My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 116

Chapter 116: Do you want to start a revolution?

While the male death slaves were trying to find Yun Jhin, Yun Jhin was using the same tactic as before to gain more males, however, this time to not leave any problems behind he would conceal Qinghe under a special formation that made her visible only to the targeted persons.

Yun Jhin chuckled as more heads spun in the air then disappeared into dust, he knew that the prince must have sent another squad that was stronger than the previous female brigade after him, he wondered what kind of specialties they had and if they could find him while he didn't give them any hints.

He knew that their strength must be quite above the female brigade but he wasn't afraid, at most he would have to escape if they were too strong for him to handle and he was confident in the ability of his stealth technique.josei

The leader of the death squad was circling the cities that Yun Jhin visited trying to get his scent or something that could lead him to Yun Jhin, the leader was frustrated as he couldn't find anything that he could use to target Yun Jhin and catch him, were his tracking skills bad or were Yun Jhin's concealing skills exceptional?

The leader used the tracking ability of the whole team and combined they could only find a few clues to where Yun Jhin could go next, but they didn't find any more clues when they went to interrogate people, they tried different approaches but considering how ugly they were they only scared the people away, only the other rather courageous men would confront them and tell them they didn't know anything, and considering the ability of the death squad they could realize if someone was telling the truth or not. They realized that Yun Jhin was now hiding so well that they couldn't find him unless he would reveal himself to them.

Maybe if they could send a message to him that they wouldn't do anything to him if he was a male maybe he could reveal himself? It was worth a shot considering there wasn't anything they could do, but how could they send him a message without getting the attention of the capital and Prince Hanzen?

For that, they would need to first find someone that thought like them, a male that wanted revolution! Someone they could share their ideals with.

It didn't take them much to find such people, some of them broke through the brainwashing at lower cultivation bases and they hid themselves acting like they loved to act the way they are supposed to around females, but they hated it deep in their bones and wanted equality.

Using their telepathic abilities the death squad created a revolution society soon enough, up till now they weren't let out of the dungeons or let to be done anything at all as the planet was peaceful and no one offended Prince Hanzen to the point he had to rely on his death squad, but now that Yun Jhin came to muddy the waters, the death squad people finally got a way to awaken the fire of revolution in the hearts of the males!

The prince never thought that if he didn't look after them 24/7 he would be betrayed, he thought he had them under his thumb due to the fear of death, but they actually didn't fear death at all, they feared the fact that their death would be insignificant!

They came to the point that they didn't care if they lived or died because of the intense torture and hatred they had for females and the prince, they only wanted the other males to get to enjoy equality and never have to go through what they have gone through, they wanted to become martyrs to share their ideologies and push them forward!

Yun Jhin caught ahold of the news quite fast, it was especially easy for him considering he was a male, the other males would trust him and give him the information because he was looking reliable and trustable on the outside, Yun Jhin smirked to himself as he heard about the death squad that was supposed to be going after him doing such a thing and thought:

"So convenient, I should add fuel to the flames of revolution and while the others focus on this, I can fully go on a rampage and eat to my heart's content!"

Yun Jhin decided to reveal himself to the death squad, they met in a random city, Yun Jhin left Qinghe to wait for him in a nearby inn before he went ahead and talked with the leader of the death squad, the only thing that was relatively unharmed to the man was his eyes, the ruby-colored eyes looked into Yun Jhin's as he asked with a gruff voice:

"I admire you for what you have done, your name is Yun, right? I guess like all of the others you don't want to follow the naming sense of these women."

Yun Jhin chuckled and nodded to him he then asked:

"I heard about your revolution and I would certainly like to join in, you can even use me as an example to bolster the morale of the males, I will also make some showcases that would help our case, what do you think?"

The leader nodded at him, he scratched around his chest as he felt the collar around his neck getting hot, he chuckled sadly, maybe the prince got ahold of the news and his head would finally blow up and his body would get disintegrated, he wanted to jump backward and save Yun Jhin from this fate when suddenly he could feel the collar around his neck crack and disappear into pieces, Yun Jhin's outstretched arm was pointing towards the collar which was no longer existing.

The leader put his hands around his neck and immediately started to regenerate his face turning into a handsome middleaged man that gave out a regal aura.

He bowed his head to Yun Jhin and almost cried as he said:

"Thank you. thank you."

He suddenly realized that the others might be already dead and he hit the ground in frustration, Yun Jhin could have saved the others too but considering that the leader left the other so he and Yun Jhin could talk alone so he wouldn't be intimidated, there was nothing much he could do anymore at this point.

Yun Jhin comforted the man by putting a hand on his shoulder and helping him up while telling him:

"By your looks, I guess your teammates must be gone by now, they have done their best by sharing the news around all the planet, they will be known as martyrs who started this revolution for equality between genders!"

The man finally started to get ahold of himself as he nodded with a somber expression towards Yun Jhin, Yun Jhin decided that he needed some inside information about the palace so he made Ghin tell him whatever he knew.

Ghin was rather knowledgeable about the palace and the capital so he gave Yun Jhin the information he needed along with the coordinates of all of the formations.

Yun Jhin smiled inwardly, he wanted to use the anger of the males to cover the capital and make them unable to send out anyone when he could rampage around the planet and eat as much as he could.

