My Evil System

Chapter 180 A Short Visit To Dementia . . .

Chapter 180 A Short Visit To Dementia . . .

I never knew that going to Dementia would be such a strenuous activity.

Everybody was against the idea except for Thomas and Lina, who didn't care and would rather retreat to their comfort of silence.

As we neared Dementia's Hut, Jin readied his weapon. Florin's face wrinkled in grumpiness, while Amara's expression was blank.

I sighed.

<Good luck, Host>

Let's just get this done and over with.

Upon nearing that familiar hut, Dementia's three adoptive trolls were nearby while Dementia herself was standing by the door with all smiles.

Dementia's beauty only intensified the situation. Jin was still not having it, and I could read it on his face that he was skeptical of Dementia's beauty. He knew that the old Hag was popular with her many faces.

"I can see why you're fond of her," Amara said coldly, staring at Dementia's boobs that were slipping past the low hem of her robe.

"I know, right?" Florin shook her head in disappointment. "My Lord just loves cows."

She then smirked at Amara and told her in a condescending tone, "You're lucky that you have big breasts as well. But sadly, in terms of size, yours are still no match with those two–oouuchh . . ."

I pinched Florin's nose to stop her from talking before jumping out of the wagon.

"I'll be back shortly."

As I approached Dementia, she sweetly smiled at me before she addressed my companions. "Aren't you going to introduce me to them?"

I did, and Dementia purred at the others, "Do you guys want to come over? I have the most delicious tea in the kingdom."

Jin was quick to react with a snarky comment. "No, thank you. I don't want to fall asleep and end up in your cauldron."

I gave him the side eyes.

Dementia giggled, and her long black nails played with her lips as he answered Jin with a sultry tone, "I don't poison guests since I had millions of other . . . entertaining ways. But I could always make arrangements if that's what you wanted."

Jin looked away with a faltered expression. As much as I wanted to see him squirm, I had to make this trip short.

"Sorry, but we're in a hurry."

Dementia rolled her eyes in a cute way. "Aren't you always?"

"No. This time, we really are in a hurry," I told her and got straight to the point. "I'm only here to give you the payments, and we'll be on our way."

"Aww . . . you sure?" Dementia fell into my embrace. Her breasts squeezed against my chest while her nails tightened around my hair. She leaned and whispered, "Can't you spare ten minutes?"

As much as I wanted to, I couldn't with all the murderous and cold stare that Amara was giving me at my back.

"This time, I really can't."

Demetria quickly let go of me and tilted her hips to the side. "That's too bad, then."

Her eyes then flickered to the wagon, and her smile was charming and haunting, giving me the hives –– for the lack of a better word to describe it.

"Is she the reason?" Dementia asked, nodding at Amara's way.

I didn't comment and Dementia's laughter boomed in the forest. "No worries. When you've become bored playing in the kiddie pool . . . You know where to find me."josei

"Kiddie pool?" I heard Amara say in disbelief, and I immediately changed the topic.

"Anyway. I brought the players here with me as payment, and you'll be glad to know that there's enough here for the interest as well. Even more."

Dementia looked at me with suspicion. "I only see five players in your wagon."

Jin shot to his feet and ready his weapons while the three trolls at the side roar in a fury at the sight of the blade. Before things got heated, I explained to Dementia that I had a special item that could store players in other dimensions.

"Oh?" Dementia signaled her adoptive trolls to stand down. "If that's the case, then use this first."

She didn't bother to ask the details about the pocket dimension like she already knew of such items.

Handling a weird foggy potion to me, Dementia explained, "This is a sleeping fog potion. Just throw it inside. It would do the rest."

"Where should I put them?"

"Here's fine. My babies would do the rest."

". . ."

When I didn't speak, her eyes glowed in focus. "Or do you perhaps . . . don't want your little girlfriend over there to find out our little secret?" she teased.

I stifled a laughed and released the sleeping fog potion in my [Evil Pocket Dimension]. The effects were quick and instant. Within seconds all the players were sleeping soundly.

