My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 616

Chapter 616: Vigilance

Bu Zhan had a good relationship with Zhan Kuang. Seeing that he had several bloody holes all over his body, and the other three were also seriously injured, he sighed inwardly.

Who would’ve thought that the Five-Coloured Demonic Vine would be so cunning and vicious, lurking in ambush on the only path to enter the depths of the forest.

“Mu Yan, can I trouble you to take a look at Zhan Kuang’s injuries?”

He looked around and although the female physician from the Mad Wolf Mercenary Party wasn’t dead, but she was also seriously injured, and her clothes were also wet with blood, so he looked at Lou Mu Yan with a pleading look on his face.

Lou Mu Yan nodded: “Sure!”

She knelt down to feel the pulse of the woman whose breathing was getting weaker and weaker, and immediately took out a pack of white medicinal powder, sprinkling it on her wound. The bleeding stopped instantly, then she took out another Force Nourishing Pill for her to swallow.

Seeing her furrowing her brows slightly, Zhan Kuang asked urgently: “Young Miss Mu Yan, how is she?”

“She suffered serious internal injuries.” Lou Mu Yan gave Zhan Kuang and the others a reassuring look, “Although it’s a bit troublesome, but I can cure her, so don’t worry.”

Then she took out three packs of medicinal powder and three pills and handed them to Zhan Kuang, “Apply the medicinal powder to stop the bleeding first, then take a pill to recover, I’ll heal her first.”

“Alright, thank you, Young Miss Mu Yan!” Zhan Kuang gratefully took the medicinal powder and pills. It wasn’t time to be hypocritical right now.

Lou Mu Yan took out the golden needles and pricked the woman’s body in several places. Each needle was covered with a faint green glow.

After a while, the woman’s pale face regained some blood, and she gradually woke up from the coma.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she met a strikingly beautiful face. She was stunned and when she smelled the faint medicinal fragrance on the other person’s body, she slowly said: “Thank you for saving me!”josei

“You’re welcome. Don’t mobilise any elemental energy. Wait two hours for the effect of the medicine in the dan’tian to vanish first, then use.” Lou Mu Yan instructed.


After saving the girl from death’s door, Lou Mu Yan gave Zhan Kuang and the other two acupuncture with the golden needles. They took her pill and combined with the golden needle treatment, it only took two hours for most of their injuries to recover.

The members of the Gale Mercenary Party had taken risks countless times and they were familiar with such injuries. If it were being treated by the physician who quit before, it would’ve taken at least half a month to gradually recover.

But they never expected that it took Zhan Kuang and the others only two hours to recover.

They had a deeper understanding of Lou Mu Yan’s medical skills, and they were shocked once again. They surmised that she might not just be a grade 4 physician.

Right now, the members of the Gale Mercenary Party felt extremely fortunate to have met Lou Mu Yan when they went to the Mercenary Union to issue the task of recruiting a physician that day.

And now, both the members of the Gale Mercenary Party and Mad Wolf Mercenary Party felt that Lou Mu Yan was giving them a more and more mysterious feeling.

They guessed that she might be a young miss from a large clan, otherwise how could she have contracted a high-level Ice Luan Divine Beast spirit pet, and possessed such a refined and noble temperament.

But they didn’t really care much about her identity. They all remembered that they owed her a life.

When the four members of the Mad Wolf Mercenary Party had almost recovered, Bu Zhan asked: “What’re your plans now?”

The faces of all four revealed sadness. Zhan Kuang sighed and said: “Our Mad Wolf Mercenary Party has capsized in the gutter this time. We’d either disband or find a mercenary party to join.”

They were very sad for their dead teammates. After all, they were life or death partners for so long, yet there wasn’t even a complete body left, which was also a blow to them.

A team of four could no longer be a mercenary party. It could only be counted as a mercenary unit.

They had deep feelings for the profession of a mercenary. Although their heads were ‘hanging’ on their belts everyday, but they’d continue to be mercenaries no matter whether it was for survival or preference.

“As the head of Gale Mercenary Party, I invite the four of you to join our Gale Mercenary Party” Bu Zhan put his hand on top of his heart and sincerely invited the four of them.

Zhan Kuang and the other three team members were startled, and without hesitation, “We’re willing to join the Gale Mercenary Party.”

The two mercenary parties had cooperated more than a dozen times, and they were very familiar with each other. It was better to join Gale than to join other unfamiliar mercenary parties.

“Zhan Kuang, from now on, you’ll be the deputy head of my Gale Mercenary Party. From now on, we’ll be brothers who share life and death.” Bu Zhan stretched out his hand and patted Zhan Kuang’s shoulder.

Zhan Kuang didn’t refuse either. He knew it was Bu Zhan’s kindness and he was indeed up to this position, “Alright, brother.”

The Gale Mercenary Party all welcomed the four who joined them. In fact, they wanted to invite Lou Mu Yan to officially join the mercenary party too, but they guessed that she might have an extraordinary status, so they suppressed this impulse.

“Our injuries have recovered a lot, let’s move on.” Zhan Kuang stood up and said.


It was unwise to remain in one place in the core area of Qing’yuan Forest and there had been bloody battles here.

After the two mercenary parties buried the bones of the dead, they headed deeper together.

Along the way, Bing Ji released the aura of a Late-Phase Tier 9 demonic beast to frighten the demonic beasts lurking around, so it had been pretty peaceful.

Three days later, they came to a deep and winding canyon.

“Passing through this canyon is the deep core of Qing’yuan Forest, everyone be careful.” Bu Zhan reminded everyone.


After stepping into the canyon, they found traces of trampling on the grass below, indicating that someone had already entered the depths first and there were quite a few of them.

“I wonder if those people are going after the Dragon Beard Beasts.” Bu Zhan said thoughtfully.

Zhan Kuang also revealed slight solemnity on his face, “Qing’yuan Forest is extremely rich in resources. Many people who enter the depths at this time of the year should be for the Dragon Beard Herb and several other kinds of spiritual herbs. We should be vigilant.”

The mercenary parties weren’t always harmonious among each other. It was common for many mercenary parties to fight for mission items or resources and build grudges.

So in such a dangerous place, they not only had to guard against the demonic beasts and plants’ attack, but also guard against other Sword Masters.

Lou Mu Yan glanced faintly at the messy footprints trampled on the ground. There was still a trace of aura left on them.

“You can also tell right.” Mo Yan laid on Lou Mu Yan’s shoulder. There weren’t many ripples in his indifferent eyes.

“Mm. Among the people who entered Qing’yuan Forest ahead, there should Core Elemental Realm powerhouses, and no less than ten Sword Deities.” Lou Mu Yan said cautiously.

“Among them are two Sword Masters at Initial-Phase Core Elemental Realm, thirteen Sword Deities, and twenty Sword Saints.” Mo Yan paused, then said: “They’re two groups.”

“Such strength is also for the Dragon Beard Herb?” Lou Mu Yan furrowed her brows. She just felt that the purpose of those two powerful groups shouldn’t be simple.

Mo Yan pondered for a while and said: “No, they must have another purpose.”

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