My Father is a Hero, My Mother is a Spirit, the Daughter (Me) is a Reincarnator.

Chapter 50

Chapter 50: Im not a Princess! 2

Chapter 50: I'm not a Princess! 2

“Is your child sick?”

The little girl tilted her head while staring at the child. Based on her height, she looked like an 8 years old girl. She may be the same age or even younger than their son. After being told by the parents that their son had just turned 10 years old, the little girl looked at the child who was sleeping with fever. The little girl peered into the face of the sleeping child.

The Little girl: “We can’t let you get infected with the illness too.”

The little girl told the parents to stay away from the child. She even separated them without any bashfulness like a normal child would be.

The Little girl: “His fever is pretty high……His tonsil is also swollen. Pardon me for asking, but when does your son start to develop a fever?”

The parent: “Eh? Err……about this morning. But his physical condition had already become bad since yesterday night. This morning his fever became really high and then we admitted him here.”

The Little Girl: “Did he cough before? Before he got sick, did he get close to any other person who was previously sick?”

The little girl was rapidly throwing questions at the parents. After the parents answered all the questions while feeling confused, the girl then handed something to the doctor who apparently had been standing behind them.

The Little girl: “It’s better to give him some fever medicine immediately. We can’t let him keep having a high fever. You also have to worry about dehydration because he sweats a lot. If he coughs, then you have to move him to a private room immediately. “

Doctor: “Certainly.”

The doctor listened to the girl attentively. Then the girl spoke to the aristocrats who had been staring blankly at the whole situation.

The girl: “Father, give me the medicine.”

The Young Aristocrat Man: “Hmm, is this one good?”

The girl: “Yes, thank you very much.”

When the girl called the young man ‘Father’, the parents of the boy were shocked. The man looked too young to become a father. He did not seem to be a young father who would have a 10 years old daughter. Ignoring the boy’s parents’ reaction, the girl took out something that they had never seen before. The round small thing that the girl called medicine was being cut by the girl with a knife.

The girl: “One tablet for adults. 1/3 of the tablet for children. Give it twice a day within 12 hours apart. However, let’s see his condition first.”

Doctor: “Yes.”

The girl: “The pain killers also help to alleviate the fever, so add that too for the time being. Give him antibiotics too after a meal, and get all the shares for the other patients from Lawrence. “

Doctor: “My lady, thank you for all of your help.”

When the boy’s parents saw the doctor reverently accepted the medicine from the girl, they shut their opened mouth.

The Doctor: “You are extremely lucky. The lady herself is the one who examines your son. “

The Parents: “Hmm……Is the young lady is a princess?”

The parents timidly asked if the young girl was a royal family princess. Consequently, the face of the girl became red, and she quickly rebutted the question.

The girl: “I’m not a princess!”

The girl was puffing in anger but you could see that her anger was coming from her bashfulness. The merchants only had one son. Looking at her cute face, the mother started to wish for a daughter. In the end, they became relaxed and started to laughs at the cute girl.

Doctor: “We will start to call my Lady as ‘Medical Princess’!”

The Little girl: “Arrgh-! I told you to stop calling me that!”

The little girl huffed in anger and hit the doctor repeatedly. Despite her action, the doctor apologized to her while laughing. The heartwarming scene of the doctor and the little girl made the parents of the boy unconsciously forgot about their previous suspicion. Watching the scene had purified their bad thoughts away.

The Little girl: “I think the boy has a common cold. Let’s observe his condition for the next three days.”

The Parents: “Ye,yes…”

After the girl finished speaking, the parents sent off the little girl with a blank face.

The Doctor: “The gentleman with the big body build is the head of Vankriff family, Lord Sauvell. Aren’t you surprised that he suddenly came?”

The parents were totally shocked when the doctor told them that while laughing. That gentleman was the duke of Vankriff. Among the aristocrats, the prestige rank of Vankriff was pretty closed to the royalty. Moreover, Rovel, the famous hero in this kingdom was from the Vankriff family.

The Doctor: “You are truly lucky. To be able to meet the Hero and the Princess.”

The Doctor’s revelation made the parent’s eyes opened up even wider.

Inside an inn in the kingdom which is close to the slums, the merchants meet with a man. In a dim room, the merchant gives some information to the man who is wearing a hood.

The man with the hood: “At that time, after drinking that medicine, your son recovered in three days?” josei

The merchant: “That’s right! The next day, my son’s fever had completely gone!! I was really surprised! The rumor is real, that those medicines are truly blessed by the spirits!”

After seeing the effectiveness of the medicine, the merchants had tried to negotiate for access to trade the medicine but was refused.

The Doctor: “Are you trying to make a profit of the medicine that the Princess made??”

When the merchants saw the fury on the doctor’s face, they immediately said that they were joking.

The merchant: “I asked around and even at other places, Vankriff family’s treatment center is very famous with skillful doctors. The princess was the one who found those talented doctors and such……Well, this part of the story is just a rumor. It seems that all the doctors know very well about the affairs of the medicine, but they are very united to keep the secret. They won’t open their mouth. “

The man with the hood: “……I see.”

The merchant: “At first, the doctor aimed to make a contract with a healing spirit and become a healer magician. But he ended up as a pharmacist……”

The man with the hood: “……Is that so? By the way, what did the girl look like?”

The merchant continues to tell the information in detail to the man with the hood.

Gadriel who is summoned by the King is brisk walking to the King’s office. This year Gadriel will reach adulthood and as the eldest prince, it has been decided that he will start to aid the king with the national duties. Gadriel braces himself for the possible talk about that. The guards who are standing by the King’s office door act nervously when he comes. As he hears the King calling him, ‘Come in,’ Gadriel walks in and bows to the King.

Gadriel: “Do you call me, Your Majesty?”

Lafissel: “Yes, Gadriel. Sit over there.”

Gadriel sits on the sofa and Lafissel sit down on the opposite seating and smiles.

Lafissel: “Let’s get into the main topic. Gadriel, lately have you met with the Vankriff’s young lady?”

Gadriel: “………No. I haven’t seen her lately. But we have been in contact with each other by letters. “

Lafissel: “Was is two months ago……Did you hear any rumors when you were there? “

Gadriel: “Rumour?”

Lafissel: “Yes. Lately, the Vankriff family has hired a person who is skillful in making medicine. “

Gadriel: “Medicine………No, I haven’t heard anything about it.”

Lafissel: “I see……By the way, do the two of you want to meet with the Spirit Princess again?”

Gadriel is shaken by the King’s words. He and his younger brother made an oath to report everything about their life at the spirit monument stone. Every year without fail they always come to that place.

Gadriel: “Of course.”

Even once, he truly wants to meet her. He wants to meet her and apologizes. He also wants to have a proper conversation with her. Even if they only met once in the past, the girl made a deep impression in his mind and he has never been able to forget her. This kind of feeling, he is pretty much aware of what it is called. But why suddenly the King asks this question to him? Gadriel becomes suspicious.

Lafissel: “According to the rumor, the person who makes the medicine is the Spirit Princess……”

Gadriel’s eyes are wide opened at the King’s revelation.

Perhaps, finally he will be able to meet her.

Gadriel’s cannot suppress his heart which is pounding really hard because of his expectations.

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