My Fantastic Chef Wife

Chapter 264 - Princesss Suicide

Chapter 264 - Princesss Suicide

264. Princess’s Suicide

Translator: Fan Translation Studio josei

No conclusion was drawn at the morning meeting. Although some upright officials had prepared strong arguments, the treatment of the prime minister came as a great blow to them. Somewhat out-argued by the state preceptor, they gave up the last struggle. The prime minister was a tough man, and with his previous contributions he might be released after a just few days. But if the younger ones offended the emperor or the state preceptor, they would very likely be killed.

After the meeting, a few officials loyal to the prime minister walked together. They didn’t dare oppose the emperor in public, but now, indignation was clearly written on their faces.

“Beiqing is too presumptuous. They attack us when we’re weakest. The Fourth King sacrificed himself on the battlefield, Xiao Baoshan is said to have died of disease and Qian Qi and his family have gone to the southwest. Without these military talents, we’re an easy target for our enemy!”

“Is there really nobody among us many officials who can lead the troops? I don’t believe so. Our emperor has just come to power. It’s likely that he wants to secure his throne by avoiding war.”

“The most wicked is the state preceptor. He doesn’t care about people, merely his own enjoyment. What he wants is to continue his materialistic life. As for the border area, he doesn’t give it a shit!”

“Shh, walls have ears. We all know about this, but don’t let anyone else hear. It may land us in prison.”

“Oh dear!”

The young officials were all greatly discouraged.


At the same time, the emperor was talking alone with the state preceptor. “Don’t you really think that we should fight against Beiqing?”

The state preceptor waved his hand. “No, Your Majesty. The reason for this is twofold. Firstly, it’s been little over one year since you came to the throne, meaning that your reins of power are not firm enough. I know those loyal to the prime minister are waiting to laugh at you. It’s not late to launch war after we replace those rebellious with our own people. Secondly, there is no qualified general available to lead the troops. Your Majesty, a reckless war may result in not only a heavy defeat but empty coffers. This is the last solution we can resort to.”

Li Chengkun contemplated it for a long time. Finally, he said, “If so, please go to Beiqing and make peace with them. If they agree, confer the title of ‘Ning’an (meaning peace)’ upon a princess and marry her to Beiqing with Heihe city as her dowry.”

“Yes. The proposal shall be made by you. Besides, I don’t trust anyone else. You’re high-powered and can represent Daqi. You’re the best suited to carry out this mission.”

The state preceptor’s eyes rolled quickly as he tried to find an excuse.

“This is related to our national security. Aren’t you willing to do this task?” Li Chengkun asked.

The state preceptor replied hurriedly, “Yes, I am willing. This is... my responsibility.”

“Then hurry up and set off.”

“I see, Your Majesty.”


After the discussion with the emperor, the state preceptor walked off in annoyance to the rear of the palace. This time, he strode into her bedroom without any effort to hide his intention. At that moment, she was playing with her Persian cat. Astonished by his sudden visit, she asked with worry, “What’s wrong? Who upset you? And why didn’t you inform me before you came here?”

“Humph!” He sat down and gulped down a cup of water.

It was too late for her to stop him. She had just given that water to the cat. But it was not a big deal. What was done could not be undone, and it was not poisonous.

“It pissed me off that His Majesty asked me to go to Beiqing! He didn’t give me any chance to decline it!” he said furiously.

“Huh? But you’re old. It’ll be torture for you to go so far.”

“He is indeed torturing me, isn’t he? Whether I succeed or not, I’ll take the blame for him. If I fail, I’ll be a sinner and the officials will say His Majesty is deluded because of me. If I make it, I’ll also get no benefits for many oppose making peace. In brief, I’m the scapegoat.”

Feeling his rage, she ran her hand on his back to make him feel better.

At the same time, she thought: The emperor is quite shrewd, but you’re indeed his best scapegoat.

After all, she was the empress dowager. Although she had an affair with the state preceptor, she certainly stood by the imperial court’s side when facing such things.

“Take it easy. Don’t be angry. Perhaps he just couldn’t find a more suitable candidate. Anyway, the task needs to be done, right? It’s said the fur coats in Beiqing are pretty and cold-resistant. Can you get one for me there?”

He asked, “Aren’t you worried that I won’t come back? What if I die halfway or get killed by the enemies there?”

“How could that be? Even if two countries fight against each other, they don’t hurt envoys. Beiqing won’t kill you. Don’t worry. Oh yes, I’ve just learned a new dance. Do you want to see?”

