My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

174 Chapter 174

174 Chapter 174

“In my command, earth plane’s space would return back to normal!” Claude shouted like a god and it was as if the realm itself has listened to him

The spatial storm calmed down and space ‘healed’ itself. It was like seeing a wound close up in real-time

Even the spatial dragons halted in their tracks. The fabric of space that was used to create the dragons starts to break down and blend and return to the earth realm

The process was smooth and gave off natural vibes which completely shocked Space Monarch to the core

“H-how…?” The old mage stared at his spatial dragons that are being torn apart as a result of Claude’s actions

“Space Monarch, you are one of the strongest leeches of the earth but your main power comes with manipulating space. The space of the earth realm but while you forcefully controlled space, I on the other hand could freely command the space of the earth realm” Claude said before waving his hand

Chains of light condensed out of thin air that either wrapped or pierced through Space Monarch’s blessed land

The old mage could feel that his power was being suppressed by those chains. The chains made it hard for him to use and channel his power

A 7th rank mage’s power came from their Blessed Land. It was as if they have the power of an entire small dimension that they could freely use

However, using such power is harmful to the plane. If not for Claude locking space, the spatial dragons just by their presence and creation alone would have already swallowed the Eastern Country

Hence, such a high level battle could not become a regular thing and must also be done at the edge of the world to minimize the damage

Space Monarch in particular has one of the most devastating power. If he wants, he could tear the fabric of space of an entire country and permanently erase it

That’s how dreadful his power is but he met someone that perfectly counters him and that is Claude Preston, the most precious being for the earth realm!

“Claude Preston!” Space Monarch spat angrily. He might have a good temper but who wouldn’t be furious if someone is trying to kill you?

As such, he controlled his power, and the chains of light start to shudder and tremble violently. If this goes on, the chains of light would surely break downjosei

Since Space Monarch knew that spatial power wouldn’t work, he resorted to using other kinds of powers

Crimson fire suddenly spread on the chains as Space Monarch struggled to summon forth the power that he possessed or more like stole from the earth realm

Although he was suppressed, if given enough time, he could definitely break these chains. But would Claude even give him the time to do so?

This time, it was Claude that manipulated the fabric of space. Pieces of space detached themselves from the realm

Compared to how Space Monarch did it, Claude’s process was smoother. Space Monarch was forceful while with Claude, space itself listened to him

The fabric of space folded and turned into sharp spatial daggers at least ten in number. If any mortal comes close to these daggers, even without touching them, they would definitely be shredded to death. It doesn’t matter whether they are normal humans or 6th fusion rank mages, the end result would still be the same!

The spatial daggers seemingly vanished just to appear near Space Monarch, trying to stab him to death

As a result, Space Monarch was forced to divert his attention from the chains to the spatial daggers

He forcefully summoned forth the power that comes from his blessed land. Using even an ounce of power was a struggle but to keep his life, he has no choice

He stretched his hand out and summoned bubble-like things. Inside the bubbles were different terrain

These bubbles were the same ones he used in the Tournament’s first round. These bubbles held a small dimension inside them

The spatial daggers and small dimensions collided with each other. Almost instantly, the small dimensions broke and were torn apart

Scraps from the volcanoes, forests, mountains, etc. that were inside the spatial bubbles were violently thrown around

In the end, the spatial daggers and spatial bubbles cancel out each other. But while that was the ending, Space Monarch’s situation has become worse

The crimson fire he uses to break the chains of light were not as strong as it was when he was fully focusing on it

Parts of the flames died down, giving the chains of light the chance to repair itself

Even without Claude doing anything, the energy of the earth realm itself automatically moved to repair the chains of light

This gave Space Monarch a feeling as if he was fighting against the world itself which was not a good thing to feel

“Space Monarch, give it up! If you really care for the people, you have to return to your blessed land and die!” Claude said sincerely as if he was not asking someone to die

“I care for them but not to the point that I’ll give up my life!” Space Monarch retorted!

Who in the world is not selfish? While it was true that Space Monarch is kind to the common people, his kindness has a limit. It was not to the point that he would willingly give up his life!

As such, more spatial bubbles appeared. Facing them would feel as if thousands of geographical location was being thrown at you

It was as if someone threw an entire mountain, sea, forest, swamp, volcano, etc. at you!

The spatial bubbles engulfed their surroundings, trying to hit Claude and kill him for good

However, Claude easily moved around and dodged them. If ever there was a spatial bubble that he couldn’t dodge, he would punch it to death, sending broken debris everywhere

His flying speed was completely inhuman. It was not something that the naked eye could see that it might as well be called a teleportation

This causes Space Monarch to feel anxious and he screamed loudly


Veins popped on the old mage’s entire body. His Blessed Land projection violently trembled and the chains trying to suppress it broke

However, this also caused a significant burden to it and parts of the blessed land turned into ashes as if all the vitality on it was used up

Another reason why 7th rank mages don’t fight with their full power was that. Their Blessed Land is the source of their strength that is not easy to recover

Their Blessed Land came into being by robbing the origin energy of the realm itself. The lack of origin energy and the stealing of the 7th rank mages was one of the reasons why the Earth realm couldn’t recover and repair the broken laws

The laws in this realm are completely different than the laws of other realms in the universe

If an earthling entered another realm, they would definitely experience a culture shock. And the same was true for beings of other realms that decided to enter the earth realm

With Space Monarch freeing himself from the chains of light, he could finally fully exert his full power

The spatial bubbles trembled and their flying speed exploded exponentially. It was to the point that with how fast they were flying, the fabric of space was continuously being torn apart

Space has become so fragile in front of power that reaches the 7th rank. And this was in a space locked by Claude

If this was on the mainland, at least one continent would have been erased already

This time, Claude didn’t fly to dodge. He directly teleported around to dodge these spatial bubbles


Space Monarch extracted power from his Blessed Land and electric blue lightning packed with a world ending devastating power covered his hands

Once a person reached the 7th rank, they could freely use any elements and are in no need of a mystic gem anymore

They could literally use any element though, of course, there is the issue of mastery

Space Monarch’s mastery is to the space element but aside from his spatial bubbles that hold small dimensions inside, using other spatial power would be useless in front of Claude

While Claude was flying, Space Monarch stretched his hand out and sent streaks of lightning that could easily pulverize everything on its path

However, two blessed land’s projections suddenly appeared on Claude’s palm which was what was left of Myriad Poison Snake’s Blessed land and also the Blessed Land of the mage from the Western Country

Claude uses the power of these Blessed Land to deal with the lightning streaks

Seeing those Blessed Land, Space Monarch’s pupils dilated. Did Claude actually steal the Blessed Land of the 7th rank mages that he fought and killed before?

Seeing those, there really is no doubt anymore that Claude really killed 7th rank mages before!

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