My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 800

Chapter 800

Chapter 800

Bianca anxiously asked the family doctor, “How is Penelope?”

“She has a fever, but she’ll recover in a couple of days. Don’t worry, Old Mrs. Yates.” As he spoke, the doctor packed his bag and soon left.

Meanwhile, Mary fell to her knees and wailed, “I’m sorry, Mom! I’ll never do such despicable things and disappoint you again! Please forgive me, Mom! I was too foolish in the past.”

Bianca’s anger melted as she stared at the disheveled and pallid Mary. It was such a pitiful sight that even a complete stranger would have felt sorry for Mary.

At last, the old woman shook her head and said, “Stop kneeling. I hope you’ve learned your lesson and will avoid any activities that could harm the Yates family’s good name. Penelope is sick, so go and take care of her. And clean yourself up too.”

“Yes, of course!” Mary agreed swiftly, yet her hatred for Bianca had soared to frightening levels.

Just wait and see, you old hat!

At the same time, in a small house in Maredania, a man in his sixties was busy removing weeds from a vegetable patch in his yard.

The variety of leafy greens and cucumbers in his yard made for a refreshing view.

Grapevines snaked along the arbor in the corridor, and under the natural shade of the tangled vines, he placed a wicker chair and table. The scene was as beautiful as a picture.

Someone knocked on the front door just then, and the elderly man answered the door after placing his hoe on the ground.

A devastatingly beautiful and fair-skinned young woman stood outside his house, exuding an incomparable sense of elegance.

The elderly man stared at her calmly and asked, “Who are you looking for?”

Ashlyn shot him a stunning smile and explained, “I heard you were living here, Old Mr. Leno, and I decided to visit you and try my luck.”

Ian Leno’s expression darkened, and he immediately moved to close the door. “Go away! I don’t entertain strangers.”

“Please don’t reject me so hastily, Old Mr. Leno.” Ashlyn presented a set of checkers to him and said, “This checkers set is made from the finest Cat’s Eye Emerald. Are you sure you don’t want it?”

Ian scoffed and retorted, “You may look young, but you’re generous, I’ll give you that. I’ve seen all sorts of excellent chest sets over the years. What makes you think I missing one made from Cat’s Eye Emerald?”

Despite the nonchalance in his tone, his gaze had not moved an inch from the checkers set.

A checkers set made from Cat’s Eye Emerald was undeniably tempting, but it was scarcely enough to convince him to forgo his principles.

As that thought crossed his mind, Ian retracted his gaze and replied firmly, “Are you going to stop me from closing the door? Fine! I won’t close it then!”

He spun on his feet and stubbornly headed to his yard.

Ashlyn followed him, hugging the checkers set to herself. “Old Mr. Leno, I’m like to ask you to come out of isolation and treat a patient. Would you consider that?”

“I’ll never treat another patient again. Now, leave.” Ian’s tone seemingly left no room for negotiation.

Ashlyn’s hair billowed gently in the morning breeze before settling against her waist. Her long white hoodie covered her black shorts, and her legs seemed to stretch for miles in a pair of simple, black Doc Martens.

Ian’s firm rejection did little to affect her mood, as evidenced by her small smile and the hint of amusement in her almond shaped eyes.

Instead, she suggested, “Before I leave, Old Mr. Leno, could we play a round of checkers?”

Surprised, Ian asked, “You know how to play checkers?”

“A little.” Something flashed through Ashlyn’s eyes as she added, “We can play with the set I’ve brought along.”

Ian continued staring at her in shock. He rarely interacted with neighbors, having lived alone in the mountains for many years.

He spent his days tending to his vegetable garden, cooking simple meals, and taking long walks.

While he loved playing checkers, he did not have anyone to play with. When his boredom was too much to handle, he would play checkers alone, using one hand each to control opposing pieces.

Now, this young lady is boldly suggesting to play a checkers match with me?

He narrowed his eyes and replied, “Don’t cry too hard when you lose and accuse me of bullying you.”

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