My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 114

Chapter 114: Puzzled Battle Regiment

A battle regiment of 50 female Emperors was currently running around in circles trying to find where Yun Jhin was, they were frustrated considering Yun Jhin left some ways for him to be tracked so he could mess with them before he suddenly cut them making them walk into circles or having to search randomly afterward.

The battle regiment was made of mostly elites at the middle stages of the Emperor Realm and but that didn't mean they were adepts at tracking, their battle power was strong that was all, it seemed Prince Hanzen really didn't want Qinghe back as he assigned them a tracking mission without a proper tracking unit.

The captain of the battle regiment was fully covered in armor that made her face unseeable, however, her body structure and voice made it sure that she was female. She was currently in a city trying to interrogate the citizens to find out if anyone saw Yun Jhin or Qinghe, but it seemed there was no luck for them as no one saw them at all, the captain grumbled under her breath, they couldn't leave the planet as the launching pad formation was blocked, how could they hide so well?

She tried more than a few cities and even tried some remote villages but she couldn't find anything, then suddenly she got an idea:

"Maybe they are going to hide into these godforsaken male-only villages..."

The captain took her unit as she quickly flew out of the current city they were in towards the villages, however, when she came there and saw how no villages were remaining in all of the locations she knew she immediately became both puzzled and vigilant as she reported to the prince:

"Your highness, something strange is going on, all of the banished male villages have been razed to the ground and nothing remained!"

The lazy voice of the prince came out of the communication stone:

"Whatever, if you don't find them in a few days just come back and entertain me some more, I'm quite bored without you, the others are quite good at their jobs, but you lot are especially good at what you are doing."

The captain blushed under her helmet but continued with a strict tone:

"Sir, should I report this to the Empress?"

The lazy voice said before closing the connection:

"Sure do whatever you want, I don't care."

It seemed Prince Hanzen was the ultimate form of a hedonistic silk pants young master.

The captain of the unit then contacted the Empress, she waited a bit before the communication stone turned a deep red fiery color and the majestic voice of the Empress could be heard coming from it:

"Why have you contacted me? Shouldn't have you contacted Prince Hanzen, you came with any important news that my ears have to hear?"

Even though she wasn't present the Empress was giving out a certain pressure with her voice alone, The captain immediately told her about what she saw and the Empress frowned as she thought:

"Killing the banished males? Who would do that and why?"

"This has never happened before, I think I will need them to investigate this."

"You go ahead and investigate what happened at the banished male villages, then you can go back and track Zhao Yun and Zhao Qinghe, do you understand?"

The captain gave out a respectful yes and then the Empress closed the connection, now having orders the captain immediately went to investigate what happened but considering Yun Jhin's capabilities of destroying all evidence it seemed that the Emperor unit didn't have much luck in finding anything incriminatory or a hint or where the criminal must have gone to next.

This gave the captain a massive headache, she was the one responsible if she failed this investigation, things wouldn't have been bad if she didn't report to the Empress but considering things were already done all she could do was grith her teeth and do whatever she could do find the culprit.

For starters, she needed to learn what would the culprit get out of this, why would he kill males and raze their villages, what was his reasoning, this was the first thing she needed to do, but think as she may she never got any ideas of why someone would do this, there were no benefits to get from here!

Almost all cultivators were running for benefits and very few would do something that wouldn't benefit them, thus the captain's brain almost fried tried to think what kind of benefits would one get from razing a few villages of abandoned males, the males were totally useless!

Considering the current cultivation techniques that were employed on the phoenix planet she would never think that someone would use living beings as cultivation resources so she never got at that point of thinking only running circles in her thinking as well.

While the captain was frying her brains trying to understand Yun Jhin's motives, Yun Jhin was in another city trying to gather more phoenix males to absorb, considering news didn't move from city to city Yun Jhin easily gained another 1,000 lives before he moved cities again.

However, something happened that made the males in the next city quite vigilant to the point that he could only get around 200 lives, Yun Jhin frowned as he looked at Qinghe, her appeal was the same as always but men started to flock less to her, what happened?

Yun Jhin sent Qinghe out to gather some fresh information and waited in a restaurant for her to come back, he enjoyed some delicacies that were regular on the phoenix planet and waited for Qinghe's news.

It didn't take much at all for Qinghe to return with news, it seemed an Emperor battle regiment had sent out news that males were targeted and that a few banished males villages have been exterminated thus males all over the world should prioritize their safety, as well as that they shouldn't interact with any suspicious persons that they don't know, regardless if they were male or female.

Yun Jhin frowned but expected this to happen sooner or later, he knew that they must have been chasing after him and they found the villages after they thought that he would hide there with Qinghe, after a lot of thinking it was normal to guess that they would go to a place that no one would want to go. But considering the state of the villages, this gave the brigade another mission that they had to complete before they could catch Yun Jhin.

