My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 103

Chapter 103: Final Escape

Luo Shang bloodied body sat straight as he clenched his teeth and looked down at his stumps where his legs were supposed to be, Ruxandra was 2 meters away from him and he couldn't hold the formation for more before his head would explode.

Ruxandra frowned as she felt that the connection to her avatar was thinning the further it went away from her, her avatar wasn't even able to use half it's strength even while combining itself with the unconscious body of her sister.

Luo Shang chuckled as his eyes started to bleed, Ruxandra was slowly getting closer and closer to him and his head was inflating slowly ready to burst like a watermelon hit by a hammer.

Ruxandra looked at the ceiling of the treasury and frowned as she could feel the connection with her avatar almost breaking meaning that it could get very weak to the point that someone around the 7th stage of the God Realm and below could kill it, she also couldn't communicate with it anymore, she waved her hand in the air and the whole treasury started to crack and shake however it stopped after a short time.

She looked at Luo Shang who was coughing blood and bleeding from all of his apertures and said:

"It seems your formation is quite strong when you fuel it with your own life, you can even sever the connection between me and my avatar, but what makes you think that little guy can escape from the avatar even if it's a connection with me was severed? After all, it's still a Godly avatar."

Luo Shang chuckled as his face paled to the point that he almost looked dead, his bloodshot eyes that were slowly turning white as his head expanded in size looked directly in her eyes and he told her using his last breath:

"You wouldn't understand."

His head exploded into a shower of gore as his armless, legless, and headless stump fell to the ground in a pool of its own blood.

Ruxandra frowned as she could feel that the treasury was self-destructing!

Even though the explosion from the self-destruction sequence wouldn't hurt her much, it would destroy every treasure that stood in the treasury, if she wanted to blow through the formation and get what she wanted she couldn't go after Yun Jhin!

While she frowned continuously she forgot to absorb Luo Shang's soul that was slowly dissipating in the air, he had a big smile on his face as he looked towards the direction of the launching pad formation and muttered:

"It seems I have done my job, fortunately, the bloodline bind only works for one life, if we see each other in the next life you will be my enemy!"

His soul was almost absorbed by the universe as it was ready to go through the reincarnation process when suddenly Ruxandra waved her hand and his soul transformed into a small wisp which she grasped, she had a huge smile on her face that showed her fangs and gave her a scary expression.

The wisp of the soul was half of Luo Shang's memories, the other half already dissipated in heaven and earth and it would reincarnate, unfortunately for him he would lose half of his memories due to Ruxandra's actions.

Ruxandra grasped the-wisp in her hand as she opened her mouth and inhaled it whole, her eyes brightened as she started to rush in the direction of the special flower, she knew that she would make it in time due to the memories she gained from the soul wisp.

Yun Jhin's body was slowly crumbling under its own weight as he continuously used the forbidden technique to ignite his ki and bloodline to reach the launching pad formation, his eyes were bloodshot as crystalline flames came out of his nose, the crystalline flames were the burnt blood which was making it's way out of his body through his nose.

Yun Jhin's face was pale as he could feel death closing into him but if he stopped for even one second his life would truly end!

He could feel his skin pringling as the body of the Luo Empress which was controlled by Ruxandra's avatar was closing into him, he was also closing to the launching pad formation at a quick speed, he could feel that the launching pad formation was still intact, however, he didn't feel any energy fluctuations coming from it!

The launching pad formation was created atop a giant plateau and a few hundred kilometers away started the jungle in which the Bumi Empire could be found, it was exactly in the middle between the Luo and Bumi Empire.

Yun Jhin jumped onto the plateau and slashed both of his wrists open as fiery blood dropped into the formation trying to activate it, however, the crystallized blood was flowing through the form very slowly so he had to wait a while before he would be able to escape!

Yun Jhin's situation was critical due to his blood loss, combined with the continuous use of the forbidden techniques meant that if he continued he could die due to over-exhaustion.

However he ignored everything as he slashed into his body and made even more blood flow from his body to activate the formation, his blood was high with energy after it was ignited and the energy would dissipate itself with time so it was the perfect fuel for the formation, he kept the forbidden technique on as he slowly bled on the plateau trying to fuel the whole formation for at least one jump!

Suddenly above him appeared the thing that he feared the most!

The avatar of Ruxandra!

She slowly made her way down to the formation as she looked around, she had a wide mocking smile on her face as she crossed her arms and looked down at Yun Jhin:

"It seems you wanted to flee the planet, how unfortunate, for one so young and talented, combined with your luck you could have made a great mating bull, why don't you accept your fate and I will heal you immediately?"

Yun Jhin frowned as he kept bleeding on the platform, he wasn't sure why but the avatar was keeping its distance from the core of the formation, it seemed she didn't try to destroy it to stop him from escaping, this was rather strange...

