My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 486

Chapter 486

Chapter 486

“A carriage?” A soldier asked when he saw the approaching carriage.

“That is Miss Xiao Cui’s carriage!” Another soldier recognized. As Xiao Cui was Lady Cai’s personal servant, she had greater standing compared to the soldiers. They had to try and obtain her favor instead of offend her.

“Didn’t Miss Xiao Cui go out to buy cosmetics for the Lady?” One soldier asked as he took a look at the second carriage following the first.

“Why are you asking so much for? Quickly go and help her down!” As Xiao Cui would not have a servant to assist her and that the seat of the carriage was quite high up, the soldiers were the ones that help her get down the carriage.

Once the soldiers helped Xiao Cui down from the carriage, they asked her why she was back so early and who the people behind her was.

“No need to ask so much!” Xiao Cui replied. The soldier that asked the question was one of those that had been given to Lady Cai for a long time. By now, the soldier should know the kind of person Lady Cai was.

Although Xiao Cui rebuked him, she did not feel indignant. The soldier also nodded and left. Asking once was alright but not asking many times.

“Where is the Lady?” Xiao Cui asked.

“The Lady is still playing Go with that young lord.”

“I understand“ Xiao Cui nodded and went towards the residence. The guards tried to stop Liu Mang and Jia Xu from following but Xiao Cui quickly gave them permission to enter.

As Liu Mang’s identity was a merchant, he was escorted to the backyard since merchants could not discuss business in the main hall. Liu Mang did not care about this. All he needed was to be able to meet Lady Cai.

“Rest here while I go and report to the Lady.” Xiao Cui said to the two after bringing them to a table at the backyard and then warned “Do not go elsewhere to avoid any misunderstandings.”

Liu Mang and Jia Xu then sat down beside the table and chatted with each other.

“This Liu Biao is quite a spendthrift. He is willing to spend so much for a woman.” Jia Xu commented as he looked at the residence. Just the gorgeous flowerbed and the materials used to make the flowerbed alone probably cost him over a thousand gold.

“He is naturally willing to part with so much money since Jingzhou is so prosperous.” Liu Mang replied. He had already seen Liu Biao’s spending habits at his residence. Everything there was extremely extravagant. It also showed that Liu Biao did not care about the sufferings of the common people.

Liu Mang looked at the trees and flowers as he waited. Eventually, his sight landed on the flowers that stood up straight

“Milord. Do you like poppies1(虞美人 )?” Jia Xu asked.


“That’s right.” Jia Xu replied and explained. Poppies were beautiful so there were those that plant them in their flowerbeds. However, not everybody liked it as poppies symbolized death.

However, Liu Mang looked at the flowers again and shook his head.

“These are definitely not poppies.” Although Liu Mang did not know much about flowers, he knew that these flowers were not poppies. This is because the flower buds of poppies were supposed to dangle down. They only stood up straight when they bloomed.

“These are heartbreak grass (断肠草)2!” Liu Mang stated.

“Heartbreak grass?” Jia Xu looked at the plant skeptically. Why is it called a grass when it was clearly a flower?

“Haha. This is also known as the demon flower.” Liu Mang said again. If these two could not explain it well enough then there was also a third name, the Opium Poppy34(罂粟花 ).

Liu Mang knew this much the police taught them how to differentiate the flowers in case someone accidentally planted and grew drugs.

“Demon flower? Heartbreak grass?”

“Wenhe. This plant is like a devil. Once it infects you, you would no longer be able to part with it!”

“You would not be able to part with it after it infects you?” Jia Xu repeated. Was it truly so terrifying? He had looked at it for such a long time but did not feel anything different.

“Of course you must extract the drug from it first!”

“Then is it like Cold-Food Powder?”

This was a psychoactive drug that was popular amongst the Han nobles as it could satisfy their desires but contrary to their beliefs, it does not make them healthier. josei

“The drug you could make from this flower is not inferior to the Cold-Food Powder in any way!” In fact, opium addiction was actually worse.

“Besides that, the drug would also be easier to make compared to the Cold-Food Powder.” Cold Food Powder could only circulate amongst the nobles but several kilograms of this opium could be produced with one acre of fertile land.

“This trip is worthwhile!” Liu Mang laughed as he looked at this flower. It may be known as the demon flower but all things depend on how a person used it.

The world belonged to the nobles. Even the Emperor was just a higher class noble. Once they grow weak, they would inevitably be dragged down. As the nobles were powerful, removing them through force is not going to work. This meant that Liu Mang needed something to control or destroy the nobles.

