My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 138

Chapter 138: Another evolution after a long time

Yun Jhin's body was going through different changes as it restored itself to his normal caterpillar form, a celestial caterpillar was one of the most blessed beings in the celestial realm, every being that had celestial in its name was someone that had the good fortune of heaven and earth in their bodies.

The 4 sacred beasts were once inhabitants of the celestial realm but they were banished to the mortal realm due to the actions of their ancestors, they rebelled against the will of the celestial Emperor so they were killed and their descendants were thrown away from the most peaceful and prosperous celestial realm.

Their downfall to the mortal realm was like minced meat being thrown to the sharks, at first they were able to defend themselves as they had strong bloodlines and high talents but as time passed the insidious humans made their way inside their planets and started to corrupt them. It didn't help them that they were split into two factions, the azure dragons and the phoenixes were one faction where the other was the tigers and tortoises.

Without being a whole they were slowly disbanded until they started to fight amongst themselves.

Yun Jhin realized that their bloodlines still retained the celestial energy from the realm above and he could feel it being strongly infused into his body with the help of the system, it altered his whole perception of the world and enhanced it for him to see through everything clearer!

The celestial realm could be called the strongest realm in the universe and it was also the closest to the edges of the universe.

Unlike hell which everyone could visit, the celestial realm was only open to those with a pure and righteous heart and the entrance to the realm was deeply hidden and protected by guardians at the middle stages of the God Realm or above.

Hell's entrance was randomly spawned but not protected, anyone could enter or leave if they wanted to, but surviving hell's adverse environment and the violent population was another thing.

Celestial energy was what made celestial caterpillar's so strong and talented, they were the beings that were the closest to the natural energy of the celestial realm, and due to that their power and bodies could be considered treasures that everyone would lust over.

Yun Jhin's small caterpillar form started to slowly turn a deep azure as a cocoon enveloped him and started to change his whole outer body, his soul was currently looking through the changes with rapt attention.

"The evolution is vastly different compared to the other times, so this is how a celestial caterpillar looks like in person..."

While Yun Jhin had access to an uncountable amount of information there were still things that he didn't know about, the celestial realm was closed so he had never been to it in person, he only knew of it from people that descended from the realm and he had been lucky to absorb, but that knowledge didn't contain much if any information about the celestial caterpillar, or he might have just forgotten about it due to the leak of information when he just came to the world and had to heal his soul.

As he looked through the transformations more knowledge about the celestial caterpillar imprinted itself in Yun Jhin's brain, but he also realized that some parts of the knowledge were missing:

"I'm not a genuine celestial caterpillar... I guess this is why this evolution path is called artificial."

What Yun Jhin did was use the system to forcefully squeeze all of the remaining celestial energy from the bloodlines of 100,000 clansmen of the 4 celestial beasts, this way even though the beasts were lacking celestial energy in their bodies naturally, the number made up for the quantity, a celestial caterpillar was created by the universe in the most secret places of the celestial realm with the purest and highest amounts of every type of celestial energy.josei

It had talents in basically everything, elemental energy, space, time, life, and death, it was a perfect being just like most of the talented special beasts of the celestial realm, before being the 4 sacred beasts, they were also called the 4 celestial beasts but now that they were thrown to the mortal realm their status degraded and their power wasn't what it once was. This was also one of the reasons Yun Jhin needed 100,000 bodies.

The small being inside the cocoon started to breathe in and out like a heartbeat. His heart could be heard beating 4 times, one time for the azure dragon, one time for the immortal phoenix, one time for the white tiger, and lastly one time for the black tortoise.

The 4 heartbeats started to accelerate as Yun Jhin's bloodline was getting purified and ascended to a higher realm, from a measly normal caterpillar he was slowly going to become the highest rank of caterpillar that existed! Albeit he wouldn't be a true one as he was an artificial man-made being instead of one being created by the universe itself.

Yun Jhin could feel the fortunes of the universe slowly trying to approach him, but the moment they smelled his scent they immediately ran away realizing that he was one of the people that the universe hated the most!

Yun Jhin's soul was marked by the universe, after all, he killed a lot of its dear children as well as mocking it whenever he could. While the universe wasn't conscious of these things, Yun Jhin still got marked by the autonomous system that governed the universe and protected its balance.

Yun Jhin frowned as he watched the fortuned energy leaving him, he tried to grasp at least one strand of the golden energy but it left his body through his fingers, he gritted his teeth as he glared towards the ceiling of the inn and frowned, if he could have gathered the fortuned energy he might have been able to mutate the evolution and become a fortuned-celestial caterpillar combination!

He sighed as he continued to watch his body evolving, at this point he didn't have to do anything else besides watching as the process of evolution became autonomous and all he had to do was wait.

The evolution of the body was the slowest as the mind and soul were already strong enough, his small caterpillar body started to grow up to 1 meter in height and 50 centimeters in width and stopped around there.

A though azure carapace grew over his back and he also got some silky white wings that could hide inside some small invisible holes in his carapace.

He grew thousands of small legs for his body to support itself as two small beady eyes appeared where his head was supposed to be, the eyes were white in color and they looked rather cute.

