My Evil System

Chapter 159 Preparing For War . . .

Chapter 159 Preparing For War . . .

I still have so many questions left, like why the goblins weren't transported inside Castle Rock in the first place. Why transported them outside? And why target Castle Rock if they could target Bluebell in the first place?

I answered my own questions, eventually. The goblins simply wouldn't fit inside Castle Rock, and the inhabitants and players were sober and wide awake at the time they were transported here. They could easily kill them compared to if they waited when all were drunk and asleep.

Furthermore, Bluebell might have a magical barrier that prevented this teleportation of armies from happening.

Whatever the reason was, it didn't change the fact that we were trapped here.

Hmm . . . maybe I should have a magical barrier created in the future?

<As long as you develop your fief, Host. Those protective devices would be available eventually>

Good. I guess having the System was really a good thing.

<Of course it is! The System would make sure that your territory flourished into an unrivaled kingdom! And you would reign supreme as the Evil Overlord, the Greatest Villain there is!>

"Hmm, then the last question," I said to Perry. "Don't we have like an airship here or a winged beast to escape?"

"We don't have airships here. This place doesn't have the space to construct a hangar. There are also no hunters here that have flying beasts. Those beasts are extremely rare to find, and if they did find one that could carry them, it's hard to form contracts with them.

"Unfortunately, those who have that kind of beast flew in bigger cities and not in this kind of backwater place. You would rarely find them here."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. Castle Rock is a fortress located in the southern Kingdom. Mostly in these parts of the map, cities are still dependent on agriculture to survive. You have to go to the center of the Kingdom if you want an above-average and luxurious lifestyle."

"Is that right?"

"Yes." Perry then leaned over and whispered to my ears. "Sir Cross. We can't afford to have you killed here. You have lamps to make, and I have lamps to sell. When the others are busy later, come to the merchant guild, we will have an air balloon ready for you."

I cast a look at Perry, and the latter only winked and wiggled his brows meaningfully.

Of course, the merchant guild would have some kind of an escape route ready for one of their leaders. That's the reason why Perry was still calm despite the situation.

"That's good news. I would really appreciate the ride."

Perry rubbed her hands together and grinned. "Of course, anything from our VIP. But do take note that the Air Balloon could only carry five people. I could only make room for two more."

". . ." I was going to say that's more than enough when another thug of my heart made me groan in frustration.

It looked like my other self wanted to bring Amara, but I'd rather bring Thomas with me. Thomas was more useful. Dementia was more beautiful. Megu had larger breasts and a bust, and Florin was more fun to be around than Amara.

What good was she to me then?

<Host could always kill Perry's guards or Perry himself to make room for more>

That's an idea too.

Our conversation halted when the old men at the grand table finally discussed about the war that was about to commence.

"Bring every able man and women to the barracks and arm them to fight. Guide the children to the church and instruct the old women to get ready and heal the injured.

"Order all the guilds and the Academy that all players and teachers are to fight this threat. Offer rewards and contracts if you have to."

"Ready the canons and every artillery and light up the wizard towers when ready. We must close the gates when everyone is prepared. We must move in haste and in caution so as not to alert the enemies."

"Well then, sir Cross. The town would be very busy. I suggest that you take care of everything before you leave. We will escape as soon as the battle rages on."

I nodded and went back to the dorms. Thomas was already patiently waiting for me at his usual spot in front of the window.

He greeted me with a growl, and I threw the Scarebear's mana core in his direction as a reply.

"Eat it, and let's see what happens."

Thomas heeded my command, and with a crunch and gulped, Thomas's body glowed brown. When I checked his stat, I was right . . . he had the Scarebear's ATP now and even acquired the Scarebear's Rage skill.

Thomas's STR was now 300 and reached a DEF of 100. He could probably flick players to death with that numbers.

Thomas grew a little taller, and his limbs were filling out too. The more his ATP increased, the better he looked.

His INT and MDF were rather low, though. Maybe that's why he couldn't speak?

Maybe I should let him eat a mage next?

Thomas growled in delight like he read my thoughts.

"Get ready. This place will be hell soon," I told him.

And like on cue, there was a notification flashing on the bracelet, alerting them to assemble in the wide hall. It was an emergency, and everyone was required to attend.

"Let's go."

In the hall, the few students left from the woodlands were huddled within their groups, chatting and laughing about their days, delightfully unaware of the danger that would soon befall this town.

Amara was also with her friends. Our eyes met before she quickly retrieved her gaze and looked down with a tint of red on her cheeks.

<Whoa. She's so in love with you>

I ignored her and the System.

"Listen up, students," Teacher Fey said with a grim face.

At the sight of the jolly teacher, who always had a bright smile on her face, suddenly turned grim, the students hushed, and worry coated their faces.

"Listen very carefully and don't cause a ruckus . . . outside of this walls . . . are goblins."


"What's worrying with that?"

"Whew. I thought something was wrong."

"Teacher Fey, don't scare us like that."

The students laughed.

Teacher Fey shook her head and changed her words, "At least . . . thirty thousand goblins are outside this walls."

The students paused, processing what the teacher said, and their panic voices almost blew the roof of the Academy.josei

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