My Evil System

Chapter 65 These Seeds . . .

Chapter 65 These Seeds . . .

Using the grade A token I acquired, I summoned another Builder. Daedalus finally had an assistant.

While he was busy with the construction in my territory, he could instruct the other builder on how to construct the dam.

Besides, Daedalus's presence wasn't as needed in the dam compared to my territory. A once a day hour-long visit and inspection should be enough supervision. Construction in my territory was the top priority.

After I summoned twenty workers or so, they started constructing that dam.


Now that the construction issues were out of the way, I faced Ulysses and handed him the [Eternal Sand]. "Can you replicate this?"

Ulysses stared at the sand I handed to him without a word for an entire minute. It seemed like he was trying to come up with a way to create something similar to the sand.

After a while, he suddenly bolted upright.

"Yes," he finally answered as he returned the sand to my inventory. "This sand is very special. It's not made from sand, but rather from sand grains that have been transformed by time."

I looked down at the sand again, trying to figure out what he was talking about. Unfortunately, no matter how much I racked my brains, I still didn't know what he meant.

"Sooo . . . you can do it?"

He nodded slowly. "It will take . . . elixirs."

I stopped, and my forehead crumpled. "Elixirs?"

"Concentrated mana turned into liquids," answered Athena.

"And where can I find this exactly?"

"Mana is present all around us," said Athena. "We only need an [Elixir Collector] to harness it."

I released a deep breath. "And I will take it that I need a Blueprint to construct this [Elixir Collector]?"

Athena stared at Daedalus, and the latter nodded.

"Unfortunately, it's a high-level machine related to the more technical stuff of the construction side. I can't build it purely out of imagination alone. I need a blueprint as a guide to constructing it for the first time."


System, do you sell Blueprints?

<Negative. Blueprints can only be obtained through villages, towns, and cities — better yet, a kingdom!>

No Elixir, then. I sighed.

<For now~>

"Elixirs are useful, my Lord," Athena said in my silence. "You can do so much with it. When the time comes, we'll explain more about it."

Without those Elixirs, I have no choice but to bet everything on this land's natural soil. I stared at the muddy earth that could not even grow a weed.

Maybe I would have a much greater chance with a greenhouse. Though I doubt anyone knew anything about hydroponics here, and I probably need another blueprint for that.

I sighed, looking up at the sun that was slowly sinking into the horizon. There was so much work for me to do just to make this place liveable, and I was getting frustrated with all the limitations and problems popping out one after another.

My other self would emerge at any hour now, so I had to do what I could with what little time I had left.

I showed the seeds I acquired to Athena and asked for her opinion as to which was ideal for planting in this season since I was clueless about these kinds of stuff.

"That's easy, My Lord. You have wheat, oats, corn, chickpeas, lentils, barley, potato, and turnip amongst the seeds you've stolen."

"I acquired the potato through a quest," I clarified.

She ignored me and continued, "Do you want me to explain the benefit of planting them?"

I didn't really care, but knowledge is power. "Sure thing."

"Wheat, depending on how you process it, can give you semolina, bulgur, couscous, wheat germ, and flour. The grains themselves contain starch, which is used as a base in ointment and adhesive. Wheat is also needed to make beer, vodka, and whiskey," she started.

"And rice." It was very important. I would die without it.

Athena ignored me and pressed on, "Corn is a staple grain, as it provides food for both people and livestock. The unrefined kernels can be used in side dishes and soups or eaten right off the cob. The flour can be made into pancakes, cornbread, and tortillas or refined further to make cornstarch. The dried husks and stalks of the plant are good for building huts and fences.

"Chickpeas are an excellent plant-based meat replacement since they are rich in protein. After you harvest your chickpeas, the rest of the plant can be used as livestock feed.

"Oats tolerate frost and drought very well, so they'll guarantee your survival. Crush the grain to get flour for bread or flatten them into flakes to make muesli. Infuse alcohol with oat grains, and you'll get a sedative.

"Lentils are drought-resistant legumes that are high in carbohydrates and protein. They're the basis of salads, earthy soups, and stews. Additionally, they produce nitrogen and can replenish the soil in which they are grown.

"Barley grains, after hulling, leave you with delicious barley grits. Polish those to produce pearl barley. Barley works wonderfully for thickening soups and stews. It is an essential ingredient in beer and whiskey, and it also makes great animal fodder for keeping your livestock alive through winter.

"You should also grow root veggies such as potatoes and turnips. These are excellent sources of food for both people and livestock. Animals will gain significantly more weight on root crops than if they were grazing in pastures. Your root crops' fields can act as a sort of caloric storage system. They can be left in the ground and harvested as needed for the next two years. Root crops aren't affected by weeding, so use this opportunity to rid your fields of unwanted weeds.

"Once you start growing your own staple crops, be prepared, for your life is about to change drastically. You'll begin to depend on agriculture and will be able to settle in one place. Your communities will grow into villages and, eventually, large cities," she ended.

". . . Thank you for that lengthy explanation . . . but I don't think I can remember all of that."

Athena wasn't offended. In fact, her expression seemed like she had expected my reaction. "If you have a spare Token, my Lord, I suggest you summon a Farmer or an Agriculturist to aid you in farming. I might know all the details, but when it comes to the actual planting, I am as clueless as a newborn babe."

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