My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 608

Chapter 608: Meet Leng Yi Again

Sorry! In a rush so here’s an unedited version! Will edit asap.

Early the next morning, Lou Mu Yan took Wu Huan for a stroll around Qing’zhou city.

Qing’zhou Prefrcture was very largw and several streets of the main city were bustling with people, very busy.

It wasn’t the first time for Wu Nuan to come to Qing’zhou City and was still quite familiar with it.

“Mu Yan, what do you want to get?”

Lou Mu Yan smiled lightly and said: “is there a place that sells spiritual herbs in Qing’zhou city?”

“Yes, there’s a vranch of the Ming Chamber of Commerece Alliance in Qing’zhou City, and it’s relatively complete there.” Wu Nuan replied.

Lou Mu Yan was slightly surprised: “there’s also the Ming Chamber of Commerce Alliance here?”

“Yeah! The Ming Chamber of Commerce Alliance is one of the largest chambers of commerce in the Human Realm. You can buy many things in places where there’s the Ming Chamber of Commerce Alliance.” Wu Nuan nodded.

“Is the Ming Chamber of Commerce Alliance an organisation belonging to the Ming Palace?” Lou Mu Yan asked.

“I’m not too sure either.” Wu Nuan thought for a while and replied helplessly, “An organisation that can be named with the surname Ming must mean the Ming Chamber of Commerce Alliance is related to the Ming Palace.”

Aggwr chatting with Lou Mu Yan a few times, she discovered that she was actually so unfamiliar with the Guang’ling Realm that she had grown up in for so long. Her previous like was truly like a frog at the bottom of a well, only knowing to sit and watch the sky, not at all thinking to explore the world outside the well.

Of course, she also had no choice before. Now, meeting Lou Mu Yan was her greatest fortune and she could finally stop struggling in that small world.

There was a strange light in Lou Mu Yan’s eyes, “Then let’s go to the Ming Chamber of Commerce Alliance for a look.”


Wu Nuan led Lou Mu Yan around a street, and walked foe about an hour before arriving at a prosperous building with primitive simplicity.

“This is the store of the Ming Chamber of Commerce Alliance. Auctions are held on the second floor from time to time. Merchants and mercenaries on the Continent all like to trade items at the Ming Chamber of Commerce Alliance. ” Wu Nuan said, pointing to the towering building.

“Mm. Let’s go in.”

When the two entered the shop, a waiter in blue immediately greeted them and asked with a smile: “Do you two young misses want to purchase something?”

“I want to take a look at spiritual herbs.” Lou Mu Yan took out a list of spirirual herbs that she had prepared to buy and handed it to the waiter: “Do you have any of these?”

“Alright!” The waiter took the list and looked at it, disguised the surprise in his eyes and said after a while: “Young Miss, we only have a tjird of the spirirual herbs you want here.”

There were quite a few rare grade 7 spiritual herbs on this list, and these weren’t for sale.

Lou Mu Yan thought for a while, then took out a palm-sized silver token and handed it over and said: “How about buying them with a silver distinguished guest token.”

Aftwr arriving in Guang’ling World, she found that she pattern on tbe silver-level Ming Token given to her by Minh Xiu had changed instantly and a complex and difficult spell entered her mind.

Only then did she realise that the Ming Token given to her by Ming Xiu wad the highest-level Purple-gold Token of the Ming Chamber of Commerce Alliance. As long as she refined it, it even had the function of freely changing the distinguished guest level and could be activated after entering Guang’ling World.

After she refined the Ming Token, she could freely control the level of the distinguished guest token. In order not to be conspicuous, she transformed it into a silver distinguished guest token.

When the waiter saw the silver Ming Alliance Token, his eyes shook, and he immediately said respectfully: “Young Miss, please follow me to the private room om tbe third floor. I will go and invite the steward in charge of the silver-ranked distinguished guests to come over.”

“Alright!” Lou Mu Yan’s expression was indifferent.

Wu Nuan was exceptionally astonished inwardly, but she didn’t reveal any strangeness on her face. Sbe followed her up to tbe third floor.

