My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict!

Chapter 4163

Chapter 4163

Chapter 4163

Chapter 4163 Have Really Thought About It

“Tina, do you know what you’re agreeing to?” Chandler said.

“Yes.” Tina nodded earnestly. In fact, from the beginning, she had hoped to get married early, have children early, and solve his pain as soon as possible.

She didn’t actually oppose his mother’s arrangement.

Although it seemed a bit forced!

“Very well, since Miss. Stephenson has agreed, the Hunter family will formally visit the Stephenson family in a few days to discuss the marriage arrangements,” Adele said, then turned and left the room.

Tina finally breathed a sigh of relief. The scene just now was like catching someone in bed in a TV drama, except she was experiencing a forced marriage.

Chandler uncovered the blanket and got dressed. “Tina, you don’t have to pay attention to my mother’s words. I’ll talk to her again and make her change her mind.”

“No!” Tina quickly said, “I agreed just now willingly, I wasn’t forced.”

Have Really Thought About It Chandler paused.

Tina continued, “And you know, I’ve always wanted to have children earlier. Since yesterday… um, we didn’t take any precautions, so like your mother said, maybe now there’s already a child in my belly, who knows.”

Chandler looked at the person in front of him with a complex expression. “Are you… really sure about this?”

“Do you think that until now, I still haven’t thought it through?” Tina said, “I’ve said it more than once, I want to have children. earlier, I want to relieve your pain sooner. It’s you who always thinks I’m still young, always thinks I need more time to consider, but…”

Tina paused, wrapped in the sheet and walked to Chandler’s side, looking up at him. “Even though we have an 8-year age gap, my feelings for you are not less than yours. You’ve known me for 20 years, and I’ve known you for 20 years. So if these 20 years have made you certain about me, why do you think I haven’t made up my mind about you in the same amount of time?”

Chandler’s Adam’s apple bobbed, as if there was something warm surging up in his heart.

“I’m very clear-headed now, and I think I’m mature enough to decide my future!” Tina said.

Chandler pulled Tina into his arms.

“But if you have a child at your age, you’ll be very hard-pressed,” He didn’t want her to have a child so early, he hoped she could enjoy her youth more, instead of being tied down by a child,

“That would be a sweet kind of hardship. I believe I’ll be a good mother, and also, I really hope we can have our child soon.” She hoped that this time, she could successfully conceive,

“You’ll definitely be a good mother.” And he, to love the person who loved him back, was so incredibly lucky.

Two days later, in the living room of the Stephenson family, Hadwin glared at Chandler, shouting. “What did you say? Marriage? You want to marry Tina as soon as possible?”

“Yes.” Chandler said in a deep voice.

“Don’t you know that Tina is still in college?” Hadwin said impatiently.

In his eyes, his daughter was still a little girl, too young to get married. If it was possible, he could come up with hundreds of reasons to delay her marriage until after she graduated from university. But now… Chandler was telling him to get married as soon as possible, how could Hadwin not be angry?


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