My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 140

Chapter 140: Changing realms

As Yun Jhin searched through his memories for any treasuries that he could rob, he realized that most of the ones he knew should have ransacked by the others by now, this was something that certainly happened considering the time gap between his knowledge and the actual times.

So he needed to find a different treasury of recently passed masters, but that meant they would either have very strong defenses on them, or there would be a strong competition around them.

Yun Jhin didn't like to bother with people in his current form, he was also interested to see what kind of bloodline ability would he get at the 9th stage of the Emperor realm, as the 9th stage strengthened the bloodline for quite a bit, and there was also a big chance for him to unlock an ability that he couldn't get through his missing ancestral memories.

He could try to buy spots on the popular planets' pools but his current form was quite eye-catching, there was also a high chance the owners of the planets would rather try to catch him than give him the energy he needed to breakthrough.

He could change his outer appearance a bit, but he was still a peculiar caterpillar. Beings like him would forever stand out as most beasts used their human form in human's society, he could go to a beast planet but their pools were rather poor and overused, beasts usually went ahead for immediate breakthroughs and strengthening so they didn't care about others, so they didn't let the pools regenerate their energies and they usually used immediately, nor would they sell the contents to outsiders.

He could continue using the passive celestial energy that came from above the stars but his body was starting to get used to this level of quality and he was sure that higher quality celestial energy would be found in the celestial realm, but entering it with his current capabilities was almost impossible! Even when he was a peak God Realm expert he had to threat carefully around that realm, what could he do to it with his measly abilities right now?

Yun Jhin sighed as he thought about his current capabilities, while he could be considered a very strong prodigy and he could even fight people around the 5th stage of the sage realm with his current prowess there were still a lot of people out there who could squeeze him to death.

Yun Jhin looked at the starry river that was surrounding him, he was taking a break on a static meteorite while thinking about what he should do, he was using his stealth technique to conceal himself while keeping a vigilant look for any outsiders.

"What should I do... I have achieved the evolution that I always wanted but now there are no resources for me to quickly breakthrough!"

This was a problem most rogue cultivators went through, the lack of resources for their cultivation!

Yun Jhin could try to join a sect but with his current appearance he would surely be diced and made into a pill or special corpse, most human sects in the mortal realm were two-faced even if they preached righteousness, the evil sects would do the same but they were just open about it, while the best organizations would look at him as if he was special food regardless of his actual strength, his body was like a tonic right now and whoever consumed him would gain a little bit of celestial bloodline which was something everyone from the mortal realm wanted to get their hands on.

Unfortunately, Yun Jhin didn't know he couldn't transform into a human form until he was in the sage realm or he would have postponed the evolution. He was now stuck between a rock and a hard place and he also didn't know what to do. He needed to find a backer!

But where he could find a backer in this big world where everyone looked out for themselves?

As Yun Jhin thought about it, he remembered about something or rather someplace that he always glossed over when he was uninterested in it, Hell!

Hell was the best place where he could gain cultivation resources and the hard environment in hell would also do well for his body refinement, the archdevils and demons didn't have proper organizations even though they were controlling all of the demons below them, they all lived in the 9th circle of hell and would never usually go down in the lower circles.

The best resources he could get were the demons and devils! They were highly nutritious and full of ki as they would eat each other and gain high amounts of destiny that would converge onto them and transform them from the inside, Hell was a special place just like the celestial realm, each was at a different axis plane compared to the other, they were two opposites that rejected each other naturally.

While The celestial realm was protected and hard to get into, Hell was free to roam if you were strong enough!

Well, there was also the fact that only devils were smart and insidious while demons were dumb but fierce, they each had a strange symbiosis between them that made Hell what it was, he wasn't sure if Hell changed at all since he last visited it but he knew the current location of the entrance!

As long as there weren't any strange changes like the archdevils and demons changing their locations from the 9th layer to the 1st layer he would be able to easily roam Hell and grow stronger with time, there were also lava pools that he could use to increase his cultivation base, unlike the mortal realm that was separated by the galaxy and there were numerous planets around that each had their own planetary pool, Hell was different, there were 9 layers of Hell that could be considered as big as a quarter of the universe each.

Hell's denizens lived like animals on the lower layers as they didn't have any intelligence, the more they ate each other the stronger they became and the more intelligence they acquired, however, that only applied to demons, devils were born with high intelligence and they were all about crafts and plots, they would occasionally make contacts with people from the mortal realm and devour their souls to grow stronger.

Yun Jhin decided to go to Hell to continue increasing his strength, unlike the mortal realm beings that looked strange would be easily overlooked in Hell where every demon had their relatively unique looks.

