My Genes Can Evolve Limitlessly

Chapter 287  Frost Giant Summoning Stone, King-Tier Wonder Item 2

Chapter 287  Frost Giant Summoning Stone, King-Tier Wonder Item 2

In just a few moments, Si Tingxue's spiritual power was consumed by about half.

She frowned slightly, and while continuing to attack, she took out a superior-grade third-level spiritual power potion and drank it.

The spiritual power recovered quickly, and she was able to continue to maintain her own strength.

Not only that, Si Tingxue swept her eyes around, and even took out a lot of attack charms, and threw them out, cleaning up a large area of ​​fierce beasts.

Give the nearby guards a chance to breathe.

Seeing that Si Tingxue had killed so many beasts all at once, a large number of ferocious beasts roared and attacked Si Tingxue crazily.

Si Tingxue's pupils shrank, and the pressure increased greatly.

She pursed her red lips slightly and continued to attack.

At the same time, she took out a rune stone that shone with ice blue light.

Frost Giant Summoning Stone: King-level strange item, after using it, you can summon a king-level frost giant to fight for you for 30 minutes.

Si Tingxue's eyes flickered.

This frost giant summoning stone can summon king-level frost giants. Everyone knows how precious it is.

Even if she is the Ninth Princess of the Empire, she only has one such hole card.

It was originally used to save her life, but now that the beast tide has reached such a level, she can't hold it alone.

Si Tingxue glanced at the sky, the battle between the legion commander and two king-level alienated beasts.

If you can help the legion leader kill the king-level alienated beast and join the battlefield with the strength of the legion leader, you should be able to hold it!

Although Si Tingxue felt a little distressed, she didn't hesitate anymore. Her spiritual power "Go and kill those two king-level alienated beasts!"

The Frost Giant didn't hesitate "As you wish, my master!"

penetrated into the summoning stone, and a dazzling blue light shone.

Dazzling light almost covered the entire defensive camp, and a powerful king-level aura suddenly appeared.

All the ferocious beasts and the guards felt the aura.

Many ferocious beasts that were marching looked in the direction of the breath and roared.

But the guards didn't have time to watch at all, so they could only keep killing or resisting the beasts in front of them.

The icy blue light dissipated, and a giant more than ten meters high, whose whole body was condensed by ice, appeared in front of Si Tingxue.

It floated in the air, knelt down on one knee facing Si Tingxue, and a heavy voice sounded:

"I follow the call, my master."

Si Tingxue's face was cold, and she ordered:

"Go and kill those two king-level alienated beasts!"

The Frost Giant didn't hesitate "As you wish, my master!"

With a roar, he flew into the air.

When the guards around Si Tingxue saw this scene, their pupils constricted, they were both surprised and happy.

As expected of the Nine Princesses of the Empire!


With one more king-level combat power, their strength has been greatly improved! josei

In the air, Ye Zhenghao, the leader of the 306th Legion, brandished his battle axe, fighting with a huge poisonous monitor lizard and a blue rat.

His face was ferocious, and he was burning with anxiety. He wanted to go down and kill the beast, but there was nothing he could do.

At this moment, he felt the aura of a king-level coming from below, and his expression changed, thinking it was another king-level beast.

He can still withstand two king-level beasts. If there is another one, even he himself will become extremely dangerous, let alone help the camp below.

Ye Zhenghao glanced down. After seeing the Frost Giant kneeling in front of Si Tingxue, Ye Zhenghao's eyes flashed and he smiled in surprise.

"So it's Princess Nine! She actually has such a trump card?! Perfect!"

The next moment, Ye Zhenghao saw the Frost Giant soaring into the sky roaring and charging towards them.

With a helper, Ye Zhenghao laughed loudly, and the battle ax slashed at the poisonous monitor lizard with a strong blood-colored glow:

"The evil beast will die!!"

The battle in the air suddenly became more intense.


Because Camp No. 306 is connected to Camp No. 257, the distance is only less than 100 kilometers.

Lu Yuan's speed may not be fast enough, but Tracy, as a fourth-tier warlord, pulled Lu Yuan to run together, and the speed was very fast. The two ran towards Camp 306 at a speed close to the speed of sound.

