood-Devouring Ants to be hidden in the main nest.

Looking greedily at the Blood-Devouring Ant Epmpress, she took out two Grade 6 talismans and tossed them towards the remaining Tier 8 Blood-Devouring Ants.


Following the loud noises, the two talismans instantly erupted with violent and manic power, turning into a cloud of fire and engulfing the several Blood-Devouring Ants.

[JI JI!!] The Blood-Devouring Ant’s Empress’s voice grew even more furious.

Meanwhile, Lou Mu Yan and Mo Yan exchanged a look, but didn’t act. They bothw atited to atch the good show of the group with smiles in their eyes.

The others watched with joy as the Blood-Devouring Ants were burnt to death by the flames, but no one noticed that a vew slender golden vines quietly drilled out from underground to take away the crystal cores within the flames.

Gǔ Ning Meng and the others weren’t in a hurry to find the crystal cores either, but instead focused all their attention on the Empress of the Blood-Devouring Ant.

“Don’t hide anything, let’s go together.” After Gǔ Ning Meng finished speaking, she took the lead and slashed towards the Blood-Devouring Ant Empress with a crimson sword.

The others took out their Maic Tools and swarmed up, using their strongest attacks to slash at the Blood-Devouring Ant Empress.

Just when the group thought that they would succeed, who knew that the space fluctuated, and a more than three metre high Tier 9 Blood-Devouring Ant suddenly appeared in front of the Blood-Devouring Ant empress.

It ground its two hideous fangs, starred with eyes bigger than copper bells, and waved its feet line pinders a few times. The sword auras swung by Gǔ Ning Meng and the others all dissipated.

A powerful Demonic Energy swept out, and Gǔ Ning Meng and the others were all blasted heavily towards the walls on the edges.

“PU!” Several people with weaker strength spat out a mouthful of blood.

“What? There’s actually a Tier 9 Blood-Devouring Ant in ambus.” The yellow-clothed woman exclaimed, her eyes filled with panic.

Then, together with the others, they quickly gathered beside Gǔ Ning Meng.

Gǔ Ning Meng’s expression was very gloomy. She didn’t expect that the Tier 9 Blood-Devouring Ant Empress would be guarded by a similarly Tier 9 male ant. The chance of this was very slim, but they sure were unlucky enough to meet it.

The Tier 9 Blood-Devouring Ant didn’t give them time to resist, and killed the two closest to it, then quickly attacked Gǔ Ning Meng.

Although Gǔ Ning Meng was at Peak-Phase Sword Venerable, and if she didn’t suppress her cultivation base, she could advance to Swrod Saint, but she wasn’t a Sword Saint right now and wasn’t the opponent of the Late-Phase Tier 9 Blood-Devouring Ant at all.

Seeing the other party open its fangs to bite her, she didn’t move, until the Blood-Devouring Ant was about to bite her head.

She toughened her heart, then took out an Advanced-Level Grade 6 talisman and quickly activated it.

A sword light with a strike from a Sword Deity suddenly flew out of the talisman at power of lightning and thunder and instantly entered the Blood-Devouring Ant’s forehead.

The Tier 9 Blood-Devouring Ant’s eyes widened, stopped moving, and its pupils began to dilate, but at the very last moment, it woke up.

As if knowing that he was about to die, he used his last breath to detonate the crystal core in his yao’fu.

[BOOM BOOM!!] A huge sound exploded, and the entire cave shook.

[JI JI!] The sound of explosions was accompanied by the desolate rage of the Blood-Devouring Ant Empress.

After the smoke in the case dissipated, Lou Mu Yan saw that there was a shield in front of Gǔ Ning Meng which had already shattered, but it blocked around eighty percent of the power of the self-detonation.

Gǔ Ning Meng and the several people near her were in ragged clothes, messy hair, and wet with blood on their faces. Although they weren’t dead, but they were seriously injured.

The Blood-Devouring Ant Empress was also affected by the power of her companion’s self-destruction, but only suffered some minor injuries. She frantically sprayed fire at Gǔ Ning Meng and the others.

Gǔ Ning Meng immediately took out a small blue ball. After activating it, it turned into a sky-blue light cover to envelop the several people in it.

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