My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 483

Chapter 483

Chapter 483

A young woman jumped down from the roof. Although she wore Han clothing she had a wild appearance. The skirt that should have been binding her legs were torn and looked like pants. Tailors all over would be infuriated at the state of her clothing.

“Huh?” Jia Xu frowned as he recognized this young woman to be the barbarian princess from the brothel. Why was she here? Wasn’t his subordinate watching over her?

“Lord!” The man that had been chasing the barbarian princess arrived. When he saw Jia Xu, he quickly lowered his head with a guilty expression and cupped his fist. “This subordinate is incompetent for allowing the Miss to run out!”

“It is not your fault.” Jia Xu knew that the barbarian princess was very skilled. That was why he had three people watch over her. In other words, Jia Xu was partly responsible that the barbarian princess was able to escape. It was pardonable since only one person was watching her.

The barbarian princess rushed towards the barbarian and shouted. “Hu Zi! Hu Zi!”

“Princess!” Hu Zi was initially extremely afraid of Liu Mang and was watching him vigilant. However, that fear all turned to joy when he saw the princess.

“Hu Zi!” The barbarian princess ran towards the man excitedly. Her entire tribe rejected her and even tried to get rid of her. The one that saved her was Hu Zi. Now Hu Zi also came all the way to Jingzhou for her. Xiangyang in Jingzhou was a strategic location. If Hu Zi followed her, it would be very difficult to leave the city. If it wasn’t Liu Mang but the Huang Family that got hold of him, he would have already been dead.

“I will not allow you to harm Hu Zi!” The barbarian princess stood in front of Hu Zi to protect him. Opposite her was Liu Mang.

“I wasn’t able to control myself.” Liu Mang muttered as he stared blankly at his hands. His going out of control had begun quite a while ago. The more Liu Mang struggled, the more likely he is to lose control of himself, giving in to his love of slaughtering others. The same thing happened to Liu Mang again when the barbarian refused to yield.

“Blood?” Jia Xu noticed the blood on the barbarian princess’ clothes and looked at his subordinate.

“Lord! This subordinate could not catch up with her so he could only be ruthless!”

“Princess! You are injured!” Hu Zi also noticed the injury after he smelled blood. He initially thought the blood was his own until he noticed the princess’s pained expression. He then shouted angrily. “Despicable Han! I will fight you to the death! How dare you injure the princess!”

“You want to die? Then come!” Liu Mang who regained his sanity sneered back. Although he did not want to fight, it does not mean that he cannot kill this barbarian. Jia Xu’s subordinates were also glaring at the barbarian. Even they would be able to finish off the barbarian since the barbarian was already considered half dead.

Hu Zi roared. Although Hu Zi was afraid of Liu Mang, he was angry from the provocation and also from the princess’ injury. However, he was quickly stopped by the princess. Liu Mang alone was enough to defeat them. She had fought Liu Mang before and Liu Mang only needed one hand to stop her. On top of that, Hu Zi was injured and Liu Mang still had plenty guards such as Jia Xu’s subordinates and the guards of the Kuai residence. She knew that this was a dead end.

“What do you want?” The barbarian princess asked as she looked at Liu Mang. She knew that this hated man was the core of the opposing group.

“I don’t want anything! Since you are already out here, pack your things and get lost! The Kuai residence does not welcome you!” Liu Mang did not care for this two. It was one thing if they were ungrateful to him even though he saved them but one of them even went and injured others. Liu Mang was disgusted by this.

“You are letting us go?” The barbarian princess initially thought that she would have to serve Liu Mang in exchange for Hu Zi’s life. This would be consistent with the Han’s usual conduct. She never expected that Liu Mang would let them go without any condition.

“What else? I saved you guys out of good intentions but you guys cannot differentiate good and bad!”

“You saved us?” The princess Qian Yu1 jumped when she heard those words. If this was called being saved, she would rather die.

“Still unconvinced? If it was not because of me, you would have died a long time ago!”

“I did not need you to save me! Who asked you to save me?” Qian Yu bashfully shouted.

“Princess. He saved you?” Hu Zi asked.

“Yes, yes! You do not need me to save you. Now get lost. You can still leave the city right now. Nobody will pursue you!” Liu Mang knew that the barbarian princess was bought by the Huang brothers and then saved by Hu Zi. The two of them were then pursued by the Huang Family. Now, Liu Mang wanted nothing to do with them. He still had important things to do the next day.

