My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

Chapter 256 256

Chapter 256 256

If Rezen has to guess the reason, it would be that the City of Hope is currently lacking manpower and they wish to replenish their numbers by absorbing the scattered tribes

In fact, calling the tribal people manpower might not be accurate. Maybe, the more proper term is cannon fodders depending on how bad the situation was

However, even then, Rezen already plans to become a part of this city. A developed society with resources, knowledge, and instructors is basically what Rezen badly needed

He is still lacking in all three and his only hope in this realm is the City of Hope as it was the only human city in the realm

"I understand. I will help you persuade them, trust me!" Rezen said boastfully, once again portraying a cheerful personality

It was easier to love and have goodwill towards someone that is cheerful, energetic, and sunny rather than those that are gloomy

If Rezen wants to stay on the good side of these people and they help him integrate into the City of Hope then his childish acting would be 100% worth it

"That's great! With your help, we would be able to persuade your tribe! Hehehe, let me tell you another story. This time, it is about what we call the Guardian..."

As Rezen guided Wermon and Philome to the Waterside Tribe, the latter wouldn't stop speaking. It was to the point that Rezen felt like his ears would pop soon but he didn't show that on his face

He acted like he was seriously listening and he would even ask some questions from time to time so that he could extract more information from Philome

The journey back to the Waterside Tribe was extremely safe. With the strength that Wermon and Philome possessed, they easily massacred all magic beasts that they encounter whether they are beastlings or Junior Beasts

They achieved something that even ten Rezen is unable to do and it didn't take that long before they finally arrived at the tribe

"Still, seems like things are working for the better. I originally planned to nurture more Junior Mages to get out or head deeper into the forest to search for developed human settlements but after reaching the Junior Rank, I realized that wouldn't be possible"

"I am barely progressing as a Junior Mage, how could I possibly help others progress? I could help mages gather mana faster with the help of my potions but everyone has a limit on how much mana their bodies or elixir fields could possess"

"Besides, magical knowledge is also a prerequisite to advance. Without learning magic enough, it was impossible to advance and use one's power to the fullest"josei

The first step of Rezen's plan was to provide the tribe with enough food resources so that they could increase their population and they would always be at peak condition

Once that happens, Rezen could then teach the tribesmen what he knows but while the first step is easy with the help of the farm, the second step was not since Rezen himself is lacking in talent

Fortunately, Rezen could still enter a developed society with the help of these mages from the City of Hope

Compared to the other parts of the forest, the Waterside Tribe has a lesser amount of snow as the tribesmen moved the snow outside of the tribe

The more snow there is, the colder it would be and the higher the risk of death. At the very least, they couldn't let snow flood the tribe

"Oh, Rezen, you're finally back! We were worried about you! Come here and have roasted potatoes... huh?"

Treen was the first person to notice Rezen. Since Rezen is already a Junior Mage, the tribesmen wouldn't stop him from traveling in the forest alone and all they could do was hope that nothing bad would happen to him

Treen even tried to offer roasted potatoes to Rezen when he noticed that the latter was not alone. He was accompanied by two people wearing 'strange clothes'

Whether it be Treen or the other tribesmen, they have never seen the type of attire that Wermon and Philome are wearing

As such, in their eyes, the two are wearing something strange that they could not comprehend

Compared to the time before winter, the tribesmen are fully clothed in this time of the year because of the low temperatures

At normal times, they would simply wear a skirt made from the fur of magic beasts. They look the most primitive in those times but even though they are covered by beast fur right now, they still look different compared to Wermon and Philome

One look was enough to see that the two sides were living in a completely different world

One side has that rough and primitive aura while the other side was wearing a complicated set of clothes and are exuding a more refined aura

"Everyone, say hello to Brother Wermon and Sister Philome. They came from the place they called the City of Hope and they are here to convince us to join them" Rezen announced

He wants to take these people with him since at the very least, they should be loyal to him and the tribe for some time

Since Rezen is entering a completely new and different society where he almost doesn't know anyone, it was better if he has people whom he could trust with him

No matter what the realm is, a developed society filled with different factions is definitely more complicated than the society of a small tribe where everyone treats and view each other as families

"Hmm? Ci- what?"

"Woah, what is this made of?"

"I have never seen something like this before!"

"Ah! It's cold!"

The tribesmen without caring or more like without the concept of etiquette gathered around the two 'strange people'. They completely invaded the two's personal space making them feel awkward

Some of the tribesmen even directly touched the clothes that Wermon and Philome were wearing, especially the armor of Wermon that is cold to the touch

They were acting rude but in their eyes, they are not. They have different concepts and values compared to city people

They were touching the people they didn't even know before today in an unbridled way

Discomfort could be clearly seen on Philome's face as a result. As a woman, it doesn't feel nor look good that she was consecutively being touched by men as if it was nothing

They are just too touchy for her own likeness but she doesn't want to act rudely. In any case, she and Wermon are already aware that tribal people have different views compared to city people

​ "These little bastards, do they have a death wish?!" Rezen thought angrily while worrying for his life

If the tribesmen were to anger either of these two, they would definitely be wiped out today

What they should be doing is showing humility and respect to the strong! They shouldn't be touching them as if they were just feeling some fabric!

Rezen turned to look at the Chief but aside from knitting her brows, she didn't say anything else

"Aish, what did I even expect? Of course, for the Chief, the action of her tribesmen is normal" Rezen grumbled before waving his hand


"What's happening?"

"What is this?"

The power of Rezen gently pushed the clamoring tribesmen away from the two city people

It was as if some invisible force was pushing them away and they are powerless to resist

The tribesmen except for a few of them are all just apprentices, how could they possibly resist the power of Rezen that reaches the Junior Rank?

"Cough! Cough! Please calm down everyone and don't just touch people like that" Rezen scolded them

These people just have a death wish!

"Huh? Why not?"

"What's wrong with that?"

"We are just touching their strange clothes!"

The tribesmen protested, seeing nothing wrong with their previous actions causing Wermon and Philome to unconsciously look at each other

This was the type of scene and reaction that they initially expected. Rezen was acting civil and too polite that they thought every tribesman would be like him

Rezen is more of a city person rather than a tribal member. However, since Rezen doesn't even know the existence of the City of Hope, the two don't think that he came from the same place as them

At most, they think that Rezen is the oddball of this tribe since every place has people that others viewed as odd

"May we know who the Chief of the tribe is?" Philome asks deciding to do all the talking

She was more friendly and easygoing compared to Wermon. She was more suited for this job

After all, the tribe shouldn't accept the decision easily as it means that they have to abandon their homes. It's not easy to do such a thing

"I am" the Chief answered as she stepped out to face the two guests of the Waterside Tribe

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