A small smiling mouth also appeared around his eyes, his eyes were unblinking and always open as he had no eyelids even though they looked cute at first they would look creepy if you stared into them long enough.

As his evolution continued his whole body took on an azure color which signified his status as a celestial caterpillar, most celestial beings had azure blood flowing through their veins which showed itself through the color of their skin or hair, they were the darlings of the universe and the closest beings to fortuned ones in talent and luck, they were basically a race of super-soldiers with no untalented beings, well untalented compared to the mortal and hell realms.

As Yun Jhin's breathing stopped for half a second the changes in his body were finally finishing, his heart was now a deep azure color as his whole blood concentration and quality changed accordingly, he could feel his heart beating in his chest very rapidly until it accepted the full changes that happened to it.

The evolutionary process was a success!

Yun Jhin's consciousness woke itself up into the new body as he broke through the cocoon that was surrounding him and ate it afterward, then he opened up his spatial dimension and realized that the speed that he could open the dimension increased by around 60% faster!

He could also feel his cultivation base slowly starting to inch towards a breakthrough as his evolution finished, it seemed that if he concentrated good enough he could absorb energy from the celestial realm! And as his cultivation base grew the energy from the celestial realm could passively enter his body to increase his cultivation base!

The celestial caterpillar had it's own bloodline techniques but Yun Jhin could only find a few in his new inherited memories, there were just around 2 of them that pertained to cultivation, they were rather helpful as they had new insights that Yun Jhin didn't know of before, he only gained medium ranked cultivation techniques from the people that came from the celestial realm and these inherited memories were top-ranked cultivation techniques!

Yun Jhin then decided to train in them later as he felt the change of time surrounding him, in total it had been around 5 years since his evolution started!

He was surprised that his body wasn't found nor did anyone at the inn come to spy on him, he did say that he would enter a long cultivation state and that he didn't want to be disturbed to the owner of the inn, but that didn't mean the owner would surely accede to his request of not being disturbed, after all, the people on the neutral stars could be easily swayed by money.


Far away from where Yun Jhin currently was, a person with azure hair and deep green eyes was sitting cross-legged as he was reading from a jade bamboo slip, his hair was done in a ponytail and he wore a loose robe that showed his whole muscular and fit body, he had a small sword tied to his waist and his pure face was concentrated on the jade slip in front of him. His surroundings were quiet and the only sound that could be heard was the sound of a running waterfall.

After a while of reading he looked towards the sky and muttered:

"Oh, Yun Jhin, how could you ever escape my divination techniques... how have you done it? Were you lucky enough to come in contact with a cultivation technique or bloodline from the celestial realm?"

He shook his head as he looked to the side and saw the people that pursued Yun Jhin, the men kneeled in the back while the woman was kneeling closer to him:

"I'm sorry master, after a while, this Yun Jhin's aura just disappeared seemingly as if he didn't exist anymore! His escape with his spatial technique threw me off and after I found his trail again his aura fully disappeared as if he changed bodies or something!"

The young man shook his head as he put his hand over both of her eyes and azure energy entered them healing both of them:

"You have suffered, I should have told you about this technique as well but I forgot about it, It can't be helped, unlike him, I don't have much experience with reincarnation, I'm still waiting to unlock some of my older memories..."

The woman kept kneeling but the young man helped her up as he started to walk, as the area changed as he walked the surroundings could be now fully seen, they were in a well-illuminated cave and behind them was a golden waterfall, the illumination of the cave was seemingly controlled by the young man's gait as he walked the lights in the cave would flicker.

The men didn't dare to get up as they knew there was a special relationship between their master and the elf-woman.

Yuan Fang smiled at her as he asked:

"Are you ok now Xing'er?"

The woman nodded as an affectionate look appeared on her face when she looked into Yuan Fang's eyes, Yuan Fang kept smiling as he grasped the elf's hand gently then asked her with a neutral tone:

"Have you talked with your father about the nature spirits that he should give you as dowry?"

The woman nodded meekly as she blushed, they were supposed to marry soon and the dowry from her family would be a bunch of nature spirits, they were the best type of dowry that the elves could give, and somehow Yuan Fang didn't refuse them.

As they walked through the cave they left it while ignoring the men in the back as they remained kneeling.

They arrived at a beautiful place full of lush vegetation and exotic animals, in the back a colossal lush verdant tree could be seen, the tree had big green eyes and a small mouth that was curved downward as he looked at Yuan Fang and Xing'er.

Yuan Fang looked at the colossal tree and smiled at it which infuriated the tree even further, the ground started to shake as the anger of the tree affected the whole planet but suddenly its eyelids grew heavy as it slowly started to sleep, Xing'er looked to be quite scared of the colossal tree as she asked:

"Is it okay to anger the father tree for this?"

Yuan Fang gave her a reassuring smile and patted her head as he said:

"The nature spirits will be a big boost for our bodies and we need both body refinement and ki refinement simultaneously to reach the highest battle power available to us."

Yun Jhin would be extremely surprised if he saw what Yuan Fang was doing, this was something that he usually did when he pursued someone to get what he wanted.

Yuan Fang's smile turned a little bit strange as he kept glancing back towards the colossal tree, out of the corner of his eye he seemed to be glaring at it.

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