My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 897

Chapter 897

Chapter 897

Borrowing strength from Lucas’ hands, the survivors trudged forward. Some of them had been in the water for so long that they were frozen and their minds felt fuzzy.

When it came to these people with no strength to advance, Lucas even needed to propel them along.

By the time the last person was rescued, he was already stiff and chilled to the bone.

His face had also drained of color from the length of time he had spent in the frigid waters. Without taking the time to rest, he hastily commanded, “Leave, quick! We need to seal this crack at once, considering its current size! Hurry up and leave! All rescued villagers are to leave right away!”

Throughout it all, Ashlyn’s gaze was trained on him. He appears colder than ice on the outside, yet deep within, he’s even more passionate than anyone else!

“Hurry up, Spencer! Carry some stones over and block up all the crevices, quick!”

Hearing Lucas’ shout, she no longer had the presence of mind to ponder about anything else. “Listen up, all villagers! Link hands and head toward someplace safe. Take them down the mountain, Luigi.”

“Understood, Boss!” Luigi replied. Then, he swiftly directed the villagers to leave.

Although the villagers were all exhausted and starving, having been trapped behind the mountain wall, the desire to survive trumped everything after they narrowly escaped with their lives.

No matter how bone-weary and difficult it was, they were determined to leave that terrifying place.

Meanwhile, only huge rocks and gigantic branches could be used to close up the fissures.

Spencer looked at the girl with supernatural strength, Cassandra, carrying a gigantic rock and stuffing it into the crack before repeating the same action.

Her speed and strength were downright unbelievable, her slender body filled with explosive power.

She had worn a beautiful and adorable outfit, complemented by a pair of cute rain boots on her feet.

Right then, she was already covered in mud and dirt. The adorable buns on her head were also stained by mud.

Even so, Spencer found her rather charming with her infinite strength when at work.

Taking a step forward, Ashlyn pulled Lucas out of the muddy waters. She reached out and wiped the dirt marring the man’s face. “Don’t stay in the water anymore. It’s too cold.”

Lucas held her hand and yanked hard, pulling her into his arms. “That isn’t important, Honey. We’ve got to seal the fissures quickly. We’ll talk later when we go back.”

It was already late at night, so they had to hurry back. Otherwise, no one could predict what would happen in the mountains.

After an earthquake, especially, aftershocks were a frequent occurrence.

He was exceedingly worried.

Nestling in his icy arms, Ashlyn closed her eyes for a moment. “Okay.”

Thanks to the collective effort of the few of them, the crevices in the mountain wall were sealed up at long last.

After carrying over massive rocks and branches to close off the openings, they got ready to leave.

Suddenly, Ashlyn heard a faint sound of movement. Her expression instantly froze. “There’s someone here.”

Frowning, Lucas perked up his ears and listened intently. “I don’t hear anything.”

It was pitch dark and raining heavily. The splatter of water was deafening.

Despite the torchlights in their hands, their visions were still limited.

At Ashlyn’s claim, Lucas swept his eyes around worriedly. “I don’t think there’s anyone here.”

“Let’s go a bit further.” Ashlyn started moving forward with concern. Behind her, Lucas followed and shone the torchlight everywhere.

When they had walked for some distance, the roaring sound of rushing rapids filled the air.

“It’s downright dangerous ahead. I think it might be a cliff.” While saying that, Lucas tentatively leaned forward. Gusts of wind sent his hair flying back.

Shining his torchlight down, he was greeted by the sight of a dark abyss below.

Everywhere was gloomy and eerie, the atmosphere petrifying to the core.

Holding hands, Lucas and Ashlyn scrutinized their surroundings, yet they didn’t find anything out of place.

Puzzlement inundated Ashlyn. “Did I really mishear it?”

But that doesn’t make sense! My listening is remarkable, the result of arduous training!

“You probably misheard it since the sounds of rain are overwhelming. Let’s go. Spencer and the others have already left.” Clutching her hand, Lucas nibbled her with a smirk, attempting to ease the atmosphere. “Anyway, this is a good opportunity for us to spend time alone.”

Ashlyn was rendered speechless. “Stop messing around! I really heard something.”

“All right. If there’s really someone here, we’ll save the person. But if otherwise, we’ll leave. We’ve got nothing to lose. Let’s go.” Lucas wrapped an arm around her slender waist.

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