Yun Jhin looked down to see the formation starting to power up as his blood finally powered it enough for one jump, he wanted to activate it immediately but he found himself embraced by the Luo Empress's body which was above him.

He slowly looked up only to see two mounds pressing on his head along with the combination of the open fluttering robes showing the Luo Empress's full vivacious body, even though her face was plain her body was still pretty decent.

However, Yun Jhin wasn't interested in her body at all as he used his whole remaining strength to activate the formation below his feet as he stamped on it with all of his remaining strength.

The avatar frowned as she tried to keep Yun Jhin from leaving but some type of restriction threw her away from the launching pad formation as she cursed:


Yun Jhin's consciousness was slowly leaving his body as he was launched into space while being protected by the launching pad formation, he looked down at the azure dragon planet that was growing smaller in his vision then used his last wisp of consciousness to choose his landing direction which was the Vermillion Bird planet!

Ruxandra frowned as she felt her avatar coming back, her hair was singed and her body was dark as night as the treasury exploded in her face and she could only save half of the special flower from being destroyed.

She frowned as the avatar left her sister's body and returned to her body along with the memories.

She looked at the special flower in her hands as it dissipated into dust and assimilated into her body.

She looked towards the sky and muttered:

"Only if the contract didn't bind my avatar it could have followed that twerp to space, where else would I find such a good mating bull who cultivated both of the ancestors' techniques and lived without exploding?"

She sighed as she used her supreme authority to fuse the Bumi and Luo Empire creating the supreme overlord of the Azure Dragon planet.

Yun Jhin's unconscious body was crashing into the atmosphere of a red planet that seemed to be burning if looked from outer space.

His body was wrecked and his life force was slowly exhausting itself as his injuries were too deep to be healed conventionally.

After a while his body crashed into the launch pad formation of the Vermillion bird planet which was abandoned just like the Azure dragon planet one, there was no one around besides some animals that have evolved according to the fiery surroundings.

Everything around Yun Jhin was blood crimson as his body was getting cooked by the natural fire around him, his wounds were closing at high speeds but it seemed that his blood wasn't recovering as his face remained pale, while he wouldn't lose any more blood his body couldn't recover blood normally anymore due to his internal injuries which were still plaguing him, while his external injuries were getting healed at a quick speed his internal situation remained the same.

Yun Jhin's soul was conscious as he looked at his body slowly dying on the ground, he knew what to do in this situation as he had a reason for choosing the Vermillion bird planet.

The wild animals that were scattered around the launching pad formation were called by Yun Jhin's soul bewitchment to try and attack his dying body, when they got too close to his body a black tendril would extend from his body and absorb all of the nutrients of the fiery animals giving his body some help at healing.

This was the externalized ability of his first jewel, he hadn't used it up till now because he didn't have to, it was the most direct way to absorb other's life force but it was too obvious and Yun Jhin didn't like to show his trump cards.

Yun Jhin's shriveled and pale body was getting a ruddier complexion as more animals were absorbed and his heart started to pump blood again, his internal injuries remained but his body would regain consciousness soon enough at this rate.josei

Yun Jhin's big soul frowned as he could feel some people approaching the launching pad formation, fortunately, his body was slowly awakening at the same time, his soul returned to his body as his body's eyes moved briefly before opening.

Yun Jhin cursed inside as he felt his organs hurting to the point that he might vomit blood again, he used his stealth technique while his whole body was shaking as he hid, as long as the person wasn't at the Sage Realm or above he should be able to keep himself hidden.

A few proud-looking women along with a meek man appeared and inspected the launching pad formation as the women talked amongst themselves while they ignored the man who was twiddling his thumbs and looking at the ground.

Yun Jhin kept himself hidden as he spied on their conversation, from what he could sense they were around the 7th stage of the Emperor realm and as long as he didn't reveal himself they wouldn't be able to sense him:

"It seems we came here for nothing, and we had to come with this failure here as well, *sigh* what are the elders thinking giving us a male teammate? All males are failures who can only be used for mating!"

Yun Jhin snorted inside, it seemed the Vermillion birds were acting the same regardless of time, they were a pure matriarchal society that looked down on male's regardless of race, they looked down on the males of their race even harder than those of foreign races as they saw them as failures who couldn't accomplish as much as they did, they could lay eggs and have children and technically speaking female vermillion birds were slightly more talented than male vermillion birds.

However male vermillion birds had also slightly higher battle power, but this would be overshadowed by the cultivation difference between the sexes and most of the females would look on the males due to this, so even if the male won in a battle with a female they would still rub it in his face that they could just break through quicker and beat him later until he wouldn't find his beak anymore.

Yun Jhin kept his body low to the point that he almost fused with the ground while fully employing all of his regenerated ki to keep his stealth up, he just hoped these people would leave soon so he could continue with his recovery.

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