My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 712

Chapter 712: Stinky Brat that Lives off One Person but Helps Another

Lou Mu Yan brought up the brewed and chilled spiritual wine, and the rich, sweet, and mellow aroma of the wine wafted around. The eyes of the several powerhouses all lit up.

The elderly man in gold took the lead and poured a glass. He took a sip and his mouth filled with fragrance, “Great wine!”

This time, Lou Mu Yan didn’t add the Millennium-Old Royal Jelly into the spiritual wine, so she made the wine with a higher alcohol content. Although it was easy to feel slightly drunk, but it was hard for these old alcoholics to put down.

The others also poured a glass each, and after drinking it, there was an endless, pleasant aftertaste, “Good wine, good wine!”

“The spiritual wine brewed by the little girl’s actually much purer than those old things of the Stream Reflection Restaurant who’re so arrogant, and I can’t help but linger in my memory.” The elderly man in white praised.

The elderly man in gold smiled merrily, and gave Ming Xiu a look as if complimenting, “Haha, stinky brat’s pretty good, you found a good wife. If anyone in the imperial family dares to oppose you two, this old man will support you.”

He knew that there were a few stubborn old things in the clan who asked the heirs of the imperial family to marry women of first-class clans related to the Ming Palace Royal Clan, and was especially eyeing Ming Xiu, the most precious son of Emperor Ming.

“That’s right, my vision’s even stronger than my talent, so of course the wife I find is the best.” Ming Xiu smiled smugly and said domineeringly and wildly: “If anyone dares to oppose us, no need for Imperial Ancestor to take action, I’ll personally make their lives worse than death.”

“Good, as expected of this old man’s great-grandson. Those old things are just too stubborn, it’s about time to suppress their arrogance.” The elderly man in gold was as domineering and arrogant as Ming Xiu.

Most of the power of the Ming Palace Royal Clan was held in the hands of Emperor Ming and his trusted aids, but a third of the power was still controlled by the independent clan Elders of the royal family. This was a disadvantage that had continued down for tens of thousands of years.

He was clear that the current Emperor Ming had long wanted to clean up those old things who only knew how to eat and not work, and who nit-picked everything.

He was the grandfather of Emperor Ming, so he naturally stood on his grandson’s side.

“Grandson obeys the advice of Imperial Ancestor.” Ming Xiu’s lips curled into a smile.

Recently, those old things wanted him to marry women from the Fēng Clan1 or the Mu Clan2. After he returned this time, he must show them who to fear, then release Imperial Ancestor, this trump card. Either way, it was a waste not to use him.

“That group of stubborn Clan Elders in the royal family really should be rectified. Many rogues and hedonists in the Central State are their descendants.” The elderly man in white interjected.

The Ancestor of the Feng Clan also agreed and said: “If those decrepit old things dare to touch my Yan girl, lao’zi will absolutely arrive at their door and beat one up as I see one.”

Lou Mu Yan looked at the Ancestor of the Feng Clan with a smile on her face at his domineering and violent words, feeling warm inside.

“I will protect my woman, don’t worry, Ancestor Feng.” Ming Xiu replied.

The elderly man in gold rolled his eyes at Ming Xiu without a good attitude, “Stinky brat, you’ve got a free worker but you won’t use him, what an idiot.”

He said so, but in his heart, he really liked Ming Xiu, this great-grandson. He was domineering and courageous—as expected of the most outstanding prince of their Ming Palace Royal Clan and was even more exceptional than Emperor Ming when he was a prince back then.

“Ancestor Feng is also my senior, how could I trouble him so much?’ Ming Xiu smiled amiably.

“Stinky brat, you really forgot your dad and ancestor after having a wife.” The elderly man glared at Ming Xiu.

“HAHA…” The Ancestor of the Feng Clan laughed happily.

Lou Mu Yan’s wine-making skills convinced the top experts of the Continent, so they all gave Lou Mu Yan a meeting gift.

After the golden-clothed man gave Lou Mu Yan a meeting gift, Ming Xiu leaned over and said with a smile: “Imperial Ancestor, this is my wife, and also your great-granddaughter-in-law, shouldn’t you give another separate meeting gift?

“I heard that you have an Aeolian Fluorite Essence3, your great-granddaughter just happens to need to refine a natal wind element magic tool, how about you help a little.” Ming Xiu continued rascally.

The elderly man in gold choked, and glared at Ming Xiu, “You stinky brat that lives off one person but helps another, you’re very clear on what lao’zi has, why don’t you give me something out of filial piety.”

“I’ll show filial piety to you together with your great-granddaughter-in-law in the future.” Ming Xiu said with a smile: “Why don’t you think about how after having this great-granddaughter-in-law, will you still lack spiritual wine?