“Princess. Let’s leave.” Hu Zi pulled the princess. He came all the way to Xiangyang to save Qian Yu. Since he had already saved her, he decided to take Liu Mang’s offer and leave.

“I am not leaving.” Qian Yu said willfully.


“I am injured.” Qian Yu pointed at her ankle. The darts had already been taken out but her feet was still bleeding.

“Jia Xu. Give them some money and a carriage then have them leave. I don’t want to see them at all!” The money was for Qian Yu to see a doctor while the carriage is for them to get around while looking for a doctor and also to leave the city.

“Understood.” Jia Xu nodded and then approached the barbarian princess with the intention of taking her elsewhere to give her the money. “Princess, please follow me.”

“Do you think you can just forget everything like this?” Qian Yu became agitated from being ignored by Liu Mang and her reverse psychology. Before this, Liu Mang didn’t let her leave when she wanted to leave. Now, Liu Mang’ did not allow her to stay when she wanted to stay.

“Then what do you want? I saved you and you hurt my people!”

“Are you just going to forget about how you bullied me that night?” Qian Yu said with a red face. She may be bold and easy going but she was still unable to say those words without turning red.

“Princess! This man bullied you?” Hu Zi eyes grew wide as he became anxious. He may be a dumb barbarian but even could understand the implication of those words.

Qian Yu’s words caused everyone else to also look at Liu Mang. Qian Yu was right. How could you abandon someone after having sex with them? However, Qian Yu was poisoned at the time and the only way to save her was through sex. Liu Mang was simply the person that did it.

“Hu Zi! This is none of your business!”

“I...” Liu Mang looked at the others with the intention of explaining himself. But he did not know what to say. If it was just expelling poison, he could do it with his hand. However, his hand was injured. “I simply expelled the poison from your body. If I did not do that, you would have died.”

“Sigh, Milord. Look at you giving excuses when the Eldest Lady and Third Lady are not around.” Jia Xu smiled. He was telling Liu Mang that there was no need to give excuses since those two were not here.

“Get lost!” Liu Mang replied

“If that is the case, I would rather have died!”

“Then what do you want?” Liu Mang asked in resignation.

“I want to marry you!” The princess said daringly.

“Marry me?” Liu Mang asked fearfully. The two tigers at home were already hard enough to deal with. If this person was a gentle and honest person from a good family, Liu Mang could still accept her. However, the barbarian princess was someone who is not content with her position. His two violent wives would kill him. Liu Mang also noticed Lu Bu’s black expression when he brought back Yuan Fang and Qiao Yu.

“Impossible!” Liu Mang immediately refused. He was still too young to die.

“Princess?” Hu Zi was confused. The barbarian princess said that she wanted to marry a Han. On top of that, the Han refused.

“Then kill me!” Qian Yu said. She had already thought about this after she was violated by Liu Mang. She had initially thought of killing Liu Mang and her other thoughts were also different compared to other barbarian women. This is because her mother is a Han even though her father is the barbarian king. That was why she knew some Han etiquette, was curious about the Han’s world and valued her chastity. Since she could not kill Liu Mang, she decided to marry Liu Mang. Besides, Liu Mang was also considered handsome to the barbarians.

“I...!” Liu Mang honestly wanted to kill her as well the Qian Yu was a woman and Liu Mang had also touched places that he is not supposed to. This gave him a guilty conscience. Liu Mang fell into a dilemma. He could not marry her and he could not kill her.

“Is Your Highness having difficulty from this?” A teasing voice came from the side as two men appeared. Both of them had a grandeur appearance that came from years of practice.

“Master Zirou! Master Yidu!” Jia Xu cupped his fist at the two. The two Kuai brother returned the greeting as Jia Xu’s position was also quite high as one of Liu Mang’s advisors. Liu Mang also saw the two men.

“What could possibly cause difficulty for His Highness?” Kuai Yue approached with a smile across his face.

“I want to marry him but he does not want me!” Qian Yu replied without caring about how women are supposed to be reserved. Her frankness also surprised Kuai Yue.

It is not only her way of speech but it is also about how the subject was not something to be declared boldly to the world.

“She is a barbarian woman!” Liu Mang explained.

Hearing those words, Kuai Yue finally understood. The Wu Xi Barbarians were closest to the Han in terms of appearance and could wear clothes. The more savage tribes deeper in the jungle can’t even wear clothes. The barbarians did not have so many customs and their women were more frank. He once heard that women would beat up the man they like and then kidnap them. At first it sounded like a joke but when he saw Qian Yu, that hearsay seemed likely.

