My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

190 Chapter 190

190 Chapter 190

With the five mages hesitant, Claude thought that he succeeded. As long as these mages continue to hesitate, they would reveal a loophole. A loophole that Claude could take advantage of to either kill all of them or flee right this instance

However, before he could rejoice, uninvited guests suddenly appeared out of nowhere which turn his situation for the worst

“Since none of you wanted to attack first then give us the honor” a voice suddenly said as space twisted

The power of three 7th rank mages was able to tear a hole in space to arrive at where Claude and the five 7th rank mages were

From the hole in space, three people came out and these three people have identical faces as if they were born triplets

All of them were wearing a plain black battle robes and the only distinguishing feature that they possesses was the small crystals on their forehead

One of them has a green crystal, the other has a yellowish-brown crystal, and the last one has a deep violet crystal

“Who are you?” One of the five 7th rank mages unconsciously asks and the three smile at the same time as if they were in sync

“We are Her Majesty the Serpentine Empress’s humble servants” the three answered at the same time

Hearing that, the muscles on Claude’s body tightened. His nerves were a wrecked

Just five 7th rank mages alone were already enough to bring him great trouble, what more now that there were an additional three?

Eight 7th rank mages… that’s a scary line-up and if Claude is not careful, today might be the day that he would fall

One must say that the Serpentine Empress’s tactic was simple but it was also extremely effective

She was able to prove that schemes don’t have to be deep and complicated. Even the simplest scheme could be the most effective scheme if it was done skillfully

“Now, shall we kill the realm’s chosen?” The triplets said at the same time again as they launch their attacks at Claude

Earlier, Claude intimidated the five 7th rank mages causing them to be unable to attack him for a moment. But now that these triplets have arrived, they were able to perfectly dismiss Claude’s plan

Since one of them attacking would cause Claude to target and steal their Blessed Land, why not just attack at the same time and use the people of the Serpentine Empress, right?

With that, Claude was forced to fight eight 7th rank mages at once which causes his countenance to turn extremely grim


Inside the countless folds of space, the Serpentine Empress could be seen. She was moving slowly but surely with the guidance of a strange object

The strange object was in the form of a compass but its size was definitely not the same as an ordinary compass

It was big enough for a person to stand on. In fact, the Serpentine Empress was standing precisely on top of the compass that was moving on its own

From time to time, cracks would appear on the compass as if the realm don’t tolerate its existence and wanted to erase the compass which was simply bizarre

Dark fog still covered her face but people that would observe her would see that she was actually quite anxious

Her anxiousness was not without reason. This is her only chance of possibly escaping a broken realm and once again stepping into the universe

If she fails this time then her death is almost set in stone. She would have to fight the realm’s chosen which was blessed and supported by the entire realm

If the Serpentine Empress was at her peak, not to mention the realm’s chosen, even the whole realm could be easily destroyed by her

But now, a weak realm’s chosen from a weak realm is already enough to threaten her life. It was funny how unpredictable life could be

“I must succeed! I must succeed and escape! I have wasted a lot of time in this broken realm already. The legacy, I need to obtain the legacy left by the #%^+=*” she muttered anxiously as the compass she was riding on continued to navigate the countless folds of space

The realm’s consciousness is similar to an AI that would only act depending on how it was programmed. It was very similar to a computer

The realm didn’t use its power to kill the Serpentine Empress directly but it was aware that she wanted to steal something that would cause the realm’s demise

As such, the self-defense mechanism of the realm kicks in and is causing this troublesome situation

Normally, the Serpentine Empress should have arrived at the gathering point of the Blessed Land already

The earth is only so big and fragile. A 7th rank mage could literally arrive at the exact opposite side of the realm just by tearing a hole in space

They could basically arrive wherever they want as long as they know where that place is

However, the realm was hindering the Serpentine Empress. It was trying to fool her and send her away using the fabric of spacejosei

It was only with the help of her compass that the Serpentine Empress was able to make progress and inch closer to the gathering point

This was also the reason why she has to delay Claude. The realm’s chosen can directly appear at the gathering point but for people like her… that was basically impossible

Even then, she continued to move and move, trying to reach the gathering point as fast as possible but she didn’t expect that someone would beat her to it

Not far from the Serpentine Empress, tens of small bubbles could be seen. These bubbles were grinding against each other, forming a strange scene

Those bubbles are precisely the Blessed Land from all the dead 7th rank mages not just in the current era but also in the previous ones

Those Blessed Lands previously had an owner. And even the realm cannot just take it back easily as it would take time

Even now, Claude still cannot use these Blessed Lands as the realm was still trying to purify them

Hence, even the Serpentine Empress has to wait but she didn’t expect that she would see a person at the gathering point that was not Claude Preston

This result was definitely unexpected to her. Never in her wildest dream would she think of this scenario

If it was Claude Preston, she could understand since that man after all is the realm’s chosen. However, who was this? That is a person that the Serpentine Empress has never seen

However, while the Serpentine Empress doesn’t know who that person is, she is still aware of one thing

This young man hates her. No, in fact, hate might be an understatement. This young man loathes her to the core!

If given a chance, this young man would definitely kill her with no hesitation. No, in fact, the young man wanted to kill her but he knew that he doesn’t have the ability

With the Serpentine Empress’s experience and wits, she could read the young man even if he don’t say anything

“Who are you?” She questioned while raising her guard which was a normal thing to do

Claude could arrive at the gathering point because of his identity. As for the Serpentine Empress, she has her treasures with her although the compass she was riding on earlier has now shattered into useless scraps that were further pulverized by the realm

But for this young man… what does he have or what is he to be able to come here even faster than the Serpentine Empress?

“Bitch…” the young man muttered which completely stunned the Serpentine Empress

Bitch? Did he just call her a bitch? She cannot believe how things develop and the only thing she was able to do was to stare at Rezen blankly

“I’ll kill you… I’ll kill you… mark my words, a day would come when you will die from my hands!”

“Even if you die before I could kill you, I would drag you from the deepest parts of hell and bring you back to life just to kill you again!”

“No, no, no, wait, killing you is too merciful of an act. I’ll torture you in every way possible for eternity!”

“I’ll have men fuck you over and over again, have rats eat your flesh and leeches drink your blood. And when you are on the brink of death, I will fucking heal you just to burn you with the fires of hell”

“You will soon experience all versions of pain that this world could offer. That is what would become your future fate and no matter how much you struggle, you would not be able to escape the fate that I would bestow upon you”

“Serpentine Empress or whatever your fucking name is, marks my words, I will carve your name in history as the person that experienced the most pain in the world!”

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