“In the future, you can just completely ignore that grade 8 spiritual wine master old thing that’s so arrogant in the Ming Palace, and if those old fellows in the Stream Reflection Restaurant wants to extort you of your treasures again, you can also just not give them face.” Ming Xiu incited.

His Imperial Ancestor was a heavy alcoholic, and he’d definitely make his wife brew wine in the future. If he didn’t extort some more here, wouldn’t his wife be at a disadvantage.

“Humph, at least you, stinky brat, has some conscience.” The elderly man in gold huffed, but a smile overflowed from his gaze.

From now on, he’d take the spiritual wine brewed by his great-granddaughter-in-law to slap the faces of those old things who often tried to extort his treasures. Those old fellows that’ve lived for thousands of years weren’t even as good as his twenty-year-old great-granddaughter-in-law, yet they’re not embarrassed to come out and act arrogant.

He took out a few silver stones with a circle of fluorescent white liquid in the middle and tossed them to Ming Xiu, “Stinky brat, go use them to court her.”

Ming Xiu took the things unceremoniously and immediately stuffed them to Lou Mu Yan, “Wife, take it, this is a meeting gift from our Imperial Ancestor.”

Lou Mu Yan couldn’t resist twitching the corner of her lips and put it away in amusement. It was the first time she saw such a thick-skinned Ming Xiu.

“Thank you, Imperial Ancestor.” She looked at the elderly man in gold with a sweet smile.

The elderly man in gold stroked his beard in satisfaction, “Little girl sure is well-behaved and lovable, this old man recognises this great-granddaughter-in-law.”josei

Then he turned his head to look at Ming Xiu and said: “Stinky brat, hurry up and marry her back, I’m still waiting to hold my great-great-grandchildren.”

“…” Lou Mu Yan smiled wordlessly and didn’t reply.

Ming Xiu smiled helplessly and said: “I sure would like to, but now isn’t the time.”

The Ancestor of the Feng Clan rolled his eyes at the elderly man in gold, “Don’t scheme anything you old thing, my Yan girl will stay for a few more years before she gets married.”

That cheap father of the Lou siblings hadn’t arrived yet, how could she get married.

“You two old things just keep showing off in front of us.” The several other elderly men snorted a few times in dissatisfaction.

They also wondered to themselves why the stinky brats of their clan didn’t have the discerning eyes of Ming Xiu to find a good wife to bring back.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t be short of spiritual wine in the future either.

“Just keep being jealous.” The elderly man in gold laughed triumphantly.

The Ancestor of the Feng Clan glanced at him and said: “Yan girl hasn’t married over yet, so don’t be too complacent, you old thing.”

“HAHA, it’s just a matter of time.” The elderly man in gold looked at the envious, jealous, and hateful gazes of the others with smugness.

After he returned, he must go to the residence of the grade 8 spiritual wine master to act proud and satisfied. That old thing often didn’t give him any face.

Humph, was a grade 8 spiritual wine master something amazing? His great-granddaughter-in-law may also be a grade 9 spiritual wine master in the future.

The several powerhouses left happily after dividing up the grade 8 spiritual wine brewed by Lou Mu Yan.

During the final period of time that Lou Mu Yan stayed in the Feng Clan for, Lou Mu Yan gathered all the spiritual wine masters in the clan to guide them personally. Two advanced-level grade 6 spiritual wine masters successfully stepped into grade 7, which made the superiors of the Feng Clan beyond happy.

When the three-month deadline arrived, Lou Mu Yan also embarked on the road to join the Mercenary Union.

1this ‘fēng’ surname is 风 meaning wind, and Lou Mu Yan’s ‘Fèng’ Clan is 凤 meaning phoenix.

2Lol, I realised that prior to this chapter, there’s 2 other Mu Clans. One was obviously the 木 (Mù; wood) Clan that Mu Ning (the betrothed of LMY’s elder cousin brother Ling Fei Yang in lower interface) belongs to. While the other actually appeared BEFORE that in chapter 82, a character named Mu Yi from the 穆 (Mù; solemn, reverent, calm) Clan and last appeared in chapter 271. I don’t think I remembered to note that they were two different Mu Clans. The Mu Clan mentioned in this current chapter is also 穆 Clan. I don’t think there’s any need to think too deeply about the same clan name, and they may be three separate clans, or who knows, the 穆 Clan in the lower dimension might just be a division of theirs. But I don’t think it impacts the story.   

3I only just learnt Aeolian is related to wind, like how ‘pyro’ is related to fire and ‘hydro’ is related to water hahaha


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