My Evil System

Chapter 156 Grendelkin . . . ?

Chapter 156 Grendelkin . . . ?

<Host is grumpy~>

I am not.

<Admit it, you wanted Amara to come with you>

As I said, she's only trouble. It would be suicide if I brought her along with me at my current level. And whatever I was feeling was my other self influencing me. I didn't run out of beauties, and I preferred it if my women didn't bring too much trouble to me.

<Kekeke. Why are you being so defensive?>

I stifled a laugh. And when did you become such a joker?

As I was talking with the System, we got out safely from the Woodlands with only less than half of our previous numbers from before.

I immediately saw Jin and Lina at the side. Jin was eye-catching with his white hair, while Lina was a stout beauty that any man wanted to please just to tickle a smile from her lethargic face. It was no wonder when they were the first to be noticed.

Teacher Fey also came out of the Woodlands together with some of the students who were looking rather haggard and beaten.

Amara also reunited with her friends while occasionally glancing in my direction. There was no sign of the major representatives, and Edward wasn't by Amara's side, the first I had ever seen in days.

I was curious at where they went because it was baffling to me. They should be here to check the players who made it out alive, but instead they were absent saved for the other representatives of some kingdoms. So I checked with my [Evil Eyes] again. As I did so, I heard questions like.

"Is this all?"

"Why did our numbers dwindle this much."

"What happened?"

"I heard there was a wild beast that killed half of our players."


"Good thing that we stayed near the entrance."

"What good are points if we're dead right?"

I wanted to hear some more, but something piqued my interest. Edward, Brighid, and Demeter weren't on the map any longer. My [Evil Eyes] was already LV.3, but within that three kilometers, there was no sign of them.

However, there was one very big dot in the mountains. The one I saw before. For some reason, that dot was already at the base of the mountain and at the edge of the Woodlands.

I hadn't had the chance to check before because I was busy, and I hadn't thought about it as a priority because it was still kilometers away.

But now . . . it reached the base of the Woodlands in only a matter of an hour, and it was gaining speed as it moved in this direction.

The first time my heart skipped and beat a hundred times per second again after a month was the fact that this new threat was like a God!

A mini God?

ǁ G R E N D E L K I N ‖


Gargantuan Giant, Chaotic Neutral


"A creature of darkness, exiled from happiness, and accursed of gods. The destroyer and devourer of our kind."

Grendelkin is a creature born of dark rituals. As such, each Grendelkin differs slightly in appearance, typically assuming the worst features of the host creature who created them.

Due to their horrific appearances, Grendelkin is force to live away from others. This imposed isolation drives these fearsome giants to constantly experience unbridled rage, an emotion that fuels their devastating fighting capabilities.

The only creature spared from the rampaging ferocity of the Grendelkin is the creature's parent, whom they often serve with deep affection.

While all Grendelkin differs from one another on a superficial level, they are all gigantic creatures possessing twisted and bulging bodies capable of extraordinary strength. Their monstrous children are hideous to behold, a perverse version of the parent who created them.

‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖

HP:  50 000

MP:  5 000

STRG:  1 500

DEF:  800

MDF:  200

INT:  40

AGL:  200

LCK:  60

‖ D A M A G E

R E S I S T A N C E S ‖

❶ All Physical Attacks

‖ D A M A G E

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

❶ Bludgeoning

❷ Piercing

❸ Slashing

‖ C O N D I T I O N

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

❶ Charmed

❷ Frightened

‖ W E A K N E S S ‖josei

❶ Magical Attacks

‖ S K I L L S & S P E L L S

Passive Skill:

❶ Berserker Rage

When the Grendelkin attacks, they immediately enter a berserker rage which lasts until it's no longer in combat mode.

While in this state, it's crazed and can't think straight, and sometimes wouldn't perform any skills, but its strength doubles.

❷ Spellshatter

The Grendelkin can make a choice between attacking or breaking Mages mid-cast within its hundred-meter range during with a loud roar.

❸ Unstoppable

The Grendelkin cannot be pushed, pulled, or magically teleported unless it allows it.

Active Skill:

❶ Multiattack LV.5

–– the Grendelkin makes four attacks, each of which may be a Strike or Throw attack.

–– Cost –500 MP

–– 5 min. cooldown

❷ Crush LV. 4

–– the Grendelkin makes a grappling attack, and the creature suffers bludgeoning damage equal to its HP if its DEF is less than the Grendelkin STR

–– 4 min. cooldown

–– Cost – 400 MP

❸ Strike LV. 7

–– a melee weapon attack that deals bludgeoning damage.

–– 7 sec. cooldown

–– Cost –100 MP

❹ Throw LV. 6

–– The Grendelkin throws a huge or smaller creature or object they are holding. On a successful hit, a creature thrown by this attack also takes damage.

–– A ranged weapon that deals bludgeoning damage

–– 6 sec. cooldown

–– Cost –200 MP

❺ Upheaval LV. 4

–– The Grendelkin leaves the ground in a forty-meter radius around it. Each creature in the affected area other than the Grendelkin is knocked down and suffers [STUN].

–– 4 min. cooldown

–– Cost –400 MP

‖ E N D ‖

The Grendelkin's ATP was higher than the teachers here. Its STR and DEF were also troublesome, and there was no mage in the area that could kill it in one blow.

It would take numerous mages and an even longer time to kill it.

However, if it was just the Grendelkin, we might stand a chance, but . . .

The birds flew in every direction, and the flapping of their feathers was heard even here, indicating the threat was near.

Now . . . what to do?

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