My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

Chapter 308 308

Chapter 308 308: Third Challenge

Now that Quard used the protection of his mage robe and also the magic spell that his magic wand could cast almost instantly, there was nothing else that he could rely on to possibly defeat Rezen aside from his personal power

Unfortunately for him, it was already proven that his own personal power is not enough to defeat Rezen

In the end, the result was as one would expect. Rezen continue smashing his ice staff against Quard that could only try to block the strikes with his magic wand

Quard might be a Deviant Mage and his physique is better than Spirit Mages but his physical abilities are still not as good as the one that Rezen has

After the third blow, Quard failed to keep protecting himself, and his magic wand was thrown in the air. He was unable to hold his magic wand due to the enormous force of Rezen's strike

Now that the magic wand is gone, Rezen was free to land direct hits on his opponent. Once again, he raised his hand and smashed his ice staff toward Quard

The man that loses his magic wand was unable to block the attack and he was hit directly in the face as his body was thrown backward

His nose bled, the blood dyeing the ground with a red color but before he can even wipe his blood and land on the ground, Rezen already appeared near him

Rezen was merciless, not giving his opponent the chance to recover before he utterly humiliates him

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He smashed his ice staff on Quard three times consecutively. Even if Quard wanted to use magic to escape the humiliation, Rezen would hit him with the staff, interrupting his casting

It was not only the face that Rezen hits, he continuously swung his ice staff at Quard's body as if he wants to hit every part of the man's body

He was making sure that his attacks wouldn't cripple or critically injure Quard but the appearance that the man will have is that of a pitiful victim

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Despite the fact that his opponent cannot fight back anymore, Rezen showed not even a hint of mercy. He made sure that no part of Quard's body would not bleed

If that was not enough, he even grabbed the man in the air before smashing his face into the ground

The ground cracked and before Quard could utter words of surrender, Rezen raised the man's head just to smash his face into the ground againjosei

If that wasn't enough, Rezen threw Quard in the air by his hair and when the latter was in the air, the former jumped to give him a kick in the stomach

Quard's body was thrown even higher in the air until his back smashed into the invisible barrier of Mage Feather

The poor man puked large mouthfuls of blood and before Rezen can continue attacking him, a force blocked his path. Rezen was unable to approach Quard again as the latter's body was controlled by an invisible power and he exited the barrier

"This match is student Rezen's victory" Mage Feather announced as she formed a humanoid non-living puppet-like entity from the ground and have this puppet deliver the poor Quard into the infirmary

Since his opponent was saved by the Instructor, Rezen stopped and he too walked out of the invisible barrier amidst the fearful gaze of his classmates. After seeing how they look at him, he knew that he accomplished his goal

He just wished that his next opponent wouldn't have the same personality as Quard. He already showed his brutality when facing Quard but he doesn't want his whole personality to revolve around that one trait. He still has to perform and show another side of him

However, before that, Rezen retrieved another bottle from his spatial ring to help him recover

As much as he overpowered Quard, the battle with him and also with Porenz still took up a lot of Rezen's strength. His mana reserves were running low

If he was not a Deviant Mage that consumed Spirit Plants like there was no tomorrow, he would be completely out of mana already

"The third challenge, I'll make it my last challenge. If I were to fight even after that I might just humiliate myself. Both my mana and physical strength are already spent. There's not enough time to recover"

Even though the students are given a bit of time to rest and heal their injuries, the allocated time was far from enough for them to reach their peak

As such, they cannot fight everyone just because they want to


The third opponent of Rezen was another male mage and he seems to be more mild-tempered than Quard

The man instead of wearing a mage robe like most Spirit and Deviant Mages wore a matching green and brown shirt and pants

He was also not wielding either a magic wand or a magic sword. Instead, there was brass knuckles on his hands and these brass knuckles has sharp blades at the top

"I'm Theon Sharp, please go easy on me" the man said and this mage didn't come from a famous and influential family in the outer walls

The families that are at the top of the outer walls should have at least one Senior Mage. Unfortunately, this Theon's family doesn't have a Senior Mage and that means he has fewer resources than people like Porenz and Quard. However, he made up for it with his own talent

"Alright" Rezen simply replied and the two started their battle. Just as Rezen expected, Theon has a close-combat fighting style despite being a Deviant Mage

In fact, most Deviant Mages are still either most comfortable with long or close-range combat. After all, it was hard to be a master of both even if they have the capabilities to attack from a distance or close range

Porenz can comfortably attack both close and long-range. Quard is used to attacking from a distance, and this Theon is adept at close combat. As for Rezen, he can also do both

As a Deviant Mage that has expertise in close combat, Theon's movement and attack speed was really fast

If Rezen didn't consume all of the resources that his farm grew he might not be able to keep up

Rezen pointed his magic wand at the ground causing a wall to rise up. However, this wall was soon cut in half by the blade of Theon's brass knuckles

Theon used his left hand to cut the earthen wall as he stretched his right hand to attack Rezen

In return, Rezen sent fire from his magic wand, and the fire was also cut in half by Theon's brass knuckles. It seems like this man is an expert at cutting attacks

The top part of the earthen wall that was cut was still falling down before Rezen controlled it

The top part of the wall moved opposite to Rezen's direction, threatening to hit Theon that crossed his arms in front of him

The impact pushed Theon several steps backward, increasing the distance between the two of them

Since Theon is most comfortable attacking in a close range, why should Rezen fight in a way that is advantageous to his opponent?

He deliberately increased the distance between the two of them so that his opponent wouldn't be able to use his full power

As soon as a distance was created, Rezen waved his hand and a ball of water formed at the tip of his magic wand

The water ball turned into a rotating vortex that he sent into his opponent

Mana gathered at Theon's brass knuckles and its color deepened as it became sharper than before


Theon jumped to meet the water ball as he slashed his brass knuckles on it while rotating his body in the air

Theon turned into a human tornado as he approached Rezen while slashing his brass knuckles all around him

The water ball was butchered by him, sending splashes of water everywhere but Rezen simply waved his wand once more

This time, he sent streaks of lightning and although he can't see it due to how fast Theon was moving his body, the latter was actually surprised

At this point, Rezen showed more Magic attributes than any other student. He was surprised that Rezen can skillfully use these many attributes

Since the water from the water ball also splashed on Theon's body, he was more susceptible to lightning attacks and he moved in the opposite direction to dodge the lightning streaks

However, some of the lightning streaks still landed on his body and he was electrified. Smoke flew out of his body but he was not seriously injured. This is just light injuries since he was able to move in time before the lightning streaks could fully show their power

He finds it hard to approach Rezen and he decided to change his combat style

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