My Father is a Hero, My Mother is a Spirit, the Daughter (Me) is a Reincarnator.

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: The Royal Family Curse 2

Chapter 43: The Royal Family Curse 2

Translator: Masakibluei

Father seems to notice my peculiar condition. Thus, he bends down his knees and looks into my face. On the other hand, Laffisel misunderstands my reaction and looks so happy.

Laffisel: “Ellen, are you feeling shy?”

Currently, I don’t have the composure to retort his words. My face gradually turns paler, and the people in the surroundings start to look at me with confusion on their faces.

Gadriel: “Ellen, are you not feeling well?”

Gadriel comes towards me because he is worried about me. But he does not know that he makes a bad move by getting closer to me.

Ellen: “Don’t get closer to me!”

The Royal retainers who are standing around the room are astonished at my rejection. At that exact moment, Father grasps a quick understanding that I am about to hit by the force of the curse. Subsequently, he carries me back into his arm to get away from the prince.

Despite the rejection, out of consideration of my well being, Gadriel still tries to extend his hand to help me sit down and rest on the sofa.

I feel that my throat is being squeezed. The curse that surrounding Gadriel notices my presence. The curse swoops towards me while crying nonstop for help.

Ellen: “NOOOOOO!!!”

At the same time as my cries, a black mist come forth from His Majesty and the princes. For some unknown reason, the people except for the royal family are unable to see the black mist. Thus, the imperial retainers are trying hard to retain themselves, but their tension is pretty high while paying attention to the whole situation.

Retainers: “Your Majesty! Prince!? What happens!!?”

The Princes: “WHA…What is this!?”

The princes who are unable to stand properly, have already fallen to the floor. They might be fainted out of shock because they do not make any move at all. Meanwhile, Laffisel has managed to keep his eyes open to see the curse. He is being engulfed by the curse and the curse itself seems to be getting heavier. Even though he is currently sitting on the sofa, he looks like going to collapse because of the weight of the curse.

The mist spreads out and comes toward me while calling for me.

The Curse: “Help! It’s painful! Help!”

The voices that seem to belong to a crowd of people can be heard.

Ellen: “Stop it! Stop it! Why are you doing such a terrible thing?!”

Father who sees my terrible condition, smacks his lips in anger.

Rovel: “That’s why I don’t want to let Ellen meets the Royal family!!”

Father immediately carries me up and teleport back to the spirit realm. The spirits who are watching the whole ordeal from the water mirror are madly frenzied when they see my condition. Mother is standing to greet us back and walks forwards as soon as she sees us. While I’m still in an agitated mental state, she gently cares for me who is still being carried on father’s arms.

Origin: “It’s alright. Everything will be fine, Ellen dear. You should go to sleep for a little bit, alright.”

As mother pats my head, my consciousness starts to drift further away. Mother wearily puts her hand on my head, and says in a lighthearted tone, “You also have a slight fever.”

Then I am being moved to my bedroom and put to sleep. Afterward, Mother turns to Father and says, “They must be in a state of confusion as well. Please don’t return to the other side.”

Rovel: “Ori, is Ellen alright?”

Origin: “She is fine. As I thought, this might be too soon for her.”

Rovel: “Yeah……It would be better if she didn’t meet them……”

Origin smiles and tries to cheer up Rovel who is dwelling in regrets.

Origin: “My dear, it’s alright to tell them about the curse. Those black bellies people must have seen and heard the voices of the vengeful sacrificed spirits by now, anyway. They must have realized about the curse.”

Rovel: “………They were able to see it? The curse?”

Origin: “That’s because of Ellen. Ellen is a bloodline from the Goddess. The curse spirits noticed her and reached out their hands to seek her help. “ josei

As I lay on Mother’s arm, she caresses my forehead gently and plants a kiss on top of it.

Origin: “Now! Let's leave those black bellied people in hopelessness!”

Seeing her wife smiling pleasantly while saying that, Rovel just lets out a sigh.

Since a moment ago, the other place has been already thrown into chaos. Physicians have been called, all the guards and the retainers are busy taking care of Lafissel’s wellbeing while also confirming the safety of the two princes who faint suddenly.

Laffisel: “What………was that………”

Suddenly Rovel appears in front of bewildered Laffisell who is still in the middle of gathering his thoughts on the recent incident. When the guards see Rovel, the surge of killing intent burst out from them.

Rovel: “How was it, your Majesty? How do you feel about the answer that you have been searching for so many years?”

The calm attitude of Rovel makes the people around him feel extremely nervous.

Laffisel: “That…that cry……”

Ravel: “That’s why I had told you that time. Please avoid any contact with my family. I knew it would end up this way.”

Laffisel: “………What do you mean? What is that ‘cry’? Why a mist comes from our……”

Rovel: “Oh my, you were completely in distraught that you were unable to notice it. It’s so unusual for an intelligent person like you to be clueless this.”

The Guard: “Lord Rovel!!”

The angry guards’ shouts interrupt their conversation.

The previous incident must have made Laffisel feel completely devastated. Although his head understands what was happened, perhaps he is still unable to acknowledge it.

Rovel: “That’s the reason why we cannot be closed with the Royal family. That cry will drag us along and drive us mad. “

When the guards see Rovel’s face is distorted with sadness, they peek at Laffisel for instruction because they are unsure of what to do.

Laffisel: “This…why this was cast on us?”

Rovel: “Don’t you aware of it? Ask your ancestor for the answer.”

The guards are ready to pounce at Rovel who is about to leave, but Laffisel stops them.

Laffisel: “………Are my sons going to be alright?”

Rovel: “They were only exposed to the curse. They will get a fever and when they wake up, they might be shaken. That’s all. Take care.”

Rovel leaves those words and then disappears. His disappearance creates an uproar for the people around him. Laffisel with an indifferent attitude put a halt to the mayhem.

Laffisel: “Aah……what a great fortune……”

Based on Ellen’s responses, Laffisel thought that the royal family was only disliked by the spirits. However, the mist that coming out from their body is completely dark and wretched.

Laffisel: “So they loath us……?”

The sound of Ellen’s scream can still be felt in his ears. This makes him want to know the magnitude of his ancestor’s actions toward the spirit. Lafissel stands up from his seat and feebly walks toward the Royal Library to check the records.

Royal Guard: “Your Majesty! Please take some rest!!”

Laffisel smacks his lips. His body does not move as he wants to be.In the end, he loses his consciousness.

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