My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

Chapter 241 241

Chapter 241 241: Shitty Luck

Skillful alchemists would first distill the ingredients and remove as many impurities as they could but Rezen still doesn't have the ability to do that

When a mage attempts to reach the Junior Rank, they have to cleanse their bodies but it doesn't mean that their bodies would forever be cleanjosei

Over time, a mage's body would accumulate more impurities again which is especially so when consuming potions. As such, there is a need for them to cleanse their bodies again

Rezen has yet to enter a 'developed society' in this realm but he still could guess that a potion with higher purity would be more expensive

He would practice distillation later on but for now, he wants to succeed in creating a mana potion first

After putting all the supplementary ingredients in the pot, Rezen then grabbed three blades of Vismian Grass

It was fortunate that the Drakery Forest is like a virgin forest. Its resources were still not badly exploited and Spirit Plants are relatively common although most are just in the 1st cycle

Rezen tore the blades of grass into several pieces before he used his Water-type Resonance Gem

With the aid of the gem, Rezen created a magic circle that controlled the water on the pot

The water on the pot was controlled by an invisible force as if someone was stirring it

All the supplementary ingredients were 'swallowed' and broken down by the water and its color changed into gray

This gray-colored liquid is still not a mana potion and this time, the water focuses its attention on the main ingredient which was naturally the Vismian Grass

This time, the water swallowed the main ingredient and broke it down into pieces until it dissolves

The gray water started to have patches of blue color but this is still not a mana potion

Rezen stopped stirring the pot with magic as he condensed another magic circle that also appeared on top of the pot

"Combine!" Rezen muttered as he gritted his teeth

Generally, alchemists would start to train when they reach the Junior Rank as the means of apprentices are limited. In some ways, it was hard for apprentices to succeed and training in alchemy without reaching the Junior Rank seems to be not worth it

However, Rezen doesn't have a choice. Entering the forest is dangerous and he couldn't search for resources 24/7

Winter is arriving soon which means that there would be fewer Spirit Plants. Even if the forest is a virgin forest, once it started to snow, some Spirit Plants would still die

As such, although the cost, time, and effect is not worth it when practicing alchemy at the apprentice rank, Rezen is still doing it

If he doesn't gather enough resources to clean his body in a passable state, he would have to rely on alchemy to make the Spirit Plants more effective!

Sweat rolled down on Rezen's forehead as he gritted his teeth. He was controlling the magic circle to combine the essences of the supplementary ingredients and the main ingredients but this was not as easy as stirring ground coffee with water

This is alchemy! Not many mages could become alchemists! Not only was it a hard path, the cost is also equally high!

Rezen has always been lacking in the talent department and he is also not a genius that could succeed the first time

He has to compensate with hard work and once his farm recovers, he would be able to supply himself with more ingredients for training

In the end, the pot suddenly exploded and splinters of wood flew in all directions. Fortunately, this is just the most basic mana potion and not a high-level one

The explosion wasn't that strong and Rezen was also able to dodge in time before the splinters could penetrate his chest

"Another failure... this is really hard! I already wasted a lot of materials. If these materials were not 'free' as I and the tribesmen gathered them in the forest, I might have become bankrupt already!" Rezen muttered as he start cleaning the mess that was created by the failed potion


2 months later

"Winter is really arriving soon. Chief's words might really be the truth, it might start snowing tomorrow!"

A Rezen that was covered by clothes made from beast skin could be seen walking inside Drakery Forest

Based on what he learned during his months of stay in the Waterside Tribe when winter arrives, the tribesmen would cover their bodies with beast skin

Of course, what they created is still not proper clothes. As long as the beast skin could cling to their bodies after being tied, it's already good enough

As for when the climate was not cold anymore, they would then continue wearing only beast skirts as they are more comfortable in that way

Since Rezen has the chance, with his guidance, he had the tribesmen create clothes for him using the beast skin

At the very least, the 'fabric' or more like the beast skin of his clothing is not just tied together so that it wouldn't slip off his body

He looks a bit decent now with his long sleeves and pants. And since the beast skin came from magic beasts, they are quite good as they provided Rezen with enough warmth

"This is the last day, if I don't get enough resources, I either have to be satisfied with a 93% purity rate and advance or I continue practicing alchemy to make cleansing elixirs"

"However, alchemy is even harder than I thought! While I already succeeded in making mana potions, my success rate is extremely low and I'm already starting to lack ingredients. This weather is unsuitable for growing a large majority of Spirit Plants!"

"I don't have the confidence to make cleansing elixirs considering that they are one of the hardest elixirs to create. I could only rely on luck and find enough treasures of heaven and earth today!"

Since this is the last day that Rezen would search for resources, he didn't do so at night as it might already start to snow this evening

Once it starts snowing, things would become more dangerous. The extreme cold would easily wear out Rezen and make the weak him even weaker

"Another vismian grass, this Spirit Plant is really common" Rezen muttered as he gently picked the blades of grass that he had encountered and stored it in one of the pouches tied at his waist

After that, Rezen continued but aside from the common Spirit Plants to encounter, he hasn't encountered any Spirit Plant that could be used to remove impurities

He was betting on his luck today but it seems like he ran out of it!

Rezen sighed but he still didn't lose hope. As long as the day doesn't end yet, a special Spirit Plant might come in a clutch!

However, instead of the suitable treasures, what Rezen encountered is danger!

His senses suddenly picked up danger and he didn't hesitate to inject mana into his Resonance Gem and cast magic

"[Blessing of the Wind!]"

On Rezen's body, winds swirled and he hurriedly jumped from his original position and he was just in time. If he didn't move then he would be hit by a flying wolf

That's right! It was a flying wolf!

This wolf has a huge hole in its stomach. Its gray fur was instantly dyed red and even its internal organs spilled out

Not far from Rezen, he saw two groups of magic beasts clashing

One side was a bizarre-looking magic beast. It is a magic beast that was on all fours and its body was covered with light brown scales

It has an elongated head and on its forehead was a large horn and it has what look like small and thin tentacles on its chin

Its appearance is fearsome alone but the thing that terrifies Rezen the most is that this magic beast is at the Junior Rank!

Not to mention, it was not the only magic beast at that rank!

This magic beast was currently being attacked by a pack of wolves led by another Junior Rank beast

In this kind of battle, Rezen doesn't have a chance of survival if he doesn't run away!

Fortunately, he always sprinkled Juta Powder on himself. While the powder would not completely erase his presence or make him invisible, even a 1st cycle magic beast wouldn't necessarily notice him if he was careful or they don't look exactly at his direction

"Run!" That was the only thing on Rezen's mind and with the aid of his spell, he started running but his luck was really shitty today

The brown-scaled magic beast actually gathered mana at the tip of its horn before sending an energy ray toward the wolves that were attacking it

That ray has a long range and was coincidentally fired in Rezen's direction!

"Argh!!" Rezen moved to the side and gritted his teeth. Although he tried to dodge, he was still hit on the shoulder!

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