My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 122

Chapter 122: Breaking the formation and the morale

The red-haired ditzy girl ran along the walls as she approached the formation core which was guarded by 5 strong females at the peak of the Emperor Realm.

The red-haired girl frowned as she looked at the women that were protecting the formation, she wasn't sure if she was able to break through them and destroy the formation.

While this unknown woman was going through an internal struggle, Yun Jhin finally reached the walls of the capital, he had to dig through the hard reinforced ground to not get spotted and avoid formation links everywhere to reach the wall undetected, it took him almost 6 hours and he exhausted quite a bit of his ki.

Yun Jhin got out of the ground as he looked around, he had marked a blind spot on the wall and revealed himself there, he was now a young woman around 20 years old with black hair done into braids, he wore a black battle dress and military boots. His body also changed to resemble a female more but his chest was flat.

He easily got through the formation as he changed his ki aura to resemble a female, easily getting him access to the inside of the formation, he climbed the wall at a point that there were no patrols then blended in.

He slowly made his way around the walls, making it look like he was patrolling and making sure no males were attacking, from time to time he would look towards the important guarded locations trying to identify which one had the most important formation core which he had to destroy.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a ditzy red-haired girl patrolling around, from time to time her eyes would also wander towards a peculiar place, Yun Jhin realized that she was also scouting that specific formation core.

Yun Jhin found it strange but also interesting at the same time, he easily made it so he got to meet her at an opportune moment by bumping into her by accident when he did his usual patrols.

The red-haired girl almost fell from the wall because of the bump and Yun Jhin easily caught her and placed her right back on the wall, the red-haired girl shook her head as she scratched her hair awkwardly, this was the second time she was saved from falling to the ground.

Yun Jhin eyes moved to her crimson eyes as a telepathic message was sent:

"Who are you?"

The red-haired girls' eyes narrowed, she could feel that Yun Jhin was rather strange, suddenly she felt her head hurting, she glared at Yun Jhin and told him:

"Aren't you interesting? Being able to injure my soul so cleanly with one stroke, who am I? who are you?"

Yun Jhin chuckled as he inserted some of his original phoenix aurae into her senses, she immediately looked at Yun Jhin's eyes, she realized he was a male and possible rebel, Yun Jhin then asked her:josei

"You are also eyeing the formation cores, right? Do you want to join the rebellion?"

The woman snorted but she didn't deny it, it seemed there was something different about this woman, Yun Jhin couldn't actually properly see through her, there was something strange at her that reminded him of himself, maybe she was a reincarnated one!

The woman had the same feeling coming from Yun Jhin, generally, reincarnated ones could see through one another better, but due to Yun Jhin's huge amount of reincarnations the red-haired woman could barely see through Yun Jhin, he was still mostly covered in a layer of mystery to her.

The woman decided to not beat around the bush as she told Yun Jhin:

"Yes, I indeed wish to join the rebellion, I was always an advocate for gender equality but most of my friends laughed at me when I was spewing such things, now that the males finally grew a backbone I decided to join the resistance, I might even be the first female who did this."

Yun Jhin knew that she was spewing both truths and lies at the same time, he decided to believe her for some time, he needed her help to break through the guards and destroy the formation core, he alone could do it but there would be some complications.

Yun Jhin decided to let her into the plan and the woman immediately acted upon it after she heard it, it was a plan superior to hers. Yun Jhin face turned to a neutral stare as he looked at the woman slowly made her way towards the guards of the particular formation core. It seemed his instincts told him the truth, he gave her only half the plan and omitted some important things here and there, who knew if she was a spy planted by the Empress?

Fortunately, she was going according to the plan.

The woman made her way towards the guards and fell on her face in front of them, the female guards immediately went to her to see what happened, Yun Jhin slowly made his patrol towards the guards as well, seeing him approaching made the guards tense up for no reason.

Suddenly the guards felt something as they looked at the downed body of the red-haired woman, they felt that their breathing had been cut.

Yun Jhin made his way along with the guards as they fell to the ground like flies, they were all dead and quickly being absorbed by Yun Jhin's body.

The red-haired woman's eyes widened in both surprise and puzzlement as she looked at Yun Jhin's actions, she didn't understand what cultivation technique he was using, but then some memories hit her and she understood a bit, it was a demonic technique!

Yun Jhin ignored her as he entered the formation core and destroyed it swiftly, the formation started to weaken as Yun Jhin made some analyzes and then sent the information towards the attack teams, they were ready to break through the formation!

The formation started to slowly crack and break as the males approached the capital and attacked with all of their strongest attacks.

The red-haired woman followed Yun Jhin off the wall as they met with the peak sage realm experts, Ghin and the others.

The males were pretty surprised and also suspicious after they saw Yun Jhin come back with a woman, Yun Jhin then told them that she was trustable as she was the one who helped him to break the formation, he also sent them some telepathic messages saying that she was different and she wasn't what she looked to be on the surface.

