My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict!

Chapter 4263 It Doesn’t Matter Anymore

Chapter 4263 It Doesn’t Matter Anymore

Chapter 4263 It Doesn’t Matter Anymore 

Lina sighed and wiped her daughter’s tears.

“If you don’t want to say, it’s okay. But Mom wants you to be happy. Whatever the problem is, I’m your mother and I will stand by your side!” Lina said.

At this moment, she was her daughter’s biggest support.

Tina continued to cry while tears streamed down her face. She choked out, “Mom, I don’t know why I feel so sad. He already promised to divorce, he didn’t say anything hurtful, and he agreed to all my requests. But why am I so sad, I…”

Tina cried and found it hard to catch her breath.

Lina gently patted her daughter’s back. “Tina, Mom just hopes that whatever decision you make, you won’t regret it!”

Because in this world, there are things that can be regretted!

But some things can’t be regretted!

If one day Tina recovers her memories, will she regret the

decisions she’s made now?

No, even without her memories, Tina might still end up

regrelling il!

“I…” Tina was at a loss for words.

She didn’t know if she would regret it!

All she knew was that she was feeling very sad right now, a pain as if her soul was being torn apart!

Chandler returned to the villa where he and Tina had planned to get married. Many things here were arranged by Tina, and it was filled with her presence.


He thought that finding Tina, knowing that she was still alive, would be the beginning of happiness.

But he never expected that it would be the start of a different kind of pain.

The trust and love they once had had vanished.

The person in front of him, though she was Tina, she was no longer his Tina.

When Tina suggested that they should get along well, he was genuinely happy. He felt that there was hope again.

But that hope shattered so quickly!

Chandler laughed bitterly. Now, he was only going from one


pain to another.

But at least, Tina is still alive.

He had prayed before, that as long as Tina was still alive, he would do anything.

Now, it’s just a matter of fulfilling his wish!

Although it’s painful, the fact that she’s alive brings him. comfort.


After a few days, Chandler saw Tina again. He stared at her almost greedily. She looked even more haggard than the last time he saw her. She had just recovered from a serious illness, and now she looked fragile as if a gust of wind could knock her


“This is the divorce agreement that my lawyer drafted. You can take a look,” Tina took out a divorce agreement and handed it to Chandler.

Chandler took it, but instead of looking at it, he picked up a pen and was about to sign the agreement.

“Wait!” Tina quickly stopped him. “Are you going to sign it just like that?”

“Hmm,” he replied softly.

He would give her everything she wanted, whether it was the agreement or anything else!

“But you don’t even want to take a look. Aren’t you afraid

that I might harm you? Aren’t you afraid that the terms of the agreement might be unfavorable to you?” Tina asked again.

“It’s okay,” Chandler said quietly.

Because for him, many things are no longer important!

“Tina, I will give you everything you want,” Chandler said softly. He picked up the pen, signed the agreement, and handed it to her!


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