“Your Highness. What is there to be confused about? Isn’t sex a normal thing?” Kuai Yue said. Liu Mang had never seen Kuai Yue talk so much before.

“Your Highness is good. Your Highness is young and promising. See you later.” Kuai Yue spoke endlessly.

Meanwhile, Kuai Liang was snickering. When Kuai Yue spoke like this, it meant that someone is going to get schemed against.

“Let me tell you that it is impossible! I am already married!” Liu Mang wanted to explain that taking a wife and taking a concubine were different matters entirely. It was impossible for Liu Mang who had two wives to take another one.

“You already have wives?” Qian Yu asked unhappily even though it was normal for a Han person to be married.

“That’s right. That is why I cannot marry you! Go back to Wu Xi and be a princess there. I will not accompany you!” Liu Mang said and quickly tried to dispel the barbarian princess’ intentions.

Qian Yu became depressed but Kuai Yue gave her a lifeboat. “Your Highness. You cannot marry her but you can still take her as a concubine!”

“A concubine?” Qian Yu’s eyes shone. To her, taking a concubine is the same as marriage. There was no difference as long as she entered his family.

“Kuai Yidu!” Liu Mang gnashed his teeth in anger. He had almost gotten the barbarian princess to leave but Kuai Yue just had to reignite her hope.

Kuai Yue put on an innocent expression as though he did not notice Liu Mang’s anger. “Your Highness. Are you worried about your status? There are no problems. We, the Kuai Family is prosperous but only have Kuai Ran. A few extra children would not be an issue. I can adopt her as my niece. That way, Your Highness would not have any more difficulties!” Kuai Yue said. Even though they were now allies, Kuai Yue was not happy that Liu Mang schemed against him so he took this opportunity to take revenge.

“You!” Liu Mang speechlessly looked at Kuai Yue.

“Uncle!” The barbarian princess immediately greeted and was immediately greeted back. Liu Mang became even more annoyed. Now, Qian Yu was at least part of the Kuai Family while Liu Mang is the guest.

“It is no use! Lady Qian Yu, please go back!” Liu Mang coldly said. He wanted this to stop as it was becoming more difficult for him to refuse. It was also at this moment when Kuai Yue found out that she was called Qian Yu.

“You just don’t want me! Am I right?” Qian Yu angrily asked. She had did all this and Liu Mang was still being ruthless.

“I am sorry.” Liu Mang lowered his head and apologized.

“Fine! Liu Mang Liu Hanyang! You better not regret this!” Qian Yu shouted with tears in her eyes.

“I won’t.” Liu Mang replied. He was weak to the tears of women but it was better than the alternative.

“This Hu Zi won’t forgive you for making the princess unhappy!” The barbarian became angry when he saw Qian Yu’s tears. He had always treated her as family. If it was not because of her, Hu Zi and his little brother would have died in the forest a long time ago.

When Hu Zi jumped at him, Liu Mang simply stepped aside without retaliating. He would have easily killed Hu Zi but chose not to out of guilt. His bodyguards then followed Jia Xu’s commands to protect Liu Mang.

“Hu Zi! Stop! Let us leave!” Qian Yu ordered.

“Niece.” Kuai Yue called out. As his relationship with Kuai Liang had mended, he became someone who treasured relationships. Although he was disgusted by Liu Mang, he did not have a bad impression of Qian Yu.

“Uncle Kuai, I will take my leave. I will visit you next time.” Qian Yu cupped her fist.

“Sigh.” Kuai Yue did not know what to say and could only watch her leave.

“Jia Xu. Have you prepared the carriage the money? Quickly give it to Lady Qian Yu!” Liu Mang ordered.

“Understood.” Jia Xu nodded and left. He then came back with a wry smile and said that Qian Yu refused everything. josei

“She refused everything?” Liu Mang was confident that she would act this way. “Send people to guard them and make sure they return to Wu Xi safely. Do not let them notice that they are being guarded.

“Allow me to handle this.” Kuai Yue spoke up. Liu Mang also did not reject Kuai Yue’s proposal. Kuai Yue’s intelligence troops were at least as good as Jia Xu’s. If Kuai Yue were to say it, he would definitely be able to do it.

“The forest is the best place for you.”


It was mentioned a few times in the earlier chapters and never again until now. Wish they’d use names more often.

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