My Father is a Hero, My Mother is a Spirit, the Daughter (Me) is a Reincarnator.

Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Malicious Man Vs Little Girl 2

Chapter 41: Malicious Man Vs Little Girl 2

Translator: Masakibluei

Rovel: “You are so mean!”

As he says that, Father pulls me into his arms and refuses to let me go. Lafissel who sees his appearance like this for the first time is dumbfounded by what he sees.

Ellen: “Urgh-“

Rovel: “Ellen, what happened lately!? Rebellious phase!?”

Ellen: “Esteem Father, you are showing your true personality.”

Rovel: “HA!!?”

Rovel curses, “Darn it,” as he glares at Lafissel.

Hm, is it fine to glare at him like that? When this question comes to my mind, Father seems to resign with the situation and sits on the sofa while putting me on his lap.

Rovel: “Then, what do you want, Your Majesty? We want to go home as soon as possible.”

Lafissel: “Your true personality is actually bright………”

Thus, Father irritatedly gives him a frank answer.

Rovel: “It’s because since I was little, I was forced to endure a lot of things.”

Lafissel: “…………you mean Agriel?”

Lafissel makes a wry smile at Rovel’s offensive remark. Then he calmly mentions that Agriel is not here anymore.

Rovel: “Not here?”

Lafissel: “She was escorted to a royal residence in the remote region with Father. The place is surrounded by mountains. She won’t ever be able to come back here again.”

When I see him chuckling when he talks about his father and little sister’s fate in the remote region, I come to see him in a new perspective. But his reaction also confirms my previous belief that he is truly a malicious man.

Lafissel: “But now Sauvell is getting into another misfortune. His new wife is exactly the same as Agriel.”

‘He begins his attack now’, both Father and I silently keep our thought inwardly.

Rovel: “Excuse me, what do you mean that she is the same as Agriel?” josei

Lafissel: “Don’t you think that her reaction was pretty obvious? This has also become a talk between the aristocrats. Sauvell’s second wife is deeply obsessed with her brother-in-law who is a hero of this country.”

Father smacks his lips in anger at his remark.

Father, if you react like that, it’s the same as confirming his remarks as the truth.

Ellen: “Esteem Father.”

When I suddenly chide in, Father finally snaps out of it.

Rovel: “I’m sorry.”

Father hugs me and apologizes.

Ellen: “What’s the point of this rumor?”

Lafissel: “This rumor is not appropriate to be talked in front of you, small princess.”

Ellen: “That’s a lie. Your majesty, you know that I can comprehend your intention which is why you started this conversation earlier. “

Lafissel: “………”

Lafissel is surprised at my quick-witted rebuttal, but soon after that, a big smile appears on his face. He seems to be extremely happy.

Lafissel: “Ah, you were able to persuade Albert before. That was magnificent.”

Ellen: “I had made a conclusion that Your Majesty is a nasty person. Uncle Albert was only passionately trying to appeal about Vankriff family’s problems to Your majesty. If he got in the way, he would be eliminated.”

Laffisel: “Then why did you do that?”

Then I reply nonchalantly and act like that matter was a trifle thing.

Ellen: “It was nothing. To be honest, it would be nice if he continued to be a double spy for us instead. Since it was unnecessary, I stopped him. Moreover, he does not hold any value anymore.”

Rovel: “He……you think that Albert does not hold any value?”

Ellen: “His value is not for that. However, at least Uncle Albert had stopped sending more intelligence to you. That’s enough.”

I end my words with a big smile on my face. Soon afterward, Laffisel unable to bear his emotion and begins to laugh in delight.

Laffisel: “More than what I expected! Rovel, you are amazing! To be able to make a magnificent child like this!”

After laughing for a while, Laffisel sends a suggestive grin at me.

Lafissel: “Then you should have understood the reason behind Sauvell’s rumor, don’t you?”

Ellen: “…………Do you want to check my answers?”

Laffisel: “That’s right. Tell me what do you understand.”

Ellen: “Your Majesty is planning to use that rumor to negotiate with Father. However, if Your Majesty is the one who directly has spread the rumor, you will only reap Father’s fury. And that is not your main objective. Most likely, there is a third person who starts the rumor………By eliminating all possible suspects, the only person who most likely to do this is the Queen.”

Laffisel: “Splendid answer.”

Yes. Because the Queen is a woman, she has a woman's intuition. It was easy to see Aria’s lingering glance at Father. And Father also pretty obvious with his reaction too. She must have observed it. In addition, when the royal family was leaving, they had heard that the bride was breaking down in tears right after the ceremony. All rumors about the duke was easy to be spread, but what happened after that no one knows exactly. This raises a lot of questions among the people, but the only one who is most likely to have the most trustworthy information about what happened should only be a person who is in the same rank as the duke or higher. Thus, a person with the same rank or higher than the duke has to spread this rumor to create a ripple.

Laffisel: “What a wonderful child……”

Rovel: “Your Majesty……”

Father glares at Laffisel.

Laffisel: “Do you need to be mad like that? I did not say any single word about the condemnation from the Goddess, you know?”

Ellen: “Condemnation? What do you mean by that?”

When I act like nothing happened, Laffisel confidently mentions about the condemnation from Goddess Val.

Ellen: “What is the consequence of being condemned by the Goddess?”

Laffisel: “What are you trying to say? A woman who is condemned by Goddess Val for cheating won’t be able to get close with a man, right?”


He looks at Father and me, and asks,” Then what is it?”

Rovel: “Who knows.”

Father feigns ignorance to his question. Laffisel only laughs at his reaction.

Laffisel: “You don’t need to pretend. She should have a thorny mark on her wrist, right? If you keep hiding it, you will get in trouble one day. “

Ellen: “There won’t be any trouble at all. At the moment, Aunty Aria is snatching a job from our servants and cooking in the kitchen. She even rolls up her sleeves. “

Laffisel: “……What?”

Ellen: “There is no such thing as a thorny mark to be seen on her wrist. You can ask our servants to check it out. Their reply will be no.”

Laffisel’s face color starts to change and he shuts his mouth as he starts to ponder how to reply. Maybe he cannot afford to open his mouth because he is still racking his brain really hard.

Ellen: “Esteem Father, it seems that we are loathed by the Royal family. I have never thought that the Royal family would ever dare to fabricate and start an ill rumor about our family. “

Rovel: “You are right, Ellen. It’s so uncomfortable here. Shall we go home now?”

Ellen: “Yes, Esteem Father.”

Laffisel becomes slightly agitated when he sees Father raises from the sofa and carries me into his arms.

Laffisel: “Well, wait for a moment. Let me apologize for that. I will also, tell my wife.”

Ellen: “But the rumor has spread out, right? There is no meaning anymore.”

Laffisel: “That’s not true. If she tells the wife of the high societies that the rumor is false, it will be over.”

Ellen: “Would that will be fine?”

Laffisel: “Why do you say that?”

Laffisel does not seem to understand the implication behind my remark.

Ellen: “Didn’t you confirm my answer before? The one who started the rumor was the Queen. What would happen if she takes back her previous statements…?”

After I explain him with a big grin on my face, this time Laffisel stops smiling.

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