My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 738

Chapter 738

Chapter 738

“When you hurt Ashlyn with that crazy stunt of yours at LX Fashion Ltd., I told you that we are only childhood friends at best. There is no romantic relationship between us.”

Lucas’ tone was so cold and distant that Hera felt her heart shatter into a million pieces when she heard that.

“What’s so good about Ashlyn, huh? How is she any better than me? Why won’t you ever see my strengths?”

The look on Lucas’ face was so expressionless that it felt as if he had blocked out all emotions.

“Hera, need I remind you that this is an international piano competition? You’re wasting everyone’s time and energy talking about your feelings as well as badmouthing both me and Ashlyn. You want to know the reason so badly? Fine, I’ll tell you. Mr. Chapman told me at the hospital that you weren’t my childhood friend at all. Ashlyn was the girl in the mountains back then! In order to get closer to me, both you and your mother lied about it and said you were that girl!”

His words shocked everyone present to the core.

“Wait… Is Lucas saying that Hera pretended to be Ashlyn?”

“Was her whole childhood sweetheart story a lie all along? Is Ashlyn Lucas’ real childhood sweetheart?”

“What the heck is with this crazy plot development?”

“Not only did she steal Ashlyn’s identity, but she’s even accusing her of being a homewrecker? That’s ironic, especially since Ashlyn is Lucas’ legitimate wife!”

As Ashlyn had always seen Hera as a mere joke, to begin with, she quickly turned toward Lucas after hearing what he said.

Lucas looked up at her in response when he sensed her gaze from afar, and their eyes met instantly despite the distance between them.

Huh? I saved Lucas when I was little? But I have no memory of doing such a thing… Urgh, my head… Why is it hurting so much all of a sudden?

Her head would ache whenever she recalled things from her childhood, and she went pale as a terrifying thought formed in her mind.

C-Could it be that I’ve lost a part of my memories from my childhood? Lucas would never bother to tell lies, so I know I can trust him for sure. But how is this possible? When did I lose those memories? Why wasn’t I aware of my memory loss?

“Back then, my sister and I were kidnapped by human traffickers while we were in the village. Ashlyn was the one who saved us from those human traffickers. Unfortunately, my sister fell down a cliff while we were making our escape…” Lucas stopped himself mid-sentence, but everyone present could clearly understand what he was trying to say.

His face was twisted, and his expression was as cold as ice.

Ashlyn was the only one who saw that he was suppressing a lot of pain when he revealed his past wounds to the world.

Even if it hurt him deeply to bring up such tragic memories, he was determined to do so in order to clear Ashlyn’s name.

Ashlyn felt her chest heaving as an inexplicable sensation filled her heart.

“Hera, you will leave me alone and stop slandering Ashlyn if you know what’s good for you! I only let you off the hook multiple times because I thought you were my childhood friend, but that turned out to be fake as well. When I was investigating your family, you were the only one whose age matches the girl from back then. That’s why your family decided to have you play that role! It was quite a brilliant plan, I’ll give you that.”

Lucas could feel his raging emotions banging against the walls of his heart like a wild beast trying to break free, and he had to grit his teeth really hard to keep them in check.

No! Get back! Get the f*ck back! You mustn’t come out! I won’t let you out!

Judging by the force he was clenching his fists with, it became obvious that he was trying really hard to keep something suppressed.

He was glaring at Hera like he wanted to rip her to shreds.

That scared her so much that she instinctively took a few steps back in fear. “No… Don’t come closer!”

What a scary man he is! I’ve never seen a guy with such a terrifying aura!

Her heart was pounding against her chest like a jackhammer, and her back was drenched in cold sweat.

Hera had no doubt whatsoever that Lucas would actually tear her to shreds if he could.

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