My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict!

Chapter 324

Chapter 324

Chapter 324

Chapter 324

Grace’s first reaction was that Jason would go after the small restaurant. An up-and-coming company that others said had a bright future was currently in doubt and would probably be rid of, not to mention a small restaurant.

“I… I hadn’t thought of it that way,” she muttered. She did not want anything to happen to Kyla’s small restaurant because of her. After all, she could see that Kyla was a nice person. With a deaf son, she must be heavily burdened.

“It’s best if you hadn’t. You can stay here in peace,” Jason said

with a smile.

Grace pressed her lips together and said nothing.

Jason took Grace’s hands and pressed her palms against his cheeks. “Since you’re determined to find your own job, have it your way, but no matter how late you come back every night, you must bid me good night, all right?”

She was surprised that he would make such a request.

Bid him good night… That was what she used to say to him every night in the rental house. He was her family back then, someone she thought she could depend on.

Were… they still family now?

smiled. It was as it he was in perfect comfort.

She only felt her palms getting hotter and hotter until they were

burning hot…

Grace took her credentials the next day and went to the small

restaurant as agreed. Kyla Corbyn checked Grace in, briefed her,

and assigned her an electric bike.

“You can ride this to and from work. By the way, do you know how

to ride this?” Kyla Corbyn suddenly thought of this question.

“Yes, I’ve ridden it before, but I haven’t ridden it for years. After al

little practice, I should be able to ride it,” Grace said truthfully.

“Then you can practice later,” said Kyla Corbyn. “You know that

you’ve got into a car accident before, so you need to be careful

when you’re riding the electric bike. Don’t go over the speed limit.

or anything just because you want to be fast. It’s all right if you’re

late. Better safe than sorry. It’s for the benefit of you and the


Grace responded by telling Kyla Corbyn, “Yes, I know. I’ll be

careful not to speed.”

Kyla Corbyn smiled. “Well, that’s it. Your salary will be paid on the

15th of every month. I’ll pay you basic Social Security. You can ask

me if you have any questions.”

“All right,” said Grace. Suddenly, she felt something clinging to her

She looked down and saw a young beautiful face.

Grace remembered that Kyla called the child ‘Nelson’ yesterday.

“Come here, Nelson,” Kyla Corbyn said to the little one as she


However, the little one held on to Grace’s legs and looked up at Grace curiously, ignoring his mother.

Kyla Corbyn stepped forward, intending to pull her son away.

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