My Evil System

Chapter 185 The Different Races . . .

Chapter 185 The Different Races . . .


"First, we have the Aasimar. This race is plane-touched by higher beings. This provided them with an awe-inspiring appearance that was both memorable and potentially intimidating. They can unleash their powerful inner spirit to manifest unique abilities in battles.

"Aasimar had different classes like Fallen, Protector, and Scourge. And the following are the Aasimar's units: The light infantry, Crusaders. Lightbringers, their ranged type units. Pegasus Riders, their mount units. Exalted their heavy infantry units. Ki-Rins, their siege units. And Planetar their fantastic units.

"Aasimar are useful in battle because they can heal your units and attack your enemies at the same time."

"Are these thing creatures like angels?" I asked because I think I had seen one in Castle Rock Fortress that looked like an alien with wings on its back."

Athena and Jin nodded.

"Those races are usually reserved and don't think kindly to mortals. They represent a minority in the population. They were born when Angels arrived in this place a long time ago together with the Goddess Zephora. They were descendants of these half angels, with the blood of angels flowing in their veins. Some of them are fallen and unwelcome in the church. Most even labeled them as unholy beings born from mistake and should be purged," Jin explained.

"Anything that destroyed the image of the angels should be purged according to the church," chimed in Amara. "According to what I know, any mortals aspired to be like angels are sinners and need to be hunted and put to the stakes."

"I see . . ." Minority, huh . . . and they could heal. So that's a plus.

"The next race we have are Demons. Originating in the Abyss, demonic realms on the Material Plane tend to have no qualms about their selfish goals. They were forces of nature singularly focused on destruction.

"The strategy of a demonic army is to hit hard and hit everywhere. While their lower-level troops hold the line, their other forces are designed to exploit vulnerabilities in an army's position.

"Like the angels, they have different types of Demons and different types of units. We have the Dretches, their militia unit. Bulezaus, their light infantry. Dybbuks, their heavy infantry. Armanites, their mounted units. Nalfeshnee their siege units. And Molydeus, their fantastic units.

"Besides the Demons, we also have the Devils. Devils may share that same ultimate outcome of suffering and subservience as their demonic factions, but devils do it with class.

"Devils are a balanced and versatile blend of offense, defense range, and melee possibilities. Their unit consists of Nupperibos, their militia. Merregons their infantry. Orthons their heavy infantry. Erenyes their mounted units. Ice Devils their siege units. And Amnizu, their fantastic units."

"Demons and devils are hard to recruit," Jin informed right after Athena finished explaining about Demons and Devils.

Amara nodded in agreement. "That's right. Besides that, they are tricksters and disloyal. They love to see their victims suffer, and they are expert liars."

"They may be powerful, but they don't take kindly to anyone. Not even to their kin," added Jin.

I looked to the side . . . thinking. I didn't believe for a second that I couldn't recruit one. After all, everyone had a price and weakness. It was only a matter of how to exploit this weakness.

<That's the spirit, Host! You're beginning to embrace your evilness! Continue your Evil deed, and you'll be an Evil Overlord in no time>

First thing first, we must survive this approaching apocalypse and the impending war.

"The next is the popular race, the Dwarves," continued Athena. "Dwarves are a handy race to have. They are natural builders, blacksmiths, and crafters. Their affinity for the underground and its riches are reflected in their miners, which are some of the toughest militia in the world."

"Now we're talking," I said. These dwarves could build my territory while fighting my enemies too. They were one handy race to have.

Jin nodded in agreement. "Dwarves aren't hard to recruit too. There are plenty of dwarves that roamed the continent in search of work."

"By the way, Athena. If I mass produce this dwarves in the barracks, can they help in building the towns too?"

Athena shook her head. "Sadly, my lord. Inhabitants and NPCs don't work like that. Races that are mass-produced in the barracks will only serve as your military units, and they won't act other than their intended purpose.

"Whereas the inhabitants in this world that migrate into your territory either work or enlist as an added soldier to your military force. But you can never force them to do anything that they didn't sign up for."

"Is that so . . ." I thought my problems in construction would be solved for a moment there.

<Tough luck>

"Can I continue now, My Lord?"

"Sure. Sure."

"Like I was saying. The Dwarves also have two classes. The regular dwarves and the Druergar Dwarves. However, unlike the regular dwarves, these Druergar dwarves are not easy to recruit.

"And each had its own type of military unit as well. For the regular Dwarves, we have the Miners as their militia. Fighters, their light infantry. Sledgehands, their heavy infantry. Crossgears, their range soldiers. Cannon, their siege units, and Iron Golem, their fantastic units.

"As for the Druergar Dwarves, we have the Excavators as their militia. Soulblades, their light infantry. Stone Guards, their heavy infantry. Screamers, their range. Kavalrachni, their mounted units, and Despot, their fantastic units.

"By the way, My Lord. To make this short and simple, I wouldn't bother explaining these units since you would gain access to their detailed information once they come into your territory."

I shrugged. "It doesn't matter. Just explain the general aspect of things so I would plan around this information."

"Then, the next race we have are another popular race which is the Elves. And like the Dwarves, we have all kinds of elves. The Eladrin elves are saturated with magic and bound to its effects as they sway through the seasons. The High Elves have keen minds and mastery of statecraft. The Sea Elves that live in shallow waters and treat the underwater flora and fauna with as much respect and love as their overland brethren treat the forest.

"Shadar-kai Elves. These elves hail from Shadowfell. To outsiders, they appear gaunt, and their eyes tell a story of emptiness and regret. Next, we have the Wood Elves that have strong intuition and exist in harmony with their surroundings. And last, we have the Drow Elves that live underground and worship the Goddess Lolth, which has blessed them with summonable demons.

"And, of course, this class has their corresponding types of military units as well."

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