My Evil System

Chapter 221 Uralig

Chapter 221 Uralig


The alabaster-skinned figure before us fell to her knees, one hand on the ground as she convulses and shudders for a moment. Suddenly, her skin was ripped apart as scaly red skin and black, dagger-like barbs burst forth from within her.

A burst of deep, unnatural laughter filled the room as the demon rose, its claws dripping blood. The demon was Uralig, who had possessed the abbess Krista. It was enraged after having lost its host.

I immediately used [Monocle] to check what Boss we were up against this time.

ǁ U R A L I G ‖

NATURE: Medium Fiend (Demon), Typically Chaotic Evil


Uraligs are vicious and cunning demons wrought from fire and shadow. Their yellow eyes glowed with a mixture of cold calculation and fiery fury.

Uraligs are most often found only in the deepest layers of the Abyss. When foul rituals wrought by spellcasters on the Material Plane call upon a demon, however, Uraligs are the first to answer the call.

Using their inherent understanding of the souls of Humanoids, they attempt to find ways to corrupt the mind of their host with foul whispers – until their misguidance results in enough bloodshed by the hand of their host to finally allow the full healing control of their mind and body, turning their host into a demonic shell of its former self.

‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖

HP:  180 000

MP:  10 000

STRG:  800

DEF:  600 

MDF:  200

INT:  700

AGL:  140

LCK:  50

‖ D A M A G E 

R E S I S T A N C E S ‖

❶ Cold

❷ Lightning 

❸ Bludgeoning 

❹ Piercing from nonmagical attacks

  ❺ Slashing from nonmagical attacksjosei

‖ D A M A G E 

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

❶ Fire

❷ Necrotic

❸ Poison

‖ C O N D I T I O N 

I M M U N I T I E S ‖

❶ Poisoned 

‖ W E A K N E S S ‖

❶ None

‖ S K I L L S & 



❶ Magic Resistance

The Uralig has an advantage against spells and magical effects.

❷ Weakening Aura

Any non-Fiend that starts its turn within 10 meters of the Uralig has a disadvantage on skills that rely on Strength.


❶ Multiattack LV.5

–– The Uralig makes two attacks.

–– Cost –500 MP

–– 5 min. cooldown

❷ Gruesome Rend LV. 8

–– Melee Weapon Attack + slashing damage + necrotic damage, and the target can't regain hit points until the Uralig make another attack.

–– Cooldown 2 seconds

–– Cost –200 MP

❸ Maddening Shriek LV. 6 (recharge 5–6)

–– Each non-Fiend within 30 meters of the Uralig that can hear the screams suffer psychic damage.

–– Cost –200 MP


❶ Dark Impulse

–– The Uralig directs a creature within 30 meters that can hear it to act on its darkest impulses.

❷ Fiery Dash

–– The Uralig moves up to its speed without provoking opportunity attacks. Each creature the Uralig comes within 5 meters during its movement will take fire damage.

‖ E N D ‖

"Now we're talking!" Rodrick laughed, eagerness for battle glinting in his eyes.

"No wonder there's no Platinum chest on the loot. There's still a bigger fish to fry." Edgar quip and leaped back, bow at the ready.

"This one's core would surely fetch hundreds of thousands of gil," Lilian said, voice thick with her greed.

I didn't know if gil was enough to blind you or if they were just really confident with their skills. The Uralig wasn't that scary compared against a Platinum Rank Hunter. 

Rodrick's stat might be reaching a thousand, but the rest were only in the hundreds.

Still . . . my gut was telling me that something was wrong. This was the same feeling with the witch that I brushed off. This time . . . I wouldn't make the same mistake. 

My answer came when the battle unfolded right before my eyes.

In combat, the Uralig used its [Maddening Shriek] to weaken its foes while dealing damage with [Gruesome Rend].

The Uralig could navigate the battlefield quickly with [Fiery Dash], pit its foes against one another with [Dark Impulse], and use its [Abyssal Disruption] to turn powerful spells against its enemies

Still, Rodrick and the others were unfazed.

Uralig, the demon, roared as he faced off against four experienced hunters. The demon was massive, with razor-sharp claws and teeth, and his eyes glowed with otherworldly power.

Maverick charged forward, his shield held high, and swung his massive Warhammer at the demon. But Uralig was too quick, dodging the attack and landing a vicious blow on the tank's shoulder. Edgar fired his arrows at the demon, but they seemed to have little effect, bouncing harmlessly off the demon's tough hide.

Lilian began to chant a dark spell, her hands crackling with black energy. But Uralig was not intimidated, and he charged straight at her, his claws slashing through the air. Rodrick stepped in, his sword flashing as he parried the demon's attack and landed a strike on Uralig's leg.

The battle continued, with the hunters fighting hard against the powerful demon. Maverick took the brunt of Uralig's attacks, his shield and armor protecting him from the demon's claws and teeth. Edgar fired arrows whenever he could, trying to find a weak spot in the demon's defenses. 

Lilian's dark spells weakened Uralig, making him slower and less able to defend himself. And Rodrick kept the demon on his toes, striking with his sword whenever he saw an opening.

As the fight wore on, Uralig began to tire. His attacks became less frequent, and his movements more sluggish. The hunters, sensing their chance, began to strike harder, each one landing blows on the demon.

Finally, with a final roar, Uralig fell to the ground, defeated. 

The battle was over within fifteen minutes, with Soarsie and me watching at the side. They were a formidable force. I got to admit. So this concluded our test, and now for the hardest part . . . I hope Rodrick wouldn't be a jerk and pass our Hunter's test.

Right now, Rodrick and the others were laughing at their loot, our presence long forgotten.

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