My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

Chapter 293 293

Chapter 293 293: Recommendation Letter

At first, Rezen thought that this idea of his was good but in the end he scratched it off. While this idea in essence was great the thing is Rezen doesn't know how much time he has before the admission test

Considering the efficiency of the City of Hope when it comes to matters that can improve the strength of its citizens he guessed that he doesn't have much time before he has to take the test

"Overthinking, impatience, and a blind desire to grow stronger is a bad trait to have if handled incorrectly. I should just use these days that I can rest to adjust my mental state" Rezen decided and what's the best thing for him to do that other than relaxing?

Until now, Rezen still finds his hobby relaxing though it was mostly painted by capitalism. Still, even though he mostly plant plants for the sake of his growth farming is still something that he enjoys especially after he discovered another unique ability of the farm

Rezen walked towards the shelf containing mana potions before walking to the shelf that contains his seeds

He picked a seed of Suppla Grapes and with telekinesis, he controlled the seed and dunked it inside the potion

Soon, the seed started absorbing the properties of the potion until none was left anymore. Rezen did this again and again until he has ten seeds that absorbed the mana recovery potion

After mutating the seeds, Rezen immediately went to a part of his farm that does not contain any plants and he started digging. This time he was using his hand and his digging speed was quite slow

He was just leisurely doing his hobby and there is no need for him to finish this as fast as he could

After some time Rezen finally finished digging ten holes in the farm's soil with some distance between each individual holejosei

Rezen started placing one seed each into the hole before he covered them with more soil

When he was done, Rezen used water magic to water the plants

Two months ago Rezen used this method to use the potion that he indirectly received from the Guardian. At that time he had a thought, does using seeds to absorb a potion's properties only limited to the potion he got from the Guardian?

When Rezen asked about Ivy it the fairy didn't give him a direct answer and instead asks him to discover it on his own

To Rezen's delight, he could actually do it to all potions. Even if he is an alchemist and a forager he would still go broke if he always consume mana recovery potion unless the ingredients came from his farm but if that's the case then he has to create the potion by himself which would lessen the time he could use to cultivate and train

Even Rezen from time to time has to buy mana recovery potions from others but now he doesn't have to do that much

He could use seeds to absorb a potion's properties and when they bore fruit the fruits would have the same effect as the potion it absorbs. And the seeds could also be replanted and they would have the same effect but just with lower potency

Potions that Rezen bought from others contained a high level of impurities while the purity of the fruits that grew on his farm could be adjusted by him. This was simply a windfall

Rezen doesn't have to buy or create mana recovery potions but from time to time he still soaked seeds on these potions from time to time since the efficacy of the seeds that were soaked is higher

He would use the fruits from replanted seeds on normal occasions and use the ones with better effects on a more special occasion

Now, all Rezen has to do was to wait for his crops to grow, and just like usual he uses Suppla Grapes since that Spirit Plant increases the potency of other ingredients. At the same time, it also increases the potency of the potions it absorbed. It was Rezen's favorite seed to use when using a potion

Rezen was simply relaxing inside his farm, enjoying the breath of nature when he notices something and he returned his mind to his physical body

In the physical world, Rezen opened his eyes and took out a medallion from his spatial ring. With him spending three months inside the City of Hope Rezen now has a spatial ring although the space was limited. It merely has five cubic meters of space

The medallion on Rezen's hand was bronze in color and has a star design in the middle. This is a communication medallion that is used by mages to communicate with each other

Unfortunately, the range was limited and that depends on the quality of the medallion. As for Rezen's medallion, it could only communicate with people that are within ten kilometers of where he is

Rezen injected some mana into the communication medallion to check the message he received and it was from Philome

With bated breath, Rezen read the message and he felt like he got a huge load off his chest

The message he received was a recommendation letter to Tryst Academy and this made Rezen happy

Tryst is not a first-rate or top-notch academy and was merely a second-rate one. However, Rezen is really just aiming for a second-rate academy

He is aware that his talent was not yet enough for him to be admitted into a first-rate academy. His talent might have grown a lot over the past few months but he is still not at the same level as the real geniuses in the City of Hope

With his current abilities, the best academy he could possibly enter is a second-rate academy. At the very least it was not a trash academy

"Let's see, the admission test will take place next week. I must prepare myself for it then" Rezen nodded his head while rubbing his chin

The previous Rezen expected that academies only accept students once a year but that was not the case because the city was always being threatened by the magic beasts

Admission to academies is done on a quarterly basis. They accept students every three months but of course, the better academies have high threshold so that they wouldn't overflow their academies with a large number of students

Even the admission test of a second-rate academy is not to be underestimated and Rezen has to prepare for it

"Belazark stop lazing. We have to go to the training center. You will train with me!" Rezen said and as expected the lazy snake complained

"Ah? Master you can go train by yourself. This snake fears that I'll just inconvenience you. There's no need to worry about me"

Belazark speaks as if it was thinking for its master's snake but in truth, it was actually just a very lazy snake with no drive whatsoever to improve

The only thing that it wants is to be safe and well. Other things such as growing strong do not matter to it

Too bad that it is now Rezen's subordinate and he wouldn't let his subordinates stagnate. They have to grow stronger along with him

"Are you going to come with me or do I have to make you come with me?" Rezen asked with a smile but his tone was full of threat. He even retrieved his magic wand from his spatial ring and pointed it at the lazy snake

"This snake naturally has to support its Master. I will come!" Belazark hurriedly replied. The rate at which its tune changed was extraordinary but it couldn't be blamed much

Every time that Rezen wants the snake to cultivate or train he always has to resort to violence before the snake would listen to him. As such, the poor little snake now has PTSD because of its master's violence

With his threat working, Rezen walked out of the room and he went down the stairs. Along the way, he saw that the tribesmen are in a different mood

Some are elated and happy, some are sad and depressed, and there are also those that were relieved

If Rezen has to guess they also received a message from Philome whether they are recommended to better academies or not. At the very least they hoped to enter a third-rate academy instead of those trash ones

Rezen ignored these people, intending to head to the training center as fast as possible when he saw a certain someone dressed from head to toe

This man was wearing a brand new shirt and pants along with a cape on his back. He was even humming happily while enjoying his own world

Deciding that it was better to dodge this person, Rezen was about to quicken his pace but it was too late


Unfortunately for Rezen, Treen already saw him and the man even called his name and he can only sigh

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