My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 713

Chapter 713

Chapter 713

“F*ck! In your dreams!” Naomi snapped.

As Joshua approached her step by step, he began to take off his clothes.

“Baby, come on, let me show you my masculinity!”

Joshua’s belly jiggled as he walked.

Closing her eyes, Naomi tried to hold back her urge to puke. When she opened her eyes again, she threatened, “If you dare come any closer, I will call the police!”

“Go on then! Let’s see if they come.”

Joshua was unfazed by her threat.

When he pressed both his hands on her shoulders, she slapped them away immediately while being overwhelmed by anxiety.

Why aren’t Ashlyn and Lucas here yet? Either of them will do!

The more she thought about it, the more desperate she became. In the end, she decided to flee toward the entrance, for she couldn’t sit idly by and rely on someone else. By then, she realized that she had no choice but to save herself.

No sooner had she heard Joshua’s footsteps behind her than her body slumped to the ground before she could get far.

D*mn it, the air in this house has been spiked!

After Joshua gradually approached, he knelt down in front of her and lifted her chin. “Are you trying to escape? It’s not going to be that easy!”

While he was speaking, he unbuckled his belt. The moment it fell onto the ground, so did his pants. Subsequently, he threw them aside.

Naomi shook her head vehemently as her eyes were filled with helplessness and despair. “No, I beg of you…”

“It’s useless. In fact, I’m going to have the time of my life!” Joshua thundered.

At that moment, a loud bang rang out, giving Joshua a fright.

When he turned his attention to the door, he saw that someone had kicked it open.

Following that, a tall lady made her entrance.

Dressed in a white shirt and matching pants, she exuded an intimidating vibe.

The exquisite features on her face were a sight that no one could forget.

Her cold and piercing eyes, in particular, would send a chill down anyone’s spine, while the pair of white heels she was wearing added weight to her gravitas.

The moment Naomi saw her, she struggled out from underneath Joshua. Teary-eyed, she called out, “Ashlyn! Ashlyn!”

“So, you’re Mrs. Nolan!” Joshua scrutinized Ashlyn with a lecherous gaze.

She keeps popping up in the news recently. Everyone knows that Lucas’ hurriedly-wedded wife is an influencer named Ashlyn. She is not only a talented pianist and artist but has also invested in a few movies! I didn’t expect her to look more stunning in real life.

Joshua remarked with a disgusting tone, “Another beauty? Are you here to accompany me too? If both you and Naomi can pleasure me, it would certainly be out of this world!”

Ashlyn stared at Joshua with an icy gaze and instantly felt nauseated by what she saw.

“You piece of sh*t! You don’t even deserve to breathe the same air as I do!”

“Who do you think you are? How dare you show such insolence?” Joshua’s expression changed drastically at Ashlyn’s words before he grabbed Naomi by the neck. “Look carefully! She was sold to me by her parents. Hence, I can do whatever I want with her!”

As Naomi felt the air in her lungs run thin, her face turned red from suffocation, leading her to cough intensely.

With Joshua maintaining a death grip on her neck, she could barely breathe at all.

At that very moment, Ashlyn snorted before a devilish smile descended upon her face.

Joshua was shocked and didn’t even see when Ashlyn made her move.

In the next instant, she appeared right in front of him before sending a forceful kick into his chest.

Just as he felt excruciating pain from the impact, Joshua crashed heavily into the wall behind him.

It hurt so much that he howled in agony.

“Argh! It hurts! Men!”

“No one is coming. Even if you scream your lungs out, no one will save you!”

Suddenly, a grim male voice rang out.

Joshua widened his eyes in disbelief when he saw a towering figure in a black shirt and pants bearing down on him in a terrifying manner.

Feeling intimidated, he began to tremble uncontrollably. “L-Lucas?”

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