Aftwr she sat down, she didn’t ask Lou Mu Yan about the Ming Alliance Token. She only needed to know that Lou Mh Gan was someone worthy of her trust and she wouldn’t deliberately inquire about other things.

After the two sat down, a waitress came in and made a pot of spiritual tea.

Lou Mu Yan took a sip of spiritual tea, looked at Wu Nuan and said: “don’t you have anything to ask me?”

“I believe you.” Wu Nuan replied with a slight smile.

Lou Mu Yan felt much happier after hearing her words. Wu Nuan had s clear and understanding heaet and a very pleasing temperament.

“The list I gave just now contains the spiritual herbs for refining the Flesh Regeneration Pill. As long as I buy them all, I can refine the Flesh Regeneratiok Pill to heal the wounds on your face.” Lou Mj Yan said while holding a teacup.

The Flesh Regeneration Pill could rejuvenate one’s skin. All the disfigured injuries on Wu Nuan’s face were scratched by herself as long as she took tbe Flesh Rejuvenation Pill, the wounds on her face would heal and her appearance would naturally recover.

Wu Nuan’s eyes bulges and she said with a stutter: “Mu Yan, you- you mean my- my appearance can be restored?”

“Yeah! After taking the Flesh Regeneration Pill, the skin on your face will heal and rejuvenate and your appearance will be restored within three days.” Lou Mu Yan smiled and nodded.

A thin layer of mist appeared in Wu Nuan’s eyes and she said gratefully: “Mu Yan, thank you!”

Before, she was forced to disfigure her face. It was a lie to say that she had no regrets and sadness. Women all lobed beauty. If it weren’t because they were forced, who would be willing to wear a veil forever and not be allowed to show others.

“There’s no need to be so polite between us.” Lou Mu Yan replied with a smile.josei

Then there was a knock at the door.

“Come in.” Lou amu Yan said lightly.

A stunning young woman dressed in a rose red dress with exquisite and glamorous appearanc walked in gracefully.

When Lou Mu Yan saw the person entering, surprise flashed across her eyes. This woman turned out to be Leng Yi, the auctioneer at the auction in tbe competition space.

At the same time, Leng Yi also revealed surprise when she saw that the person sitting in the private room was Lou Mu Yan.

“I didn’t expect to see Young Miss Lou in Guang’ling Word so soon.” Leng Yi’s voice was still tender and soft and she didn’t hide her surprise.

Lou Mu Yan chuckled: “I never thought that Young Miss Leng would be from Guang’ling World.”

Leng Yi smiled, “Young Miss Lou had seen a joke I was sent to Tian’ling continent for a specific reason then.”

Lou Mu Yan’s mental energy was very strong after no longer being suppressed by rhe interface laws, so she naturally discovered that the current Leng Yi wasn’t her original body, but just a double at Sword Sovereign stage.

She always felt that Leng Yi’s double on Tian’ling Continent should be related to Ming Xiu somewhat.

“I heard that Young Miss Lou wants to buy spiritual herbs this time?” Although Leng Yi was curious about why Lou Mu Yan didn’t teleport to the reception platform fixed for the ascending Sword Masters, and her cultivation base was only at Sword Venerable, but she didn’t ask further.

Everyone had their own secrets. Judging from the information sent back by the double in the lower realm in the competition space, she still had a good impression of Lou Mu Yan, this prodigy.

“Mm. I wonder if I can buy all the spiritual herbs I want with a silver level distinguished guest token?” Lou Mu Yan felt pretty good about Leng Yi when she saw her in thr competiton space last time and asked straight to the point with a smile.

Leng yi pondered for a while and replied: “Some of the spriitual herbs you want are rare grade 7 spriitual herbs, one of which we don’t have. The rest, we, the Ming Chamber of Commerce Alliance can gather for you.”

“Which kind?” Lou Mu Yan asked.

Leng Yi pointed to the list and said: “We don’t have the Dragon Beard Herb.”

Lou Mu Yan furrowed her brows. The Dragon Beard Herb was the main ingredient she needed to refine tbe Pill to help Sword Deities breakthrough to the Core Elemental Realm again and condense a peak-quality golden core. If she didn’t have it, then it’d be troublesome.

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