My Evil System

Chapter 227 Are You . . . Faz’nur’thoon?

Chapter 227 Are You . . . Faz’nur’thoon?

The Asuka's mansion was a sight to behold. It stood tall and proud at the top of a hill overlooking the surrounding countryside. The mansion was built of white marble and was adorned with intricate carvings of vines and flowers that wrapped around the columns that supported the veranda.josei

As the sun began to set, the sky was painted in hues of orange, pink, and purple, which provided a stunning backdrop for the mansion's exterior. The couple had spared no expense in preparing for their party, and the atmosphere was one of joy and excitement.

Guests were arriving in droves, each dressed in their finest attire. They were greeted by the sounds of soft music playing in the background and the scent of flowers that permeated the air. The mansion's interior was just as impressive as the exterior, with spacious rooms filled with elegant furniture and artwork.

In the main hall, Ravos and Serenia had set up a large banquet table adorned with silver platters and crystal glasses. The table was filled with an array of delicious delicacies that tempted the guests' taste buds. A small orchestra played music in the corner, providing the perfect background ambiance.

Throughout the night, the party-goers mingled and danced, enjoying the hospitality of their hosts. The atmosphere was lively and festive, with laughter and chatter filling the halls.

Not me, of course. I was standing at the side, alone and forgotten. Not that I was complaining. It was what I had wanted in the first place. To be invisible so I could snitch underground without being detected.

Yna, my partner, had long ago ditched me the moment that I showed up in her house looking like the previous Timothy. As soon as the HEX was over, Timothy's ugly, weak-looking face was back even though he was dead. 

That concluded my experiments.

I guess the HEX didn't care whether the victim was alive or dead. It would lose its effect nonetheless when its time was up.

Now . . . on to my main objective.

Ravos, a white elf, was a regal and dignified figure. He was tall and slender, with short silver hair that was a contrast to most elves who wore their hair long. His face was sharp and angular, with high cheekbones and piercing blue eyes that seemed to glint in the light. Despite his age, he carried himself with graceful poise, and his movements were smooth and effortless.

He was dressed in formal attire, befitting the grandeur of his mansion, and a man of his status, consisting of a white silk shirt, black trousers, and a matching tailcoat with silver embroidery. His attire complemented his features and accentuated his elegance.

On the other hand, Serenia, the drow, was a striking beauty, despite her age. She had a slender frame and was of average height for a dark elf, with long and flowing, raven black hair that cascaded down her back. Her face was delicate and refined, with high cheekbones and piercing green eyes that shone like emeralds.

She wore a stunning black dress, which hugged her figure, with intricate silver detailing that caught the light in a dazzling display. The dress was a testament to her timeless elegance and her ability to effortlessly blend sophistication and glamour.

They were both charismatic people. Kind at first glance and sinister in secret.

Everyone was enjoying the night, not realizing that their energy was used to keep the Asuka couple young and immortal.

There was no array protecting this place that prevented the use of skills and spells. Or maybe there was one, but it was off at the moment.

Maybe because this god, Faz'nur'thoon, needed to suck the life force of every creature, and a protective array would prevent it from doing so.

Either way. The couple must have been complacent because of their high ATP. Ravos already had close to 4000 ATP, and Serenia was close to 3000. The highest ATP I have seen so far for an NPC.

I guess they wouldn't be the lord and leader of Asuka if they weren't. Besides, they were ancient. Old enough since maybe the time of the fallen angels and such. If ever, their ATP was low.

Maybe because the more you level those stats, the harder it was to eventually raise them.

Anyway, it was not like I would face them. It would be suicide to face them head-on. I would directly go to their weakness and exploit it.

I have knew through the [Evil History Book] that this god of theirs was low on ATP because it was injured long ago. Its injuries couldn't be healed unless they offered it life force. In exchange, the god bestowed them immortality as long as it lived.

However, the rate it consumed energy wasn't enough to fully heal it even after so many years. This was my chance to subdue it and conquer Asuka town in one fell swoop.

When I was sure that no one was looking, I slipped into the basement of the mansion. I used [Evil Eyes] the moment I stepped into the building.

My [Evil Eyes] ability allowed me to immediately perceive a myriad of traps, treasures, and areas, laid out before me on my screen. The first trap I noticed was a pressure plate on the floor disguised as a loose stone. Stepping on it would trigger a cascaded of boulders to fall from the ceiling, crushing anyone unfortunate enough to trigger it.

It didn't pose a problem to me, and I moved further into the room. I noticed a second trap – a tripwire strung across the hallway. If triggered, it would release a cloud of poisonous gas from hidden vents, which could quickly overwhelm an unsuspecting intruder.

In the corner of the room, I spotted a chest, but as I approached it, I found another trap – a set of poisoned needles hidden in the lock. I knew that attempting to pick the lock without disarming the trap first would lead to certain death.

I didn't bother with the chest and moved deeper into the basement. I encountered even more traps. One was a set of pit traps concealed beneath a thin layer of dirt, which would drop anyone who stepped on them into a deep pit filled with deadly spikes.

Another was a set of magical glyphs inscribed on the walls, which would trigger a blast of arcane energy if anyone passed through them without the proper counter-charm.

Despite the numerous traps, I continued to navigate the basement carefully, using my [Evil Eyes] ability to spot and disarm each one as I went.

As I moved deeper into the basement, I realized that this was not the work of amateurs – the traps were expertly crafted and designed to stop even the most skilled trespassers.

I found myself in a dimly lit room after what felt like an hour, avoiding and disarming numerous traps. The air was cool and damp, and the only light source came from a single flickering torch on the wall. The room was filled with a musty scent, and the floors were covered with dusty cobwebs.

Despite the dreariness of the surroundings, there was an air of mystery and intrigue in the basement. The room was filled with old, worn-out bookshelves filled with ancient texts and scrolls, some of them written in languages I had never seen before.

The walls were adorned with strange symbols and markings, and I noticed a small, locked cabinet in the corner of the room. A large, ornate mirror hung on the wall, reflecting the flickering light from the torch.

As I explored further, I found a small, secret chamber hidden behind one of the bookshelves. The chamber was small and cramped, with barely enough room to stand. It was filled with strange objects, each more mysterious than the last. There were odd-looking crystals, ancient coins, and strange, unidentified artifacts that seemed to pulse with otherworldly energy.

I didn't touch the items, no matter how tempting they were. They were traps, and they would definitely trigger the alarm.

The way to the god was littered with traps. The couple made sure that no one would discover their secret and that Faz'nur'thoon was kept safe at all costs.

I explored the chamber further, avoiding all the traps that came my way. I felt a sense of unease creeping up on me as I neared the god's location. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched, and the hairs on the back of my neck began to stand up.

I suddenly felt like I had intruded upon something deeply private and mysterious, something that was not meant for prying eyes.

And when I came into Faz'nur'thoon's lair, nothing was there but a giant pentagram in the center of the large hall.

There was no giant spider with wings the size of a city. At the center was a woman, skin lavender, with eight eyes black as obsidian with no light. Her hair was white silk, and her lower half was the spider stomach, big with eight spider legs.

She was beautiful . . . if not for her lower half.

"Are you . . . Faz'nur'thoon?"

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