My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 425

Chapter 425

Chapter 425

“Just satisfy us and we’ll give you our votes. We’ll make you the winner of the first show,” O’Brien said, inching closer to kiss Ashlyn’s cheek.

Ashlyn’s eyes darkened in a slight glint. Just as O’Brien’s lips were about to touch her cheek, she grabbed the mini fish tank on the windowsill and smashed it on the man’s head.


O’Brien was struck dizzy.

Doused by the fish water in the tank, several small fishes got into his collar and slithered around inside his clothes.

“Argh!” O’Brien let out a scream. He let go of Ashlyn and started unbuttoning his clothes.

“You b*tch!” Reedman yanked Ashlyn’s long black hair and dragged her to the ground, fixing her with a ferocious glare. “How dare you hit my brother?!”

Ashlyn could only feel a ripping pain in her scalp until Reedman kicked her to the ground.

“Oh, stop pretending,” he said, his eyes sweeping over her curvaceous body salaciously. “I’ve slept with many models and celebrities in this industry. Who do you think you are? Even the award-winning actresses couldn’t resist me and they all ended up as our toy.”

“It’s your honor to be seen and toyed with by the two of us. How about we make you the big new shot, the new queen of the fashion industry after this?”

O’Brien came over and gave her another boot in the stomach. “If you don’t know any better, don’t blame us for getting rough with you!”

Ashlyn broke out in a cold sweat from the pain. The continuous, heavy blows to her belly were almost too much for her to bear.

At this moment, her beautiful face under the mask was tragically pale.

She struggled to get up from the ground, but the two men, like hungry wolves, didn’t give her any chance.

O’Brien savagely tore at Ashlyn’s white dress, his eyes filled with lust when his hands grazed her fair and smooth skin. “Damn! She’s a treasure, all right. Such beautiful skin. I wonder how many men have banged you before.”

Reedman burst into peals of laughter. “Feisty, I like it! Hahaha! Come on, keep resisting. The more you resist, the more excited I get.”

The men were laughing when Ashlyn picked up the glass shards of the fish tank on the ground, stabbing it as hard as she could on Reedman’s neck.

“Ouch!” Reedman jolted at the warm blood gushing down his neck.

With a bloodthirsty killing intent flashing in her eyes, Ashlyn lifted the shard and went for O’Brien’s arm next.

O’Brien tried to dodge, but when his eyes and met the woman’s sharp ones under the mask, he stood transfixed like a terrified prey being targeted by a hunter.

It wasn’t until Ashlyn had slashed his arm that he snapped out of it from the stabbing pain. “Damn it! You b*itch!”

Ashlyn seized the opportunity to stumble toward the exit.

She jerked open the door, only to hear the sound of cameras taking pictures and see lights flashing around her.

“God! Is she not the chief designer X of LX?” shouted a reporter who was bribed by Megan. “What happened to her? Oh, my God! Is she doing something indescribable with the judges? Seems like she’s really desperate to win the award!”

Hearing that, the reporters spared no effort in snapping more pictures of Ashlyn. “She looks like a mess. She didn’t really do that kind of thing in the room, did she?”

“Who would have that it was all a facade. No wonder she’s wearing a mask. Her elegant and lofty bearing and her love for history—it’s all show!”

“She’s a slut underneath it all!”

At this moment, when the two men covered in blood came out of the room in pursuit of Ashlyn saw the many reporters outside, they were paralyzed with fear.

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