My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict!

Chapter 2598

Chapter 2598

Chapter 2598

Chapter 2598


The nurse, Shana Nicholls, entered the room at some point. “Mr. Weiss, it’s time for you to take your medicine,” she said as she put the tray on the couch and handed Martin Weiss the medicine and glass of water.

Martin Weiss took them and swallowed the medicine.

After taking Martin Weiss’s temperature and blood pressure, Shana Nicholls said, “Mr. Weiss, the person who came here


“Ignore her. I’m tired and want to sleep. Go out first,” said

Martin Weiss.

“Okay,” said Shana Nicholls as she slowly exited the room. However, she could not help glancing at Martin Weiss before closing the door.

She had heard from Mallory that the visitor was Mr. Weiss’s


She did not expect Mr. Weiss to have a wife, but his wife never appeared during the most painful period of Mr. Weiss’s recuperation.

Chapter 2598

How could such a person qualify to be Mrs. Weiss?


Shana Nicholls came down the stairs angrily. She was a nurse in a big hospital and was young, beautiful, and capable. This time, she got lucky and was chosen to be Mr. Weiss’s private nurse during his recuperation period due to Dr. Lu, who was in charge of Mr. Weiss’s health.

Her father and Dr. Lu were old acquaintances, so Dr. Lu recommended her to Mr. Weiss. Mr. Weiss unexpectedly


Shana Nicholls still remembered the first time she met Martin

Weiss. She was enchanted and felt sorry for him.

When she saw the famous businessman in L City up close, she

realized that he was even more handsome than she had seen

on the news.

However, he was handsome and weak at the same time. There was even a time when he needed help to walk, and it was painfully difficult.

She knew it was because of his second liver donation, but she did not understand why he wanted to donate his liver and to

whom he donated it.

After all, who deserved the liver of a big shot like him?

Chapter 2598

She had been personally taking care of him these days. She

often had the feeling that… he needed her!


She could help him nurse his body and get better. If only she

could stay with him!

It was not unheard of for nurses to marry into wealthy families. after they spent a period of time taking care of the patients.

If someone else could do so, then… so could she!

However, the idea had just occurred to her when Mrs. Weiss’s appearance spoiled her plans. She never thought that Mr.

Weiss had a wife!

‘But it seems that Mr. Weiss and his wife are not on good terms, so maybe I have a chance to… Shana Nicholls’s eyes flashed with ambition!

During dinner, the servants prepared a table full of sumptuous food for Kyla. Kyla also checked that the food served was appropriate for post-liver transplant patients like herself. It was clear that the chef had prepared the food specifically for her.

“Why isn’t Martin Weiss here?” Kyla asked the servant.

“Mr. Weiss said he’s having dinner in his room. We’ve already brought the food to Mr. Weiss’s room,” the servant said.

Chapter 2508

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Kyle wondered, the diving in the room today because he wants to avoid me? Or is just a coincidence?

"Does he always eat in his room?” Kyla asked again.

“Not really. He sometimes does,” the servant replied.

Kyla wondered, ‘Is he dining in his room today because he wants to avoid me? Or is it just a coincidence?”

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