My Hollywood System

Chapter 121

Chapter 121:

For a while, everything was going smoothly for Will. His fight with MCA had turned into the downfall of the latter and now DTA was benefiting from it.

The best thing was that he had gotten Uncle Ben to join DTA because of this and he had even persuaded June to join his agency with her agent, John.

His trip to New York had resulted in him finding Leo and now, he would be able to make some iconic movies that otherwise would have been lacking without Leo as the lead.

But just because everything was going smooth for him, it didn’t mean that Will was becoming lazy.

The main reason stuff was going smoothly was because he was cooperating with big shots of Hollywood. Aside from [The Blair Witch Project], all of his projects have been with a Big 6 studio and this has saved him a lot of trouble.

And he wanted to continue this at least for a while.

There was no way Will didn’t know that major Hollywood big shots were keeping an eye on him because of his rapid growth but until he kept providing them with benefits, he would be safe.

He needed to play it like that until he was strong enough to trample over the Big 6.

Thinking of these thoughts, he parked his car outside Black Diamond hotel, the place where Kron studios had held the success party of [A Bullet to Kill].

Getting out of his car, he made his way inside with paparazzi taking photos of him from a distance while whispering among each other.

“It’s really Will Evans! I didn’t know he would come here.”

“Heard rumors he was in New York for some work? Guess, he’s back.”

“Hahaha, I will get 500 dollars just for his one photo.”

He ignored the mumblings of the paparazzi and made his way inside. The sound of music reached his ears as he glanced around to look at all the people that were gathered here.

‘There’s a smell of alcohol in the air.’

He thought, thinking of the nature of Hollywood parties.

Directors, actors, producers and even some pop stars were in front of him.

It was a famous bunch, displaying the connections of Kron studios. He could even see some executives from rival studios.

Infamously, Hollywood parties have been all about meeting new people and making connections. But many people would also come here to find someone to go home to, especially younger actors who just wanted to enjoy life and party.

In the end, these actors would be on the front page of some paparazzi magazine the next day.

He had arrived particularly early and even the star cast of [A Bullet to Kill] wasn’t here. From what he knew, Robert was having dinner with a childhood friend of his and would arrive late.

Seeing Will, many actors and producers wondered if they should go and talk to him. He was a rare person in Hollywood and was known as a workaholic who would seldom come to such events.

It was a great opportunity to make a connection. If an actor gets his number, it would be a golden opportunity to star in a big budget movie and if a producer gets to work with him, it means a lot of profits.

At least, until now, his record was as good as it gets.

But these people waited. They have been in Hollywood for far too long to know that having some patience was an essential thing. It was the new actors, especially younger actresses who had just been in some movies who approached him first.

“Hello, do you want to go grab some drinks?”

One red haired girl wearing a low cut dress asked him with a smile. But he shook her head and quickly rejected her.

“Sorry, maybe later.”

He left after saying that, not even giving a good look to her. With dejected shoulders, the girl returned to her group of friends, frowning upon a lost opportunity.

Not minding such things, Will made his way towards the table where some people from Foxstar were seated.

He could see a middle aged man sitting in the centre.

He had blonde hair, a square face and he looked a bit like Spencer. At least one side of his face did.

Compared to the old grandpas surrounding him, he was rather young but there was a confident, almost arrogant grin on his face.

He was Colt Miller.

“Hey, Will. I didn’t expect you to really come here.”

From the group of Foxstar executives, the first one to notice him was James Dankworth. He was also the one who had told Will that Colt would be present here.

“I was just a bit free, so I decided to show my face around.”

“You free? That’s as rare as seeing a UFO.”

James said as they shook hands and hugged. Several other executives noticed him and came to greet him.

Despite his age, he was seen as a long term partner for Foxstar and Spencer had stressed these points a lot in the meetings.

“Will Evans, I’m a huge fan. It’s our first time meeting. My dad has told me a lot about you. You can call me Colt.”

Colt was the last one to walk up to him and he patted Will’s shoulder like they were old friends that were just reunited.

“Nice to meet you too. I hope most of the things Spencer told you would be good.”

“It is. It’s a bit strange because it’s Hollywood but it’s extremely hard to find something not nice about you.”

Colt said with a smirk, then looked behind him for a second before gesturing towards the balcony.

“Let’s go talk somewhere private.”

“Oh, sure.”

Will didn’t mind as he was at the party to meet Colt. But he could see the odd faces of Foxstar’s executives. They certainly didn’t like this.

‘He has a lot to learn.’

They walked towards the balcony and once there, Colt took out a packet of cigarettes from his pocket and offered him one.

“Want one?”

“I don’t smoke.”

“That’s a pity. I like smoking.” josei

While puffing out the smoke, Colt leaned on the balcony. Will didn’t wait for him to speak and directly asked.

“How’s Spencer? The last time I saw him, he was on the hospital bed.”

“He’s still there. Just a bit better. The doctors advised him to retire. He’s way past a working age.”

“So, you took over.”

Colt looked back and grinned before replying.

“I’m in the middle of it. Companies don’t work on the whim of one person and there’s a lot of opposition.”

“That’s always there.”

“You are lucky in that case. You are the sole owner of your company. It was your investment and you took every major decision and they gave great profits. It’s quite convenient. Almost like you are a king of your own kingdom.”

“You can say so.”

Will said, wondering in his mind about the kind of person Colt was. Clearly, there was an air of arrogance around him and he was naive, not used to fighting for the top position in a company.

But he seemed competent too. Almost like he was prepared for this role all his life. If Will resembled a king, Colt was more like a prince.

The question was what kind of prince he was? The stupid one or the cunning one?

“I don’t like going round and round talking about things that don’t matter. So, let’s just talk about the reason why you came to this party to meet me. It’s about Sherlock Holmes right?”

Colt turned to look at him and Will shook his head a little.

“Not fully. Just a part of a reason. It’s more to see what kind of a person the next chairman of Foxstar is.”

For now, Dream Vision had only cooperated with Foxstar on a successful project. With [500 Days of Summer], they were getting into a partnership with OP studios but the end result was still something to see.

That’s why Will valued Foxstar and didn’t want it to end like MCA.

“Well, I don’t know if I will impress you or not but for now, I can only talk about some stuff.” He said, taking a breath and then suddenly said, “I read the deal between Foxstar and Dream Vision for the next two movies. It seems like you are not going to direct them.”

Will shook his head. He didn’t want to direct the next part because there’s just a lot he wanted to do. A lot of other movies were waiting for him.

“I didn’t feel like directing it. I already tasted success with it, so there’s no point. Though, I would be the one doing the script, so the essence will be there.”

Hearing that, Colt threw the cigarette on the ground and crushed it with his shoe. Looking up at him, he said.

“I’d rather you direct it than any other person. You very well know what happened to the Blair Witch franchise after you sold off the rights.”


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