This was a bump into Yun Jhin's plans, he knew that there must be a formation connecting all of the populated cities on the planet meaning they all got the news, this wasn't a good thing for him at all, if he didn't go on a rampage and killed indiscriminately it might take him years to fulfill this quota and he didn't want to wait for more!

Any minute wasted was a minute he could be on the other planets and getting other jobs done!

This frustrated Yun Jhin, but he only ate his food calmly while also feeding Qinghe from time to time, they both looked like a lovey-dovey couple and some of the female patrons in the restaurant would nudge their males to get them to feed them as well just like Yun Jhin was doing.josei

Qinghe took a small piece of special warthog meat and put it in her mouth as she said:

"Let me feed you as well darling."

She slowly inched towards Yun Jhin and he accepted the meat as he gave her a passionate kiss at the same time. Qinghe giggled as she broke the kiss up and blushed. She was acting like an innocent school girl experiencing new things.

The other females realized that she must be at her first man and sighed, they used to act like that at first too but it started to get stale after a while, their feelings dried up and they moved to another man to feel the same, they were actually quite jealous of her.

One of them even got up and tried to woo Yun Jhin out of Qinghe's grasp, she was just petty like that wanting Qinghe to not feel the love she deserved.

However, Qinghe almost bashed her head in immediately and if she wasn't stopped by Yun Jhin at an opportune time that woman who tried to poach her man would be dead with a broken head.

The boss of the restaurant immediately kicked them out for violence and he also forgot to take payment for them due to that.

Yun Jhin decided to leave the city with Qinghe as there was no need for him to continue staying in it...

The Emperor Battle regiment slowly started to find that there were missing men in the cities that they went after, they found it to be strange as they continued their investigations, who would do this? Why?

The members of the regiment were even more puzzled compared to their captain as they looked at males as tools to be used, why should they even care if a few males died? They should just go and do their main job to find that Zhao Yun and that dumb Zhao Qinghe who couldn't accept their prince's love.

The captain of the regiment had finally found some clues after the second city where they found out that there are missing males, it seemed a female has seen that another female had talked with multiple males which some of them were ones that we're missing, that female then gave out the description of Qinghe to the captain and was let to go.

Finally having a clue the captain went rabid as she went ahead and decided to question everyone that she saw trying to find any leads towards this female that had connections with the disappearance of the males.

She finally reached the same restaurant that Yun Jhin ate at and questioned the boss, the boss immediately told her whatever she wanted to know seeing her outfit and realizing her special identity as being someone from the imperial side.

Afterward, the captain finally found out Yun Jhin's footsteps and decided to follow him thinking that he and Qinghe who were currently in disguises would have to do something with the disappeared males.

In a plain Yun Jhin was taking a rest as he was drinking some wine, Qinghe was currently resting her head on his shoulder, Yun Jhin looked to the side and sighed as he said:

"Come on out, I know you are hiding out there, might I ask why you have been following me and my fiancee?"

The captain frowned, her cultivation base was around the 5th stage of the Emperor realm and she was praised as one of the best concubines of the Prince so her strength wasn't low, how could the 2nd stage realm male see through her concealing abilities? This made her realize that he wasn't normal and she put her guard up.

She slowly approached Yun Jhin while she made some hand signs to her unit, they were already encircling him, Qinghe was seemingly sleeping in Yun Jhin's grasp as she didn't hear anything that was happening around them.

Yun Jhin looked at the captain of the brigade and asked her:

"Do you want something from me, miss?"

She slowly walked a little bit closer to Yun Jhin and asked:

"Yes, I want to know if you have any connections with the disappearances of almost fifteen thousand males and the destroying of a few villages where exiled males were supposed to be."

Yun Jhin looked at her in the eyes and said with a smile:

"I am."

The captain's eyes widened in surprise and puzzlement, why would he be so truthful with her, was he messing with her? A criminal would never tell the truth in this type of situation, he would try to either escape or attack, was he truly trying to mess with her? Was he right in the head?

"What would you get from killing so many males?"

Yun Jhin responded casually:

"I absorbed them to better my cultivation base and practice a certain technique."

The captain's eyes widened in surprise under her helmet, Yun Jhin just stood there with Qinghe sleeping on his shoulder like the sleeping beauty, nothing seemed to faze her.

The captain kept being on guard as she took out a sword from her spatial ring, she was ready to attack Yun Jhin, after all, he confessed to his crimes and his head would have to be presented to the Empress!

Yun Jhin smiled as she saw her approaching him and felt the encirclement of the other females getting tighter as he thought:

"Get as close as you want, I like how you didn't realize why I let you follow me here, it seems I have overestimated your intelligence."

The captain was ready to sever Yun Jhin's head when her eyes widened in horror and she looked down at the ground. She had fallen into his trap!

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