My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict!

Chapter 1809

Chapter 1809

Chapter 1809

Chapter 1809

On the way back, Jason said nonchalantly, “You should have. seen everything you needed to see. I’m not interested in knowing what you’re thinking right now, but I want you to be obedient

and not have any funny ideas while you’re staying with the Reed family. Don’t hurt Jasper and Mick!”

Even though William was only five years old, Jason spoke unsparingly and straightforwardly.

William looked up at Jason. “Uncle Reed, when are you sending

me away?”

Jason raised his eyebrows slightly, seemingly a little surprised by the child’s incisiveness. Indeed, he never intended to let the child stay with the Reed family for long since the very beginning.

“When Jasper gets tired of you, I’ll let you leave the Reed family. But until then, you’d better keep her company, got it? If she’s happy, I’ll arrange for you to go somewhere better after you leave the Reed family.”

The little one fiddled with his hands, and a layer of cold sweat

broke out on his forehead.

Although the little one seemed calm at the moment, his young age made it easy to see how nervous he was.

“I’m just… Jasper’s toy, aren’t I?” the young voice asked. novelbin

Jason smiled, “William, you’re smart. You’re right. As far as I’m concerned, you’re just Jasper’s toy. As long as you stay out

of trouble, I won’t mistreat you when Jasper doesn’t want you anymore.”

William felt the air getting colder. Being stared at by the man in front of him gave him a sense of dread.


Just like the other night when he pretended to be asleep and listened to Uncle Reed and Jasper’s conversation, Uncle Reed had said in a nonchalant voice that he could chop off his hand so that the handcuffs would not be an issue anymore.

‘Uncle Reed’s… a terrible man!”

Even though Uncle Reed was smiling at him, he was terrified!

“Okay…” The word escaped his little mouth.

‘A toy! I’m just a toy!”

His mother had once said, “William, you know what? Power and wealth determine everything in this world. Sadly, you can only let someone else control your destiny if you don’t have them!”


“What about me? Am I just a toy because I don’t have the power and wealth that Mommy said?

‘Uncle Reed has power and wealth. Is that why he can decide everything so easily?”

When he saw his mother lying in the coffin, he realized that he was all alone from now on. He no longer had a mother!

On this cold night, William snuggled in his covers that should have been warm. However, instead of feeling warm, he felt colder.

His mother was not usually very kind and gentle to him. She even used to pinch him in the face and say, “If I had known how tiring raising a child would be, I wouldn’t have given birth to you. I’m just making myself miserable!”

However, he still wanted his mother to be alive.

Then he would not be alone.

Just then, a small hand reached its way into his covers. Startled,

he yanked the covers back and exposed his head. His eyes were instantly met with a pair of bright ones.

“Huh? William, why are you crying?” Jasper was surprised to see

that William’s beautiful eyes were red and wet.

Jasper had never seen William cry, not even when he was chastised by the maids’ children.


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