My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict!

Chapter 1493

Chapter 1493

Chapter 1493

Chapter 1493

Grace calmed herself down and said to Lily, “If you let me go, I’ll forget everything that has happened between us. I can also ask Jay to let you go and help the Atkinson family go through this crisis.”

What she had to do now was try and tempt Lily with these conditions to make her hesitate. Only in this way could she create more opportunities to escape.

It was just that no matter how good Grace’s offers were, Lily did not seem to care. “Grace, I just want to know if Jason is willing to risk his life for you! This man didn’t even shed a tear when my sister died! Don’t you want to know how far he’ll go for you?”

Lily’s eyes burst with hatred as she spoke.

She hated Grace! How did she, the Atkinson family’s second heiress, turn out like this just because of a nobody like Grace?

She had stolen Sean from Grace back then. She thought Sean would love her deeply, but he abandoned her just like he did Grace!

‘I’m Lily, the goddess in the hearts of thousands of men! How can

I be less than Grace? Jason will also discard Grace and sacrifice

her. I’m sure of it!’

Besides, if she did as that man surnamed Wang told her, she would receive enough money for her to live happily abroad!

Just then, several black cars drove over one after another.


Grace saw many people getting out of the cars, and Jason was among them.

Jason also saw Grace and the current state of the car she was in. His face instantly paled as he rushed toward her.

“Don’t come over! There are bombs around the car. They’ll explode!” cried out Grace, stopping Jason from running over.

Jason’s steps came to a sudden halt, and so did those following him.

Grace momentarily breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the men standing just a dozen meters away from her.

She did not expect this to happen in only a few hours.

She was lucky that the car windows were not rolled up, so her voice could still be heard.

“Grace, don’t be afraid, I… I’ll get you out of here!” Jason said with a pale face, his hands trembling slightly at his sides. At this

moment, he seemed more afraid than Grace.

3/3 Grace could not help feeling assured. She believed that he would be able to save her. She and the children would be safe!

“Lily brought me here! My hands are tied to the steering wheel and handbrake. I can’t move. Lily is on a video call with me on the phone…” Grace quickly explained her current situation to Jason.

Grace could sense that Lily was now a little abnormal. It was impossible to persuade Lily to disarm the bombs and let Grace go through video call.

Frowning, Jason suddenly grabbed Secretary Wang, whom the bodyguards had carried out of the car. “You got Lily onboard?”

Secretary Wang smiled. “Yes, you and Grace have made her so miserable. Of course, she’s bent on getting back at you.” novelbin

Jason pondered for a moment and instructed his subordinates, “Call the police and ask them to send over their bomb specialists.”

Secretary Wang smiled and said, “It’s no use. It’s too late. The bombs around the car would’ve already exploded when the experts arrive. Of course, if you don’t want Grace to be blown up or fall into the sea, you can choose to save her life.”



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