My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 6 Letter

Chapter 6 Letter

The beautiful chirping of birds sounded outside Adam's window, awakening him from his sleep. Rubbing his eyes, Adam tried to sit up, but feeling resistance, he decided to give up.

Two pairs of large breasts of mature elves pressed against his body, but Adam showed little reaction. He closed his eyes, and different thoughts crossed his mind.

He pondered his goals and asked himself countless questions: "What should I do?" and "What is my goal? My dream?", "What do I want to do?", "What can I do?"

An endless stream of questions and not a single firm answer. Adam couldn't let this go unnoticed, so he devoted all the capacity of his brain to it.

An hour passed.

Adam helplessly entered the space of the system and transported himself to the Meditation Room. As usual, he sat down and crossed his legs, then closed his eyes.

With each passing minute, his mind went blank, and superfluous thoughts flew away. Adam felt content and warm as if he were in his mother's arms.

Six hours passed, and Adam reached the limit. He saw the familiar notification screen in front of him:

[Strength Increased]

[Casanova Experience (Level 1): 18/25]

Adam sighed and stood up, feeling disappointed.

"If it weren't for this restriction, I'd have reached level two by now!" Adam shook his head and grinned bitterly. "You need seven more experiences, and you can go to the second level! Maybe there will be bonuses."

Adam smiled and looked around. It was a dull space in front of him, but Adam felt that as he leveled up, he could achieve new things!

Since he had nothing to do, Adam walked into the Royal Arena and, after some thought, chose Amaria as his sparring partner.

[Royal arena: a location where the user can take part with creatures he has previously seen. Even if dying in the arena, the user will be revived.]

[Current opponent: Amaria (Elf Queen)

Level: Supreme Path (3 Laws) (S+)

Attribute: Nature (Wind, Water, Fire, Earth)]

Adam swallowed hard, looked at the clone Amaria had created, and felt a strong pressure. Narrowing his eyes, Adam prepared himself. As usual, a screen appeared in front of him.

[Do you want to start a battle?]

[Yes] | [No]

Adam did not immediately say "Yes" and examined his opponent carefully. He didn't see any flaws! With a sigh, he muttered in an uncertain voice. "Yes".

The next second, he instantly activated the Art of Seduction and smiled softly.


Adam blinked incomprehensibly, and all he could see was Amaria letting out a low sigh. Then his eyes went dim, and he lost consciousness.

It's unclear how many minutes later...

Adam woke up, and there was an undisguised shock in his beautiful black eyes. He mumbled to himself like a madman and then smiled bitterly.

[User lost].

[The fight lasted for 5 milliseconds.]

Adam's smile grew even more bitter when he saw the length of the fight. All it took for Amaria to wipe him out was a sigh.

"It looks like I shouldn't provoke her, or I'll die." He sighed and logged out.

Adam and Mary were up by then, as it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. Adam got up and changed his clothes. Suddenly, he saw a squirrel standing at his window with a stamped envelope in his hand.

Adam opened the window and let the squirrel in. He looked around and found some nuts, placing them in front of the squirrel.josei

"Hmm, not bad food!" Suddenly, the squirrel spoke.

"What the hell?" Adam was surprised and felt strange.

However, the squirrel did not answer him and only rushed to the window. And as if forgetting something, the squirrel turned and shook his head, saying: "Young man, ask Her Majesty to put a sound barrier around your house; otherwise, it is impossible to sleep at night!"

When he had finished, the squirrel jumped onto a tree branch and disappeared. Adam stood still and felt embarrassed. He grinned: "Talking squirrels looked cute and cool to me in cartoons, but in real life... why is he talking like an old man?"

Adam shook his head and opened the envelope. Taking the letter out, Adam began to read, and his eyebrows rose higher and higher.

"Has she finally decided to give the order?" Adam blinked and walked into the living room.

Seeing two beautiful mature women in revealing maid costumes, Adam smiled.

"Mary and Claire, I'm going to the castle on some business. Keep an eye on the house, will you?" He walked over to each of them and kissed them on the forehead.

The women smiled and nodded. A few minutes later, a refreshed Adam left the house and headed toward the palace. Since it was a formal meeting, Adam had to change into formal clothes.

Elves have a simple enough robe: a green robe, a green hat, and, would you believe it, green shoes.

"If the whole eco kit can be accepted, but... the green hat? It's kind of unnerving." Adam sighed and shook his head.

Soon he saw a beautiful castle and approached the gate. There, the piercing eyes of two guards fell upon him.

"What is the purpose of your visit? Do you have an invitation?" One of the guards asked rudely.

His face was hidden behind his armor, so Adam could not see his face, but he felt very well the look of contempt and disgust. Without giving importance to the guard's rude tone, Adam spoke with a cold face: "Her Majesty has invited me to a meeting to discuss further plans. Here is the seal."

Adam pulled out an envelope with an open seal on it. The guards nodded, and the gate opened, allowing Adam to pass through it.

As he passed through the gate, one of the guards suddenly snorted, and his eyes flashed with anger. A green laser came out of his hand and instantly caught up to Adam, hitting him in the back.

Sensing something was wrong, Adam flinched, and unknowingly, his wings opened, blocking the laser. A searing pain spread across his wings, and the spot where the shot had been fired burned.

Adam gritted his teeth and strode forward. He felt anger and a desire for revenge, but with his current strength, he could do nothing against the one who had struck him.

"Bastard, I'll find out where your house is and visit your wife, then you'll sing like a bird!"


At the same time at the gate.

One of the guards turned to the elf, who fired a laser and removed his helmet. There were many scars on the elf's face, and he was even blind in his left eye.

"Arannis, what are you doing? Do you have any idea what will happen if Her Majesty finds out about this?" The scarred elf asked in a cold voice.

"She wouldn't know. That son of a bitch has a temper--proud and arrogant." The elf who shot the laser at Adam also took off his helmet.

He was an elf with a dignified posture and a slender build. He had long blond hair, neatly braided, and green eyes that burned with sadness.

"That's why you shouldn't think about it, Ray." Said Arannis and grinned.

"You are on the Higher Path, who has overcome the five desires (A-). He is also an Inferior demon (F-), who can be severely hurt by a single rash move." The elf named Ray sighed and shook his head. "I understand that you don't like demons, but you have to restrain yourself."

"Ray, you don't understand. Although what you said about hating demons is true, I didn't hurt him for that reason." Arannis smiled coldly. "That bastard stole the wife of one of my subordinates, so I was just messing with him a little."

"Let me guess, this subordinate is Eldorin? He doesn't stand out for anything except his temperament. Why do you care so much for him?" Ray asked in surprise.

"You think I care about trash like him? Heh..." Arannis shook his head and grinned. His face was horrified, and his eyes burned with lust. "I originally accepted him into my squad, for Eldorin had promised to loan me his sexy wife, but because of that bastard, he didn't keep his promise!"

Arannis roared, and his aura became aggressive, but the elf named Ray did not react in any way and only grimaced. Shaking his head, Ray put on his helmet and warned him one last time: "For your good, don't try to hurt him. You only put your position in jeopardy."

"Well, of course, I won't hurt him." Arannis shrugged nonchalantly, then smirked. "But what does that have to do with me? Eldorin can manage without me. In that case, who am I to interfere in the affairs of two grown men?"

Arannis laughed and put on his helmet. His laughter was wicked and unpleasant, showing his nature.

Many people suffered because of him, but he got away with it because his great-grandmother was one of the elders in the Hall of Elders.

Meanwhile, Adam was escorted into the room, and he raised an eyebrow.

"Lunch before the death sentence?"

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