In just a few minutes, the two of them were within five kilometers of Camp No. 306.

And in this area, the number of ferocious beasts has already increased.

The beast tide is still besieging Camp No. 306.

The two ran to a mountain and looked at the roaring beast tide not far away. Both Lu Yuan and Tracy couldn't help frowning slightly.

Tracy said "Camp 257 is closer to the front line than us, and their camp has helped us block a lot of beast tides."

Lu Yuan nodded, his face serious "How do we get there?"

With the strength of the two of them, it is a bit too naive to want to run amok in the beast tide. If they attack from behind, if the fierce beast kills the carbine, they will have to be driven away.

Tracy brushed her red hair, smiled and said:

"Of course, find an area with a small number of ferocious beasts, kill them inside the city wall, and then help them defend the city. Let's go, let's go to the northern city wall."

Compared to the southern city wall facing the Endless Mountains, the northern city wall facing the Endless Mountains is obviously the city wall with the least number of ferocious beasts.

Lu Yuan nodded, and the two rushed towards the northern city wall.

At this moment, the two of them paused at the same time, and looked at the mountain not far away. The dazzling ice-blue light flickered, and a powerful king-level aura emerged.

Both of them stared wide-eyed, a little stunned.

Tracy frowned slightly "The energy of the king? It appeared suddenly? What is it?"

Lu Yuan also shook his head.

At this moment, they saw a huge frost giant soaring into the sky, rushing towards the king-level battlefield in the sky, helping a strong human being deal with two alienated beasts.

Seeing this scene, both of them were overjoyed.

"It's from our side! It looks like it should be a summoner. Which big shot is in the camp? He can even summon king-level combat power?"

There was shock in Tracy's eyes.

Lu Yuan looked at the ice-blue giant, his eyes flickered, and he thought of a person.

His face is a little weird, isn't it such a coincidence?

Is that ice woman Si Tingxue here?

At this time, Tracy said

"Taking advantage of this moment, the attention of many ferocious beasts has been attracted by that king-level combat power. Let's go to the north wall!"

The two nodded. With their speed, they came to the direction of the city wall behind them in just a few seconds.

Seeing that there were fewer ferocious beasts than in the other direction, both of them showed surprise.

"Sure enough, there are fewer beasts in this direction, let's go there!"

Tracy's pretty face became serious, and there were balls of flames circulating all over her body: "I am in the front, and you are in the back."

Lu Yuan nodded, and then the space distorted, and machine lords came out one by one.

Seeing Lu Yuan's mechanical lord, Tracy was taken aback, and looked at Lu Yuan in astonishment.

Lu Yuan grinned and said, "It happens to be a two-sided attack. If it's just these beast hordes, we should have hope to eliminate them."

Tracy nodded, showing a serious look:

"Okay! Then listen to you! I'm going!"

Two huge fire wolves appeared in front of Tracy. The fire wolves roared and rushed towards the tide of ferocious beasts.

And Tracy's whole body was on fire, and fireballs several meters in size condensed and shot at the tide of ferocious beasts.

Boom! !

The fireball fell into the group of ferocious beasts, making a deafening roar, and deep pits with a radius of more than 20 meters appeared on the ground.

The destructive power of the fourth-tier War Venerable is worthy of recognition.

Especially the fire element combat technique, which is relatively powerful.

At the same time as Tracy was attacking, Lu Yuan's eyes flashed, and all the machine lords also fired a series of psychic cannons at the beast.

The roaring sound continued, deafening.

The ferocious beast that was planning to follow its companions to the defensive camp was suddenly beaten into a daze.

A large number of beasts died, and the remaining beasts came to their senses, turned their heads and saw Lu Yuan and Tracy, and rushed towards them with a roar.

However, there are not too many ferocious beasts in this location, and the number of ferocious beasts counterattacking from the rear is even less.

Most of them are Tier 3 elites or leaders. Facing more than 200 Tier 2 Consummation Lords and a Tier 4 Battle Supreme, they retreat steadily.

Only a small number of third-tier commanders and overlords survived the gunfire of the mechanical lord, and were killed one by one by Tracy using the fire wolf.

They began to quickly approach the northern city wall.

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