My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 620

Chapter 620

Chapter 620

The man reached out his arms suddenly and enveloped Ashlyn in his embrace. Because of his sudden movement, she froze and almost fell onto the pieces of glass on the ground.

In the dark space, the man’s chilly and suffocating aura radiated from his body.

“Don’t purposely push my buttons,” he uttered coldly, his voice sounding as if it was forced through his clenched teeth.

Ashlyn lifted her eyes to see the man’s seductive lips, and her heart skipped a beat then.

However, she managed to snap back into her senses the next moment and put her hands on his chest. “Wow! I didn’t know that you have such a great figure. Why don’t we do it here right now?” she said in a suggestive tone that she put on deliberately.

Her eyes were cold, but she sounded very seductive.

She was definitely doing it on purpose.

Instead of allowing him to pester me like this, it’s better for me to put a stop to it now. I really don’t get him at all. What is he doing?

Just as her hand was about to move toward his pants from his chest, the man gripped her wrist instantly. He held her wrists so tightly as if he had the urge to break them.

Ashlyn clenched her teeth in pain as she almost cursed.

This scumbag! When she was about to curse out loud, he pushed her aside, and she crashed onto the wall. “Hey! Lucas! What the f*ck are-”

Before she was able to finish, the lights in the restroom lit up.

The sudden brightness hurt her eyes, and she turned around to look for Lucas. However, he was nowhere to be found.

She stared in the direction of where the sink was supposed to be. Only the pipe and pieces from the sink were left.

At that moment, Jared rushed over. He was shocked when he saw her staring into space. “Boss, have you always been so strong? You broke an entire sink!”

Ashlyn shot a look at him. “I didn’t do that!”

“Then who did?” Jared asked inquisitively.

Ashlyn pursed her swollen lips as she touched them. “It was just a crazy b*stard.”


After that, she pulled Jared out of the restroom. “How shameless can you get for coming into the female restroom to look for me?”

“I was just worried about you,” Jared said as he glanced at the men’s restroom.

Ashlyn followed his gaze and saw a tall figure at the entrance of the men’s restroom.

The man was dressed in a black suit, and he was staring coldly at Ashlyn with a dark look.

She let out a cold chuckle when she saw him. He’s improved, hasn’t he? He even dared to come into the female restroom to launch a sneak attack at me, huh?

Ashlyn found it difficult to understand Lucas’ actions. What the hell is he thinking? He was the one who wanted a divorce and wanted to break up. So why is he getting close to me so sneakily now? Does he get embarrassed when others see us together? Or does he have ulterior motives for doing so?

She couldn’t care less about him, so she put her arms around Jared’s on purpose and acted coquettishly like how she did earlier. “Let’s go, Darling.”

Lucas closed his eyes as jealousy stirred inside him. Subconsciously, he touched his lips that had just kissed Ashlyn’s. Her warmth seemed to linger there.

There was an unbearable gloom in his eyes and sharp pain in his chest.

“Honey, wait for me. You have to wait for me,” he mumbled. It seemed like he was talking to himself.

It’s only been a few days. Why does it feel like forever to me?

The next morning, winds started blowing fiercely all of a sudden.

Ashlyn was doing her eye makeup, and her pink lips were still swollen from yesterday.

He was too forceful when he kissed her, so her lips still hadn’t recovered yet.

Ashlyn pursed her lips and looked for a khaki-colored long trench coat. Since she was tall, she looked smart and elegant even though she only wore a pair of low heels.

She got into her Land Rover and made her way to the movie studio.

Since Naomi was hurt, and her face was swollen, she couldn’t be on camera until her wounds recovered. Instead of getting some rest at home, she stayed in her hotel room.

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