For example, Liu Mang could control the flow of opium to make it precious and sell it to the nobles. Once they are all addicted, he could easily control them. For example, if Liu Biao was addicted to opium, Liu Mang did not need to come all the way to Jingzhou. He could just control the outflow of opium and Liu Biao would obediently hand over all of his provisions.

Liu Mang then calmly told Jia Xu. “No matter what, we must get our hands on this plant. It would be even better if we can obtain their seeds! With this flower, we would be able to open the gates of hell!”


After entering the courtyard, Xiao Cui tactfully waited for Lady Cai and Pang Tong to finish their game of Go.

“Milady. It seems like this is my win again.” Pang Tong smiled.

“Young Master Pang is talented. This one cannot compare!” Lady Cai replied. Unlike the overly competitive Pang Tong, she did not care about the outcome of the match since it was meaningless.

“Your servant has been waiting for quite some time. Speak. What is the matter?” Pang Tong asked. Lady Cai also noticed that Xiao Cui had returned earlier than expected. This meant that something had happened. It was at this moment that she smelled the fragrance of flowers coming from Xiao Cui. It had a stronger smell compared to actual flowers.

Xiao Cui had a dry face that could only be hidden with cosmetic powders. Yet, Lady Cai noticed that Xiao Cui’s face was smooth and shiny despite it not being covered with cosmetic powder. Lady Cai was very interested but she would only wait for Xiao Cui to give her report.

“Miss. I have already bought the cosmetics! See how effective it is on this servant!” Xiao Cui said as she approached Lady Cai. Lady Cai then also noticed that Xiao Cui’s hair was also more beautiful. Even Pang Tong could not help but stare.

“There is also lip gloss and skincare!” Xiao Cui added what she learned from Liu Mang.

“Where did you get these?” Lady Cai asked with interest.

“These products all came from the West!”

“Oh?” This was not the first time a person came from the West to trade. However, this was the first time she had heard of cosmetics from the West.

“All of it is made from expensive flowers! Each of them costs at least ten gold!” Xiao Cui said. There were times where products were judged by its price instead of its efficacy. Sure enough, Pang Tong was also curious. Was the cosmetic products from the West truly so expensive? The total was easily over a hundred gold.

“Do you not have enough money? If so, quickly go and get the money from the storeroom!” Lady Cai ordered. Although a hundred gold was a lot of money, Lady Cai thinks it was cheap for its effects.

“No, no!” Xiao Cui shook her head.

“Is it not enough?”

“It is not that. The merchants are here. They said they wanted to meet Milady and offer these cosmetics to you!” Xiao Cui explained. She had taken her own initiative to set this up.

“You! Who allowed a servant like you to bring people in?” Pang Tong immediately got angry and slapped Xiao Cui before Lady Cai could say anything.

“Ah!” Xiao Cui fell to the ground and her face turned red. She did not know why Pang Tong suddenly slapped her.

“Impudent!” The guards took out their weapons immediately as they all had a good relationship with Xiao Cui. As long as Lady Cai gave the order, they would gladly end Pang Tong’s life.

“Does the Lady want to kill me?” Pang Tong asked.

Initially, Lady Cai was also about to chide Xiao Cui. However, Pang Tong’s actions made her angry instead.

“Stop!” Lady Cai ordered her guards. While Xiao Cui had made a mistake, she was her servant while Pang Tong is just a guest. Xiao Cui’s punishment should have been handed out by her instead of Pang Tong.

“Young Master Pang. You have crossed the line!” Lady Cai frowned.

“Lady Cai. Have you forgotten our arrangement?” Pang Tong glared back. He knew that he had crossed the line but he had not yet learned the custom of treating a female servant.

“I did not.” Lady Cai replied. Pang Tong was correct as she had agreed not to meet anyone in exchange for their support.

Lady Cai was afraid of the Lumen Academy. Had it been the Pang Family alone, Lady Cai would have him beaten up and thrown out. Xiao Cui had been with her since she was young. She would definitely not tolerate Xiao Cui being beaten up.

Lady Cai took a deep breath to restrain her anger. “Young Master Pang, please conduct yourself with dignity. The Lumen Academy is not named Pang and the head of the Pang Family is not named Tong.” Lady Cai was basically warning Pang Tong not to do this again or she would no longer show restraint.

Since the Lumen Academy only gave face to Pang Degong and not Pang Tong, Lady Cai still had the power to make Pang Tong suffer.

“I understand.” Pang Tong replied as he glared back with killing intent but nobody noticed as his eyes were small. Pang Tong was extremely competitive and hated to be threatened or looked down on. He was even willing to kill his brother’s best friend. This meant that if he had the chance, he would not let Lady Cai go free.