I then piled all of them in the clearing of her house. There must be at least four piles of players in her yard.

The others gasped while Dementia only clapped her hands in glee. Her black eyes with swirls of green were in a heart shape just looking at the bunch of players.

"I hope you're happy with my gifts."

"Very. Too bad that you have to leave so soon. I could have shown you how happy I am . . . in so many ways," she slurred and winked.

I cleared my throat when I felt that familiar cold glares that pierced my bones. "We will be on our way then. I expect a lot of new potions from you soon."

Dementia kissed me on the cheek and beamed. "You can expect so much more, My Lord."

With that, I bid farewell to Dementia and hopped back into the wagon.

"Can we leave now?" Florin asked in a bored tone.

"Yes. Let's go back home," I replied.

"Finally!" Florin exclaimed.

"Come back again, k? I'll prepare delicious food for you when you come to visit next," said Dementia waving at us goodbye.

Florin reciprocated by pulling her lower eyelids and sticking out her tongue. "Not a chance. Bleeh!"

She then quickly whipped the reigns, and the horse responded with a gallop forward.

A heavy silence descended between us as we journeyed back home.

Jin's face was relieved that we'd finally got out of the forest, and he could breathe easy again based from the big sigh that escaped his lips.

Thomas was looking at nothing in particular. The same with Lina. In comparison, Florin was singing in the driver's seat.

It was only Amara who had a grim face.

"C-cross you . . . You're giving her . . . players?" she asked after a short while.

"Oh? I didn't tell you? Dementia is a witch that creates weird and very effective potions. But the cost are players."

"Live players, apparently," Jin butted in. "No wonder there were lesser numbers of students in the Academy. So that's where they were."

I ignored him and continued. "Her potions helped us with the Grendelkin's and the goblins."

Amara was silent.

"Are you scared?"

". . ." She didn't comment.

"This is what I do, Amara. And in the future, more players will be sacrificed, and even more so would die. If you're not prepared for bloodshed, then–"

"No." Amara vehemently shook her head. "I was just surprised and all."


"You seemed very . . . different now."

". . ." I couldn't blame her. She was used to my other self.

"This world forced me to change," I told her.

Amara rested her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes tight with a blush on her cheeks as she peered at me under her thick lashes. "Even so . . . this dangerous side of you . . . I kind of like it too."

There was a loud bump that rattled the wagon. It was so strong that Amara was flung from her seat, and I was quick to hold her into my lap.

I glared at the girl in the driver's seat. "Florin."

Florin only laughed while sticking out her tongue. "Teeheehee. I'm sorry. I didn't see a rock there. It wasn't intentional."

Oh. It was so intentional.

Eventually, we've arrived in my territory, and that familiar smell of dry soil, salty breeze, and animal dang was nostalgic.

When I saw the wooden gates of my village I could finally rest easy. "We're home."

"I didn't expect much, but . . . this really is small," Jin muttered in disappointment.

"At least we have a roof over our heads," said Amara, defending me.

"It's only small because we moved constructions. I halted the developments here because we're building in a new location," I explained.

"New location?" Jin asked.

I pointed over the mountains and beamed. "That's right. I moved our main hall to the top of the mountain."

". . ."

". . ."

Jin's eyes bulged. "Huh? You're building your territory on a mountain?"

"Are we going to climb before we reach it?" Amara asked worriedly.

"Not to worry. I made sure to instruct Daedalus and Athena to build the Teleportation Gates first, so going in and out between my old fief and the new one would be a breeze."

"Athena? Daedalus?" Jin uttered before he went silent. And when he realized the meaning of those names, his eyes popped out from their sockets.

"Y-you . . . You acquired an S grade Token?!"

I shrugged. "It's the reason why I could build my fief."

Jin weakly slumped on his seat like all energy was sapped from him. "No wonder . . . just who are you?"

"My name's Cross. Cross Strife," I told him.

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