The red-haired woman decided to introduce herself:

"My name is Bai Yun."

All of the males found it strange, Bai Yun was a male's name, was the woman not really a woman?

But from her vital energy which she wasn't hiding it was obvious she was a female, she also didn't seem to be packing any hidden weapons either, in this type of society there was no chance a parent would give a woman the name of a man as it would demean her, this was very strange.

Yun Jhin looked at Bai Yun if he was right she should have been a male in her previous life and wanted to keep her initial name, he usually did the same most of the time unless he really had to change his name for certain actions or plans, his name didn't have any meaning to him but he felt familiar with it and didn't want to change it for no reason.

The war started again as the Emperor realm experts from both sides started to fight, prince Hanzen immediately appeared the moment the barrier broke and saw Yun Jhin and Bai Yun disappearing in the horde of males.

He shook his head, he made an appearance too late, but who would guess they had a mole and an infiltrator at the same time?

The Empress decided to take action as she took control of all of the females on the battlefield, this included the red-haired woman, but suddenly dark and fiery energy exploded from her as the Empress's shouts could be heard from the palace:


Yun Jhin saw how Bai Yun destroyed the control technique that was cast upon him, from his understanding this woman should be the former top god realm expert of the males.

The other males were looking at Bai Yun with strange gazes but considering she didn't do anything to them and she still seemed friendly they decided to trust her for this once as she broke through the control of the Empress.

Yun Jhin looked at the battlefield, the males had learned their lesson and avoided the women who were self-destructing, however, it was not truly possible to avoid all of them, while the destruction ensued on the battlefield Prince Hanzen made his way towards the leaders of the rebellion, he looked at the peak sage realm experts and Yun Jhin before he fell to his knees and said:

"I surrender!"

Yun Jhin motioned for the peak sage realm expert to go closer to him, when he did Prince Hanzen eyes glazed over as he looked down at his body, his chest was pierced by a sharp pike from the peak sage realm expert, his life force was slowly disintegrating as he opened his mouth to say something only for his head to fall to the side and his eyes to remain wide open, however, before all of the energy in his body dissipated his lips turned upward in a small smile.

Yun Jhin approached his body as he shook his head and said:

"We couldn't make the mistake of believing him, what if he decided to self-destruct?"

All of the people with Yun Jhin nodded, seeing the child of the Empress surrendering then being executed destroyed the morale of the army, even brainwashed and controlled some of them started to fight back, the males that were too brainwashed also felt something was wrong with this here, why would the prince surrender?

As time passed the war continued but self-destructions started to disappear as the females broke through the control of the Empress and started to run away in all directions, fleeing for their lives!

Yun Jhin watched everything happen with an impassive expression on his face, he wasn't sure why but the peak sage realm experts women weren't attacking, they seemed to be pondering something atop the walls as they watched the fight go on, all of the sage experts were free so they started to massacre the Emperor women and brainwashed men.

The sage realm women finally made their way towards the battlefield and decided to surrender.

Yun Jhin frowned deeply seeing everything happen like this, this felt wrong, it was way too easy, what had the Empress done in 2 years of preparation for the final war?

Yun Jhin looked at Bai Yun from the corner of his eyes, she seemed to be as surprised as he was, what was wrong here?

A cough started to echo across the battlefield as a decrepit woman appeared in the skies, her face was starting to melt at high speeds as her skull became visible, the skull had a small crack across the forehead and her body was slowly becoming skeletal as well.

She looked in the direction of Yun Jhin and Bai Yun, her empty eye sockets were boring in their souls as she wanted to see through their secrets, Yun Jhin grunted as he coughed a mouthful of blood, and Bai Yun did the same.

It seemed the old crone was going to use her life for the final attack!

Yun Jhin frowned as he unraveled his strengthened defensive clothes, after he upgraded them with the fiery phoenix pool energy they could protect him from the dying peak god realm woman, her cultivation was actually regressing quickly after she left the palace and capital, it was around the 7th stage of the God Realm right now!

A sigh could be heard echoing in everyone's ears:

"It seemed I made a mistake back then and allowed this wretched person to come back... unfortunate, if that Zhao Yun was alone I might have been able to do something about him, but the combined destiny of the two working towards the same objective is too much for me to bear..."

Yun Jhin frowned as he activated the defensive power of his clothes while he activated the Emperor ki armor to surround his whole body.

Bai Yun activated her own defensive treasures as countless auras engulfed her as she activated her ki armor as well.

The Empress was only a clothed skeleton right now, her cultivation base dropped to the 2nd stage of the God Realm and the skeleton was slowly transforming into ashes.

The pressure on both of them was increasing continuously to the point that their bones started to crunch and crack, Yun Jhin fell to his knees as a breath filled with death and decay came from the Empress's skeleton while it slowly transformed into ashes.

The breath was going directly for Yun Jhin and Bai Yun!

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