After he gained all of the information he realized that the formation that was surrounding the capital could be breached but the one that surrounded the palace would be almost impossible to destroy because it was powered by the Empress.

Yun Jhin told him about the plan and how to break the formation and Ghin didn't know what to say, was Yun Jhin's plan reliable, what about his formation breaking ability? He didn't know Yun Jhin well so he wasn't sure if he was sending their newly formed troops to death or not. Capturing the capital would give them a sure win over most of the planet considering the strongest people were currently living in the capital.

However, they only had few male Sage Realm experts but the upside on this was that even though they weren't far in the sage realm they could take on female experts a few cultivation stages above theirs and more than one at a time to boot, males were considerably stronger than females even though they advanced slower.

Yun Jhin decided to showcase his ability in formations for a bit to convince him that he knew what he was talking about, seeing how he could easily control formations as if they were an extension of his body made Ghin think twice about what Yun Jhin said and decided that he was worth listening to, after all, he was the one who inspired this whole thing to happen, also if he didn't act at first they would still be in the dungeons chained and awaiting orders from that despicable prince.

Prince Hanzen was fuming, he realized that most of the death squad died beside Ghin!

He didn't know how that fool destroyed the formation that constricted his life but he was extremely furious!

He got the news that they were the ones who started this revolution and he knew that his mother wasn't able to interfere even if she wanted to if they didn't break through to the palace!

While his mother was a Peak God Realm expert, due to the injuries she got while she killed the last peak God Realm male expert with the other God Realm female experts who were now all dead she was confined to the palace and she couldn't leave it or exert any strength outside of it. He was the only one who knew this and the Sage Realm generals and those below thought that the males were currently courting death!

If they attacked the capital and realized that his mother couldn't attack and also couldn't leave the palace they could technically take over the planet and do whatever they wanted as long as they didn't touch the palace, this was a huge problem!

Prince Hanzen didn't know what to do when he was suddenly summoned by his mother.

He immediately fell to his knees and started to sweat extremely hard, inside the palace no one could afford to offend her but she couldn't even leave it or make it move, this could already be considered a pretty good outcome considering the strength of the peak god male phoenix who couldn't have fallen if he wasn't ganged upon by many female peak god realm experts.

The Empress suddenly shuddered and coughed a mouthful of blood, her beautiful countenance turned pale and a hidden injury appeared on her face as both of her pupils turned pure white and a burn scar appeared around her eyes, then they returned to normal, Hanzen started to shake deeply, this was the unhealable injury she had gotten from the dead phoenix male.

A cold voice could be heard coming from her:

"It seems your death squad wasn't that disciplined Hanzen, what should I do with you?"

Hanzen started kowtowing to the ground until his forehead bleed and his eyes almost fell out of their sockets as he kept them wide open in fear, he didn't want to close his eyes and then have the feeling that his head is separated from his body!

Seeing his pitiful actions the Empress shook her head, he was her son, after all, she couldn't truly kill him but it was his fault that everything happened if they found about her weakness the planet would fall back into the male's hands, and considering how they have been treated they wouldn't actually act with equality as they said, at least that's what she thought.

Prince Hanzen ket kowtowing until his mother stopped him and told him:

"You shall be the one that will defend the capital along with the rest of my generals, you have the number advantage and since you are also a male your battle power isn't that small, I shall bless you and ignite your pure bloodline to make you have a forceful breakthrough so you can help everyone."

Before he could say anything the Empress pressed her hand into his chest and it seemingly went through him as if he was a ghost, the hand grasped his heart as she infused it with her core energy that was compatible with his blood, after all, they were mother and son.

His heart started to beat so quickly it might have leaped out of his chest if it wasn't tightly held by his mother's hand.

His cultivation base started to forcefully increase from the Emperor Realm around the 5th stage to the Sage Realm at the same stage and it stopped around the 7th stage, his body was cracking and his bones made crunching sounds as they were changed at a speed they couldn't adapt to.

His mother was doing some hand seals with her free arm as green and red energy started to course through his whole body stabilizing the forceful breakthrough, his life span had been cut to 100 years and he couldn't make any further breakthroughs from now on, his bloodline was also burned up to the maximum and his current blood that was flowing through his veins was almost crystal, his blood vessels were almost bursting apart from the crystalline blood flowing slowly through them

The veins around his body started to pop as crystal blood started to be pumped out of him as he coughed up a hefty amount of crystals to the ground, his face started to turn paler and paler when his mother started to infuse her godly blood inside of him, forcefully healing him and cutting his current life span to 50 years while also healing him making him ready for battle.

She shook her head as he was still shivering, she threw him a special pill:

"Eat it and wait for the invasion outside the city walls, take all of the generals with you and power the formation that surrounds the city using your ki and blood *sigh* all of my efforts will be wasted if you fail."

Hanzen bowed and left while shaking like an epileptic.

Yun Jhin looked around all of the rebels and revolutionaries that have gathered due to him, Qinghe was now hidden in a safe place until he could finish his business with all of the female hating rebels around him, if they saw him with a woman they might not trust him thinking that he was a spy, fortunately, Ghin didn't know that he was traveling with Qinghe so they had no idea.

Yun Jhin eyes sparkled as he looked around and opened his mouth, it was time for a big speech before he would flare up the fire of rebellion on this planet, he was looking forward to it!

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