My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict!

Chapter 2508

Chapter 2508

Chapter 2508

Chapter 2508

It was just that it was going to take some time to find that person after so many years. Besides, there was probably not enough evidence for a conviction!

While she was deep in thought, a car suddenly stopped in front of Amber Mitchell, and George Gregory appeared in front of her.

Amber Mitchell looked warily at George Gregory and stepped back.

George Gregory’s dark eyes narrowed slightly. “Are you afraid of me?”

“I’m not afraid but disgusted,” answered Amber Mitchell. When one was disgusted with someone, one would not want to get close to them. One would subconsciously keep one’s distance. Even looking at them could make one feel uncomfortable.

George Gregory’s expression instantly turned ghastly as soon as she said that.

‘Disgusted…’ It sounded so harsh when she uttered that word.

She had once said to him in her sweet melodious voice, “George, I’ll probably never hate you.”

However, she now said she was disgusted with him!

Chapter 2508

“You’re disgusted with me?” He moved close to her.


She sneered. “Shouldn’t I hate you? If possible, I hope you never appear in front of me because I don’t want to see you at all!”

He felt a surge of fury that he did not understand. It had been many years since he had been this furious. It seemed he had not gotten so angry since he avoided hearing about her when she was first sent to the mental hospital.

The fury exploded in his chest so quickly that he shocked himself!

“Amber Mitchell, you’d better not tell me that again!” he warned coldly.

“George Gregory, who do you think you are? I don’t need to listen to you. If you don’t show up in front of me, I wouldn’t have to listen to you either!” She walked straight past him as she spoke, intending to head to the nearby subway station.

However, he grabbed her wrist before she could take two steps. The next moment, George Gregory dragged her toward his car.

“George Gregory, what are you doing? Let go of me!” She yelled, resisting with all her strength.

However, her resistance seemed to not affect him.

A moment later, he dragged her into the car. The car drove away as soon as the door slammed shut as he had indifferently commanded, “Drive.”

Chapter 2508


Amber Mitchell suddenly stopped struggling. Now that she was in the car, it was no use to struggle. The first thing she should do was figure out what he wanted.

“George Gregory, what do you want? Why don’t you just tell me and save me from guessing?” Amber Mitchell asked calmly.

He stared at her. “I thought you’d be screaming for me to let you

out now.”

“Will that work? If it won’t, why waste the effort?” she said indifferently.

“You weren’t like this before. You’d always give things a try even if it didn’t work.”

“That’s because I was never locked up in a mental hospital back then. If you went through that experience, you’d know that doing something that doesn’t work will only end up hurting you more,” she said sarcastically.


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