“Hahaha! Please forgive me. I was too impulsive! Miss Xiao Cui, I am truly sorry!” Pang Tong faked a laugh.

Lady Cai was not quite satisfied with Pang Tong’s performance but knew that this wasn’t the time to have a falling out.

“Let us drop this matter! Xiao Cui, go and send these people back.” Lady Cai ordered. She had to give Pang Tong face since the man had already lowered his head.

“Understood.” Xiao Cui nodded and sobbed. Lady Cai was heartbroken when she saw Xiao Cui who had always been by her side get hit. However, she had no choice. She could only wait for this matter to resolve before placating her.

“No need!” Just as Xiao Cui was about to leave, two people intruded into the room.

“Who are you?” The guards asked as they drew their swords.

“It’s you!” Lady Cai recognized Liu Mang since she had met him at Liu Biao’s residence.

“It is me!” Liu Mang laughed. Liu Mang came here because he became impatient from waiting for so long. Either way, they have already entered the residence. Jia Xu was also afraid that Lady Cai would refuse to see them.

“It looks like Brother Pang is also here!” Liu Mang said mockingly as he confirmed the reason Lady Cai would not meet with him.

“Hmph!” Pang Tong harrumphed as he looked at Xiao Cui murderously for bringing Liu Mang in. Xiao Cui could only tremble in fear.

“Is Your Highness the King of Shu doing business now? Has Yangzhou fallen so low?” Pang Tong mocked.

“You are His Highness?” Xiao Cui said in shock.

Liu Mang nodded at Xiao Cui. He felt apologetic to her because Pang Tong slapped her.

“Haha. What is wrong with doing business when both sides consent to it? It is much better compared to someone that incite problems from behind the scenes.” Liu Mang replied. His mindset was completely different from Pang Tong. To Pang Tong, merchants were a lowly existence. On the other hand, Liu Mang believed that merchants who also depended on their own ability to survive was not much different from others. “Besides, I am here to give the Lady a present.”

“Haha. Since when did Your Highnesss come from the West?” Pang Tong asked with the intention of destroying Liu Mang’s stage.

“The West? It is just a place. I have been to further places unlike someone who still does not know how wide the world is! Tsk, tsk. All your studies are for naught. To even raise your hand against women! The Pang Family is truly unfortunate!” Liu Mang mocked as he also took revenge for Xiao Cui.

“Liu Mang Liu Hanyang!” Pang Tong shouted hatefully. He would have gotten physical if not for the fact that he could not win.

Lady Cai watched their verbal spar and her opinion of Liu Mang went up.

“Brother Pang Tong, please leave. This King is here to meet the Lady. Brother Pang is in the way.”

“Hmph. Your Highness, please go home. The Lady is not meeting anyone today!” Pang Tong coldly replied.

“Oh? Since when was Brother Pang able to make decisions for the Lady?” Liu Mang asked.

“Since my...” Pang Tong almost spoke of his deal with Lady Cai while replying angrily.

“Why is Your Highness looking for me?” Lady Cai interrupted Pang Tong. “If Your Highness have any government affairs to discuss, it would be better to discuss with my Lord Husband.” Lady Cai calmly told Liu Mang that looking for her was pointless.

Liu Mang had a blank expression for a while. Although he did not expect to succeed so easily, he also did not expect Lady Cai to directly refuse him like this.

Liu Mang then laughed, “Milady. You are mistaken! Wenhe. Come over here.” Jia Xu then stepped forward and gave Liu Mang a box.

“Miss Xiao Cui. Come over here.” Liu Mang called Xiao Cui. When he saw her face, he felt guilty and was about to touch it before realizing that men and women are not supposed to touch each other.

“Miss Xiao Cui. This King feels guilty for causing you to be injured by a villain. So please accept these cosmetics!”

“Your Highness?” Xiao Cui wanted to accept the gifts but looked at Lady Cai instead. This is because Lady Cai was her real master.

Lady Cai simply nodded. Liu Mang was also partly responsible for Xiao Cui getting slapped by Pang Tong. So, she could accept those gifts as compensation.

“Miss Xiao Cui, please do not decline.” Liu Mang shoved the gifts into her hands before she could reply. “Miss Xiao Cui. Have someone boil and egg and then roll the boiled egg on your face. It can help with the swelling.” Liu Mang added.

“Are you done? If you are done please leave. Me and the Lady is still busy playing Go!” Pang Tong tried to chase Liu Mang away.

“Milady. This time, I am not here for government affairs but business. I am sure you have seen the efficacy of these Western cosmetics from Xiao Cui.” Liu Mang ignored Pang Tong and started a topic about cosmetics with Lady Cai.