Only then did his face soften a bit. “Who did you learn from?” he asked.

“From some dancers of course.”

He gave her hand a stroke. “Why did you learn this?”

“It’s to please you. Otherwise I wouldn’t have learned such a thing.”

“All right, then dance for me...”


The next day, the state preceptor left for Beiqing. The prime minister was still in prison. His son, also being an official, went to the palace a few times but didn’t have a chance to meet the emperor.

Apart from him, some other officials also begged the emperor via letters to release the prime minister, since he was too old to suffer the bleakness in the prison and shouldn’t be treated this way considering his contributions. However, the emperor gave them no response.

During those days, rumors spread all over the capital that the emperor had been against the prime minister and wanted to kill him this time.

Half a month later, the state preceptor returned with “good news” that Beiqing had agreed to be connected with Daqi through marriage. Those who advocated launching war were all discouraged. They thought the emperor was too petty-minded and easily cheated by the state preceptor.

Undoubtedly, the state preceptor was the biggest target under public criticism. But he didn’t care about that. After smoothly completing his task, he went to the rear palace again. With his success, he became even more arrogant. He kept speaking ill of the prime minister and stressing the relationship between the two countries, how severe the situation was and what Beiqing might do if a war was launched. He concluded that, anyway, a war was utterly unwise.


According to the negotiation, they had to marry a princess to Beiqing. In recent years, Beiqing’s combat capability had been improved and its forces and horses were becoming stronger. However, its living conditions still lagged far behind Daqi’s. The northern desert was windy and sandy throughout all four seasons, so no one wanted to go there.

Although Li Chengkun had not many sons, he had quite a few daughters. Besides, it didn’t necessarily have to be one of his daughters. Any princess would be fine. The one chosen was his uncle’s granddaughter Li Xiaoyue, a 16-year-old woman. She was then conferred with the title “Ning’an Princess”.

On learning the news, she fainted. The emperor of Beiqing was over 50, even older than her grandfather. She’d rather die than marry an old man. She cried every day, begging Li Chengkun to have mercy on her. But no one could help her. Not even her family. Her parents wet their faces with tears every day, helpless over their daughter’s fate. Li Xiaoyue became hollow-eyed from weeping.

When the prime minister learned about this in the prison, he scolded for a few days. “We’re a big country, but now our emperor wants to send a little woman to be humiliated! Why is there no mercy? What kind of country we’re in? What kind of fatuous emperor will do this kind of thing?”

His words spread among officials and reached the emperor’s ears.

The state preceptor said, “Your Majesty, the prime minister said you’re a fatuous leader. This is a serious offense. You should sentence him and his family to death, Your Majesty!”

The officials were scared into trembling. Someone stepped out to beg for the prime minister, saying that those were just his angry words, not to be taken seriously.

The state preceptor pointed at the official. “You’re speaking for him? Do you think the same as he does?”

The official was terrified and speechless.

Li Chengkun waved his hand. “The state preceptor is right. Here, I sentence the prime minister and his family to death!”

For a moment, there was a deafening silence.

When Li Xiaoyue was forced to sit on a bridal sedan chair, she cried so loudly that people along the street heard it. The matchmaker could only drug her to put her in a coma.

That day, the prime minister and his family were taken to the Meridian Gate where they would be beheaded. He was called Xun Jian’an. When he and his family were about to be killed, many men rushed over from all directions and fought against the government forces. Finally, they saved Xun Jian’an and his youngest grandson Little Xun. Then, they left as fast as they had come.


At the same time, Li Xiaoyue also left the city from the northern gate. The drug left her unconscious until the evening. By then, she was in despair on finding that she was so far from the capital. She didn’t know what kind of life was waiting for her in Beiqing. The old emperor there was said to be bloodthirsty, cruel to women and especially addicted to torturing young women. She also heard that, a dozen years ago, a princess had died two months after marrying him.

Would she have a good life there? The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Secretly, she swore that she would make Daqi and Li Chengkun pay the price.


Two days later, they eventually reached the destination. That night, the matchmaker asked Li Xiaoyue to go out for dinner. She was pleased that Li Xiaoyue became quiet these two days and said to the others, “Women usually struggle at the very beginning, but they accept their fates when they realize that resistance is futile. It’s nothing bad to marry a man in Beiqing. Anyway, her husband will be an emperor. In Daqi, she can merely marry a minister of much lower status.”

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