My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict!

Chapter 1830

Chapter 1830

Chapter 1830

Chapter 1830

Mr. Sweeney and Mrs. Sweeney hurried to Municipal Women’s Hospital after receiving a phone call from their daughter, only to see her lying on the hospital bed with a drip attached to her hand.

“What happened? Why are you in the hospital all of a sudden? Is there something wrong with the baby?” Mrs. Sweeney asked in a panic.

After all, Municipal Women’s Hospital was the best in tMason Swansonty. They had many renowned specialists.

“I’ll be staying in the hospital for a few days to prevent a miscarriage. I accidentally got into a car accident this morning. The baby in my belly isn’t doing so well,” said Lina.

“What? A car accident?” Mr. Sweeney and Mrs. Sweeney were surprised, “My dear, the car accident happened this morning. Why did you just call us?” After all, it was already past four o’clock.

Mr. Sweeney and Mrs. Sweeney were immediately concerned about their daughter’s injuries. They were relieved to learn that the car had just hit a tree and she only received bruises from the impact of the collision.

“How is the baby doing? “asked Mrs. Sweeney.

“Not so good. The baby’s heartbeat is very weak, I might have a miscarriage at any time. The doctor has asked me to stay in the hospital for observation for three days and take progesterone shots,” said Lina. Her other hand, which was not attached to the drip, remained on her belly the whole time.

After Hadwin Stephenson left, she had asked the doctor to arrange for an abortion for her.

However, she could not sign the surgical consent form when the nurse gave it to her. Tears had poured out of her eyes, wetting the surgical consent form. novelbin

In the end, she did not sign the form but transferred to Municipal Women’s Hospital and asked the doctor to save her baby.

Maybe this was how it felt to be a mother. Even though her reason told her that aborting the baby was for the best, she

still could not bear to kill the little life inside of her.

Unless the baby decided to leave, she would take care of them

as long as they stayed in her belly!

“Your baby is at risk. Ask Hadwin Stephenson to come over. Didn’t he say that he wants to take responsibility for the


child?” said Mr. Sweeney.

“Dad, Hadwin Stephenson and I are over. He won’t see me anymore. This baby is mine alone. I will take care of them. myself!” said Lina.

Mr. Sweeney and Mrs. Sweeney were shocked once more.

“Is he refusing to take responsibility again? Is he behaving like how he used to back then? I’ll get him-” snapped Mr. Sweeney.

“No!” Lina stopped her father and said, “Dad, I’m the one who doesn’t want to be with him! I don’t need him to take responsibility for the baby. The child is mine alone!”

Mr. Sweeney and Mrs. Sweeney were surprised. They glanced at each other. Finally, Mrs. Sweeney said, “Do you want to give birth to the baby and raise them alone?”

The hand Lina put on her belly faltered slightly. “If I can keep the baby, then I want to raise them alone.”

“But…” Mrs. Sweeney looked troubled. After all, if her daughter had a child out of wedlock, it would probably be difficult for her daughter to find someone to marry if she had a child with her.

She thought her daughter would get back together with

Hadwin Stephenson, but who would have expected things to turn out like this?

“Are you still hung up on what happened in the past?” asked Mrs. Sweeney.

Lina knew her mother had misunderstood, but she did not correct her and said, “Mom, Hadwin Stephenson and I have never belonged together. It’s better to end things now than to stay together for the baby. I’m sorry, people might gossip about me when the time comes.”


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