However, for that, he would need to go through whatever defenses Yuan Fang had left at the blood throne's sect territory, the entrance to hell was very deep inside the territory and he would need to be quick.

Yun Jhin started traveling towards the blood throne sect and arrived there a kit quicker compared to before due to his new body and special wings.

The moment he arrived Yuan Fang got notified of it, of course considering how paranoid he was at this point he could care less who entered the territory even if it was a big caterpillar or not, he actually found the caterpillar to be strange and suspicious so he immediately sent the team of males after it!

Yun Jhin could feel space around him slowly breaking as he entered stealth and started running towards the deeper territory of the sect's ruins.

The males couldn't see or feel Yun Jhin but they immediately started to run around trying to identify the last location of the strange caterpillar, since their master gave them this mission they couldn't fail it like the last one, who knew maybe the caterpillar was Yun Jhin's pet and they could use it to track him back to his hideout!

Yun Jhin could feel that they were randomly using their stealth breaking technique while looking for him but he wasn't scared of them anymore, at most they could be considered annoying at this point, he was able to run away from them when he was at the 5th stage of the Emperor realm and now that he was at the 8th stage combined with his new wings they were already eating his dirt.

The only reason he didn't want to search for treasuries in his territory was that it would take time for him to break formations and then gather the treasure, time in which the location he was in could be found and encircled which would give him some unnecessary trouble, Yun Jhin wasn't sure how Yuan Fang knew about who entered the territory or not unless he connected his soul with the main formation, which meant that he was now the lord of the sect's ruins.

As the lord of the ruins, he could see through anyone that entered the territory in which the ruins existed and he could send himself or someone he wished through a spatial tunnel that would connect to the owner when one becomes the lord of the formation, this way the owner could teleport to the headquarters whenever he wanted, most big shots had this type of ability tied to the formations that protected their headquarters so when the enemies would attack he would always be able to come back even if he left.

Yun Jhin frowned as he looked back at the people who were searching for him, the distance between them was getting so great that they started to become little dots in Yun Jhin's senses.

They really couldn't see him? Yun Jhin didn't know it but due to his carapace his stealth technique had increased by quite a lot, the way it reflected light with its azure complexion made his stealth technique evolve once again, combined with the things he stole from Hao Tian his stealth technique could be considered perfect at this point and it's only weakness would be the technique that Yuan Fang created.

As Yun Jhin went deeper into the territory he could see more and more buildings that were still up, some of them even looked only rather old but they weren't broken, he went even further than the main palace as he went to the edges of the territory.

While Yuan Fang could detect who entered and left the territory, due to the state the ruins were in and how old the formation was he couldn't detect Yun Jhin's actual location and he had to send people to search for him blindly, thus with his current stealth capabilities, there wasn't any need for him to fear them unless he stopped in a place for a rather long time.josei

Yun Jhin could feel the demonic energy of Hell start to seep out of the entrance as he got closer and closer to it, demonic energy was very corrupting to normal people who couldn't cultivate and it could transform them into demonic slaves, they weren't useful or anything, they could be considered residual infected trash that couldn't even be eaten.

Yun Jhin looked at the entrance to Hell, it was a dark door made out of wood, it was inscribed with runes and the runes made an image of two skulls clashing against each other, one of the skulls had two horns protruding from his head and the other had three eyes but they were both human-looking.

Yun Jhin analyzed the skulls for a little as he thought:

"Demons and devils are fighting each other now? It seems the ole demons finally got tired of being fooled by the devils after so much time. Whatever, this will be rather good for me."

Yun Jhin got closer to the entrance and he could feel the demonic energy trying to invade his body, he let it in as his constitution absorbed it without any problems as it strengthened him!

At this point as long as the energy was high quality enough, it didn't matter what kind of peculiarities it had in it, Yun Jhin could absorb it!

The door slowly opened wide as Yun Jhin got closer to it, it was seemingly inviting him to step into Hell.

Yun Jhin took another look behind him and seeing that the male team still couldn't find him he jumped into the entrance without a care in the world, while beasts and strange-looking creatures could hide in hell as long as they acted well enough, humans would be attacked on sight!

As long as a human would enter or someone who had a human-looking form that wasn't bathed in demonic or devilish energy, they would be attacked by everything that existed in Hell!

Yun Jhin could simulate both energies and he looked strange enough as he was, he could just change his outer color to red and no one would bat an eyelid at his looks.

The entrance behind him slowly started to close as he started to fall to Hell, this was just the start of a new journey for him, his journey started since his first reincarnation and this would be his last attempt because if he failed he would die forever!

This was his last journey to Godhood, and he would do it as a caterpillar!

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