My Father is a Hero, My Mother is a Spirit, the Daughter (Me) is a Reincarnator.

Chapter 29

Chapter 29: Agriels Laments

Chapter 29: Agriel's Laments

Translator: Masakibluei

However, before thinking about remarrying, there are too many things that Sauvell needs to do. For one thing, he still unfinished yet in dealing with the aftermath that had been caused by Agriel. He has to make a document of Agriel’s extravagance spending and send it to the Royal Family. Beforehand, He had sent Agriel's belongings away, and threw all the decorations in Agriel’s room. In order to start a new beginning with his future wife and child, he does not want to leave anything that had been used by Agriel even once in the house.

In addition, there are also the things that he has to do in regards to the mine. After the mine inspection, then the next thing to do is developing the venture. He has to make an arrangement in advance and let his Older Brother helps him. Then……the words that he needs to say to his lover who has been waiting for him.

Thinking about this, Sauvell wears a dry smile on his face. He lets out a sigh while thinking that he might be quite busy for a while. However, his heart has cleared up.

Lawrence: “………First thing to do, shaving the beard……”

Lawrence spouts out another comment in a low voice.

Inside the Tenmark Palace, Agriel is drowning in madness. In the meantime, her daughter falls into depression and refuses to leave her room. In a brief period of time, Agriel wanders around and oppresses everyone in the palace. She is used to treating people in the Vankriff family in such a way and treats the servants of the palace with tyranny too. The servants of the palace become speechless at her actions.

Previous King: “Would you stop it!!!”

Agriel:” Why! I’m a princess, am I not!! Why no one is listening to me!?”

Previous King: “You are just selfish. Because of you, the Royal family loses its dignity, so shut your damn mouth!!”

The old king is resigned at the appearance of Agriel’s fat body. Even all of her dresses are unrefined, and she does not have even one appropriate dress. Upon seeing all her personal items which are sent by the Vankriff family, all the attending maids in the palace are speechless at the weird designs of the belongings. What she had bought were useless items for collection. Moreover, those items are extremely expensive. Looking at those items, the rumor that Agriel embezzled the Vankriff family golds seems to be the real truth. In addition, the King and the Crown Prince were so shocked at the compensation amounts charged by the Vankriff family, to the point that they dropped the documents as soon as they read it. To make it even worse, those amounts are for the uncountable items that she had bought recently. The reality of Agriel’s notorious deeds makes the vassals at the palace hold their heads.

Lafissel: “Agri-“

Agriel: “Lafis Older Brother! Help me!”

Lafissel: “What are you talking about? Even though it was your fault, both Father and I are the ones who are cleaning after your mess.”

Agriel is stunned at Lafissel’s words.

Agriel: “What mess!?”

The King: “She has no clue until now……”

Lafissel: “It’s the golds that you embezzled. You’ve been wasting a lot of golds for your bad hobby of collecting junks.”

The king is exasperated at his daughter. On the other hand, Lafissel is smiling, but his eyes are not smiling at all.

Agriel: “You are so terrible, Lafis Older Brother!!”

Lafissel:” I’m terrible? I think your deeds are more terrible, though. Even yesterday, you violated one of the attending maids, didn’t you?”

Up until now, Agriel is unable to get out of her room because a group of knights with tough physical bodies are standing in front of the door. Then she is surrounded by a series of complaints from the attending maids. At the moment, Agriel is truly put into a total restraint.

Her daughter falls into depression, so she is being watched in a separate room. However, because she is Agriel’s daughter, the attending maids have been giving her cold treatment. Because of that, she becomes more shaken.

Lafissel: “Agriel, who is the father of your daughter, Amiel?”

Agriel: “What are you saying. Why do you doubt me?”

Lafissel: “You were the one who said it. Your child is not Sauvell’s”

Agriel: “That’s right. That’s because she is going to be Rovel’s child.” josei

Lafissel: “………That’s not what I mean. I’m asking who is her biological father.”

Agriel: “……………”

Agriel gnash her teeth with vexation of being asked.

Lafissel: “Was your partner a commoner? No, I don’t think you are willing to accept a commoner’s blood, but…”

Agriel: “That’s an insult!”

Lafissel: “Why are you going so far to hide it? Don’t you know that Amiel’s background is being suspected?"

Agriel: “Amiel is my daughter! The blood of the Royal Family is naturally flowing in her vein!!”

Both the King and Lafissel feels an extreme discomfort from Agriel’s reaction.

Lafissel: “……was your partner a person of great influence, or you are really hesitated to tell the truth because your partner came from a really bad background?”

From Agriel’s reaction, it can be interpreted she does not want to recognize her partner. Perhaps she cannot accept it because her pride is too high. Lafissel ponders about the whole situation and then in order to change the topic of conversation, he fixes his gaze on Agriel and smiles at her.

Lafissel: “From now on, you are going to live in a separate place from Amiel.”

Agriel: “Wh, what did you say!?”

Lafissel: “Amiel won’t grow up decently if she stays by your side. From now on, I will cultivate her together with my sons in this palace.”

Agriel: “………Wait, did you say that I will live in a different place?”

Lafissel: “That’s right.”

The King: “You are going with me!!”

With the King's declaration, the door is forcibly opened with a loud sound. Then a group of female knights enter the room and hold Agriel’s arms.

Agriel: “What are you doing, insolent fellows!!”

The King: “The one who is insolent is you, Agriel. I will beat down your natural character!”

As her father has chosen to abandon her, Agriel goes into despair.

Agriel: “Why……why this is happening. I only wish to be with Rovel.”

Lafissel is laughing at Agriel’s lament. Usually, the Crown Prince never laugh in such a way, therefore the surrounding knights as well as the King are surprised to see his current appearance.

Lafissel: “Agriel, it’s useless to keep being obsessed with Rovel. That’s because he really hates you. No, not only him. The Vankriff family too.”

Agriel: “Liar!”

Lafissel: “I’m not lying. In fact, Rovel already married to his lover and they also have a child. “

This news stuns Agriel. She becomes dumbfounded.

Agriel: “L,Lie……it must be a lie……”

Lafissel: “On the other hand, Agriel, you also have a child with an unknown man. Why do you think it’s impossible for Rovel ? “

Agriel who loses her energy falls down on her knees in the same place. While having a blank expression on her face, she keeps mutter to herself. The image of her muttering to herself is uncanny to see. Looking at her dumbfounded state while being dragged by the female knights makes Lafissel unable to hold back his laughter.

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