My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict!

Chapter 2285

Chapter 2285

Chapter 2285

Chapter 2285

Martin Weiss frowned. “She’s not some random woman. She’s the

woman I love most. She got kidnapped because of me. I failed to handle some lowlives who went to harm Kyla! It’s only a matter of

course that I had to save her!”

Mrs. Weiss said bitterly, “A matter of course? You saved her and almost killed yourself. Did you think of me? Did you think about your own mother? What I should do if something had happened to you? I already lost your father. Do you want me to lose my only

son too?”

Guilt flashed across Martin Weiss’s face. “Mom, I’m sorry.”

“Kyla has gotten you under her spell. Even if you have done her wrong, many years have passed since then. You’ve even donated her your liver. It should be enough,” said Mrs. Weiss.

‘Enough?’ Martin Weiss smiled wrily. Kyla said it was enough, and even his mother said it was enough, but… “It’s not enough. Mom, I love her. I love her so much that everything I do for her won’t be enough. Whatever happens, I don’t want you to scold her, Mom. I saved her willingly. She never asked me to save her, and she has nothing to do with these wounds!”

Mrs. Weiss looked at her son, who was trying to take all the responsibility, with a darkening face.

Kyla mattered so much to her son that he would even risk his life for her! There was only grave concern in Mrs. Weiss’s heart at the


“Mom, think of it as doing me a favor. Please don’t be angry with

her,” said Martin Weiss.

However, the more he begged, the more Mrs. Weiss’s heart sank.

When had her proud son begged someone for a woman? However, he was begging her for Kyla right now.

Mrs. Weiss sighed and said, “Forget it. I won’t blame her. Don’t


“That’s great,” said Martin Weiss.

“But you can’t spare those criminals who hurt you so severely! Especially Mr. Lambert and Jacqueline Bowman. I want them in jail for the rest of their lives!” said Mrs. Weiss.

Mrs. Weiss’s voice had a touch of anger in it. After all, he was her most important son! He was so badly wounded that she almost lost him again. How could she not hate those criminals?

“Okay. It’s all up to you, Mom,” said Martin Weiss.

As long as his mother did not blame Kyla!

‘Will Kyla give me the answer I want? How I wish she’ll say yes. I’ll

be good to her and use the rest of my life to treat her well!’ novelbin

When Kyla arrived at the hospital with the food she prepared for

Martin Weiss, she happened to see Mrs. Weiss in the ward.

Kyla froze, not expecting to see Mrs. Weiss. However, on second thought, it was only reasonable for Mrs. Weiss to come over after Martin Weiss suffered such injuries.

Mrs. Weiss also froze when she saw Kyla coming over with food.

“Hello, Aunt,” Kyla greeted nervously.

“Hello, Miss Corbyn,” Mrs. Weiss replied politely, showing no displeasure for Kyla. “Miss Corbyn, are you here to see Martin? Thank you.”

“He got hurt because of me. It… It’s only right for me to do this,” said Kyla.

“But if you’re busy with the store, it’s okay to come less often, Miss Corbyn. As long as we know you have him in mind. Now that I’m here to take care of Martin, I’ll prepare the best for him, of course,” said Mrs. Weiss.


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