My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 474

Chapter 474

Chapter 474

“Of course you will, Boss. Let’s just take your medicine first.” Jared stood up and poured a glass of warm water for Ashlyn.

After taking the glass of water, she took two sips and swallowed a black pill.

The black pill only served to ease her mind. It was completely ineffective.

A vicious gaze flashed across her eyes. If that’s the case, I should just do something that I’ve wanted to do the most.

At Whitland Villa, Lucas spotted Spencer standing beside the bed when he opened his eyes.

When Spencer felt Lucas’ sharp gaze on him, his heart skipped a beat. “Mr. Nolan, you’re awake.”

“How long have I slept for?” Lucas sat up and massaged his forehead. What a vicious woman. Her tranquilizer is so strong that I’m still feeling a bit uncomfortable.

The black shirt that he was wearing had two buttons unbuttoned, revealing his sexy collarbones. Paired with his disheveled hair, he exuded a wild and untamed aura.

“You’ve slept for four hours,” replied Spencer quickly. “It’s already midnight.”

Lucas’ hoarse voice sounded slightly cold. “Where’s Ashlyn?”

“Ms. Berry… She…” Spencer glanced at Lucas briefly before grabbing a file on the bedside table and passing it to him. “Mr. Nolan, you should take a look at this first.”

Lucas did not respond. Taking the file, he flipped to the first page.

When he took a closer look at what was written on it, his sharp eyes narrowed. A cold and furious look appeared on his face. “What is this? Are you saying that Ashlyn has been poisoned by the Backtrack


Spencer nodded. “Yes. Lilian’s body was coated with this poison. Its effects are extremely powerful. It can infect others simply through touch. The consequences of the infection are horrendous. The poison will erode the brain slowly, gradually causing the victims to lose all brain functions. In the end, the victims would be unable to take care of themselves. Their bodies will weaken, and they’ll gradually die, while all body functions will degenerate. Ms. Berry… seems a bit strange recently.”

Spencer nodded. “Yes. Lilian’s body was coated with this poison. Its effects are extremely powerful. It can infect others simply through touch. The consequences of the infection are horrendous. The poison will erode the brain slowly, gradually causing the victims to lose all brain functions. In the end, the victims would be unable to take care of themselves. Their bodies will weaken, and they’ll gradually die, while all body functions will degenerate. Ms. Berry… seems a bit strange recently.”

She’s not just strange—she’s acting extremely out of the norm!

When Lucas thought of how Ashlyn refused to be intimate with him, how she kept wearing transparent gloves… and how she escaped after knocking him out with the tranquilizer…

Damn it!

He was now certain that Ashlyn had been poisoned.

“Prepare the car. We’re going to Bayview Villa.” Lucas tossed the blanket aside, exuding an extremely vicious aura.

The next morning was extremely cloudy. Dark clouds loomed over the sky as if a thunderstorm were going to occur anytime soon. A suppressive atmosphere filled the air.

In the Fraser family’s dining room, Charlotte looked at Lochlan, who was wearing a silver suit. Normally, he would wear the iconic blue firefighter uniform. However, he was wearing a suit now.

The tailor-made suit fitted nicely over the man’s lean body, making him look dignified and impressive.

“Uncle Lochlan… what’s up with you today?” Charlotte’s blinked as she stared at him with her bright eyes.

An embarrassed look appeared on Lochlan’s face. When confronted with her clear eyes, he could not utter a single lie.

He sat down opposite Charlotte and took a sip of his coffee. After calming himself down, he explained, “I need to go out for something.”

“Oh, is it something important?” Charlotte looked extremely playful and teasing. “Uncle Lochlan, you look really handsome wearing this!”

Lochlan merely smirked and did not say anything.

After breakfast, he drove away.

Pouting, Charlotte looked at the butler. “Do you know what Uncle Lochlan’s doing? Why is he acting so mysterious?”

The butler coughed lightly. Naturally, he did not dare to gossip about his employer’s affairs in private. “I don’t know. Maybe there are some matters to settle.”

With that, he went to buy groceries with the maids in charge of the kitchen.

The house immediately became very empty.

Charlotte was about to leave and go upstairs when she heard the sound of footsteps coming from the living room. Thinking that Lochlan had forgotten to bring something, she smiled and turned her head around. “Uncle Lochlan, did you…”

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