Lady Cai was interested in this topic and Liu Mang was not chased away much to Pang Tong’s dismay.

Lady Cai was not an idiot. She knew what Pang Tong simply did not want Yangzhou to buy provisions. However, this was only about cosmetics, Pang Tong cannot argue.

Liu Mang continued to speak of various methods about how to stay beautiful such as how to lose weight and how to remove the dark circles under one’s eyes. His words were all logical so Lady Cai kept nodding. While Lady Cai was obsessed, Liu Mang suddenly stopped and looked at Pang Tong.

“What’s wrong?” Lady Cai asked. She was engrossed in the topic as she was learning how to stay beautiful.

“Haha, Milady. Some things are business secrets so some people should not remain here.” Liu Mang said, obviously referring to Pang Tong. Since Pang Tong could not chase Liu Mang away, he decided to stay there and listen in on their discussion. The moment they decided to talk about provisions, he would get in the way.

Lady Cai found herself in a difficult position. There was her agreement with Pang Tong but she also found herself unable to drop this topic. In the end, she promised Pang Tong that the discussion would only be about beauty before chasing him away.

“I hope Milady will keep your word.” Pang Tong harrumphed and left. Xiao Cui who was protected by the guards glared at him as he left while Liu Mang’s smile grew wider.

“Your Highness. We can only talk about beauty. We cannot talk about government affairs.” Lady Cai reminded.

If it was not because of these methods, Lady Cai would not have budged at all. Liu Mang wondered what offer had Pang Tong given to obtain such a strong supporter. Although Liu Mang was frowning in his heart, he was now able to control his expressions easily.

“Of course. We won’t talk about government affairs today!” Liu Mang laughed with every intention of staying over till the next day.

Lady Cai also laughed back with the intention of chasing Liu Mang away the moment Liu Mang has finished divulging his secrets.


“Damn it! Damn it! Go and die! Fake King Liu Mang!” Pang Tong angrily vented once he returned into his room.

“That servant girl as well! I will make sure you die tragically! And that Lady Cai! Once I am done with Liu Mang, I will conquer Jingzhou and turn you into a prostitute!” Pang Tong was so angry that his subordinates all did not dare to approach him.

“Military Advisor! Speak cautiously!” One subordinate turned pale and quickly warned Pang Tong. Although everyone here knew of Pang Tong’s intentions from the start, they were still inside Lady Cai’s residence. If anyone else heard this, they would not be able to leave at all.

“Hmph!” Pang Tong knew that his tongue slipped and stayed silent. However, the anger in his eyes have not disappeared.

“Military Advisor. Calm your anger! Didn’t Lady Cai promise you that she won’t discuss government affairs?”

“Do you believe her?”

Pang Tong subordinate wanted to say that he really did believe her but did not dare say it when he saw Pang Tong’s expression. To a woman, beauty and their children were the most important things. In other words, he believed that Lady Cai would still act accordingly if Liu Zong could obtain Jingzhou.

Pang Tong also believed her but he was afraid that Liu Mang would turn things over again. Originally, Liu Mang wouldn’t have been able to meet Lady Cai at all but here he was. All of this is because of that female servant. Pang Tong became angrier as he thought about Xiao Cui.

‘No! I must win this time! By hook or by crook!’ Pang Tong thought to himself.

“Military Advisor?” Pang Tong’s subordinate became anxious as he watched Pang Tong’s changing expressions.

“Lady Cai, you slut! Since you are heartless, don’t blame me for this injustice!” Pang Tong had a sinister expression that made those around him terrified. He then took out a bottle.

The contents of this bottle was an expensive drug. It was the same drug forcefully fed to the barbarian princess. The barbarian princess only took a drop but Pang Tong took out an entire bottle. This was something Pang Tong had originally spent a lot of money on in order to curry favor with Liu Bei. Liu Bei was getting old and was losing his sexual drive but he still did not have an heir. If they continue this way, Liu Bei would lose popularity. This drug was meant for Liu Bei himself to drink.

“I am sure this residence have some of our own people?” Pang Tong asked.

“Yes. There are three people. One is one of the guards, one is a kitchen hand, and one more is one of Lady Cai’s servant!” Of these three people, the female servant had the highest position. Although she was not as powerful as Xiao Cui, she also had some say.

“Then we use them!” Pang Tong laughed coldly. “Put this drug into the teacups of that slut and that fake king!”

“Huh? But that servant...” Pang Tong’s subordinate was shocked. The female servant had managed to enter Lady Cai’s service with great difficulty. If they were to do this, that female servant was finished.

“It would be worth it! One servant girl for one lady! It can also start the war between Jingzhou and Yangzhou!” Pang Tong said fiercely.

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